To Blood and Stars
Where Worlds Collide
Welcome one and all to Blood and Stars! This is a revamp of an old thread of mine from almost a year ago now. This new thread is taking a whole new approach, hybridizing ideas I've gotten from several RPs I've participated in recently. Peachie #121220 has been one of my biggest inspirations, so credit where credit is due!
This is not your run of the mill warriors RP. The clan[s] involved here and the story to go with them are incredibly different. Please be sure to read every bit of info on this thread, it will cover almost every question you have.
This is a plot heavy RP, and I place a very high standard on well developed, thought out characters. There's a low character limit set to allow for more involvement in the plot as well as better development for each character through active RP. Furthermore, because of the level of information given and complexities of the RP I'm hoping to achieve, literacy level must be relatively high. If I have any misgivings based on your application form, I may ask for an RP sample. Please don't be offended by this, it's not meant out of malice or to insult you I simply want to be sure you'll fit in well here.
- All Lioden rules apply -
- An absolute minimum of 5 sentences is required per post -
- No excessive romance or gore, though this RP may get somewhat bloody here and there -
- Activity is expected! Try to post at least three times a week -
- Contact me through my discord [Razz #0188] if you're going on a hiatus -
- The character limit is two [2], this may increase later -
- No more than one [1] of your characters may have conflicting views to the clan -
- The previous rule applies to a Rogue Clanner too, so no Rogue Clanner + Turnclaw Idealist -
- Keep the drama in the RP! The player is NOT their character -
- Character Sheets should be posted on the Character Sheet Page only -
- Wait for me to accept your sheet[s] before RPing -
- Please post here before creating a character so that you will be notified of my accepting/denying -
Some special rules apply for combat! I will be rolling dice for the outcomes of any given battle. Characters will be assigned special boosts and hindrances based on age, build, location, and surprise. Based on these numbers I will be able to tell you roughly how the battle should end up, and the rest is up to you!
The reasons for these roles and positions will be elaborated on in the "Plot" section below. Please read thoroughly!
PineClan Ranks -
Chieftains -
The leaders of PineClan, a male and female mated pair. They honor the lineage of inheritance, and from their own litters they choose either a son or daughter with potential to groom for the position. They will then pick a promising kit of the other gender from an outside family to groom for the position as well. The Chieftain is the one who takes the most charge with things like organizing day to day patrol schedules, punishments, and hunting schedules. The Chieftess on the other hand works on the big picture. She is in charge of battle strategies, the naming of different ranks and giving full names etc, as well as communications relaying and keeping a mental map in her head of every clan cat. The tom is the face of their union, but the mollie is the controller behind it.
Guards -
The second in commands of PineClan. There are a total of four at any given time, typically two toms and two mollies. Each leader picks two close friends to be their trusted advisers. These cats are in charge of managing the lower level ranks, and keeping up the facade of patriotism for the Chieftains. They're like deputies, they give the actual orders watered down from what their Chief tells them. They also keep the peace directly, and administer most punishments making them simultaneously appreciated and hated.
Shamans -
The healers of PineClan. They care for the injured and the ill, deliver kittens and organize burials. They are both the bringers of life and the greeters of death. They orchestrate the Journey of Spirits for all new warriors, and provide Queens with the temporary tokens for their children until they can take their own journey. In short, they're both medical and spiritual instructors. This is a lifetime appointment with its very own oaths and prayers, and they will keep a close eye on potential kits to train for the position. They do also receive battle training, and most are rather good at it, though they don't often engage in it. It is a precaution to prevent unneeded deaths.
Warriors -
The main body of the clan consists of Warriors. These are not particularly educated cats, they've had the code imbued in them from a young age and that's all they know. Most are effective killers, both of prey and Rogue Clan intruders, and have little conscious around it. They've been numbed to the idea of killing being a serious matter- to them it's just duty. Going against these ideals is treason, and even if thoughts arise they almost always push them down for their and their family's safety. They hunt and fight for their clan, as well as helping with manual labor around the camp.
Queens -
The mothers of the clan. They will spend as short a time possible in the nursery giving birth and raising their kittens. They usually stay for between two and three moons, stopping their duties at a moon pregnant and finishing weaning their kittens at two moons after their birth. They then start back off slowly, hunting only until their kits are four moons old. At the time the kits become apprentices at six moons, a queen should have returned to her warrior duties completely.
Kits -
The youngest members of the clan, and their future. Kits are considered kittens until the age of four moons. Then the kittens become ‘Charges’, an intermediate phase in their lives where they stay under the watch of the elders. In the case that a kit is a plausible candidate for the Guard or Chieftain position, they will become a charge of the leaders. At six moons old, they become apprentices. Kits can often be found playing at battle and killing, though they're too harmless to do much. As Charges, they'll leave the camp from time to time to learn about the territory from a warrior (oftentimes accompanied by a Guard or their parents). During their time as a Charge, they will also learn a lot of the necessary info for becoming a warrior but with less danger involved. Things like the soft spots of a cat and simple battle theorem is on the learning curve for charges.
Apprentices -
Kittens become apprentices at the age of six moons. A warrior will be chosen based on their affinity with the kit as well as their abilities and proven worth to the clan. Through their time as apprentices, a -paw is expected to prove their abilities through several milestones in their development. The first step, a first battle, generally happens within their first moon of apprenticeship. They don't often fight in this battle, just watch from the sidelines and study techniques. The second step is the first one on one. This, generally happening between the second and third moon of apprenticeship, is a fight between the apprentice and another cat during a battle. More often than not, they'll be beaten back by the more experienced rogues but their mentors are there watching to rescue them when needed. The third step rarely happens before their fifth or sixth moon of training. It's the first kill of another cat. Most apprentices react to this predictably by being upset, but they quickly get over this fact because of the praise and excitement from the other clan members. By the time they earn their warrior name, they are expected to show proficiency in both hunting and battle, to have killed at least one rogue and to have severely injured another, and to have engaged in a minimum of six battles. It's rare for a warrior name to be awarded before the age of fifteen moons, and not unheard of to be earned as late as nineteen or twenty moons. The killing behavior is very positively reinforced by the entire clan, often earning them presents, cheering, and prestige amongst their peers.
Elders -
The wisdom of the clan. Elders are a rare breed in PineClan. Due to the confrontation heavy environment, it's extremely uncommon for a cat to survive long enough to retire into the elders den. They usually retire between the ages of sixty and seventy moons old, and live anywhere from ninety-six to a hundred and twenty moons old. As such, they're highly looked up to and become the stepping stone for kits turning into apprentices. They tell stories of great Warriors, imbue the code into the Charges, and teach them the best methods of killing and fighting from a verbal standpoint. For example, they are expected to cover the softest points on a cat (throat, belly, and eyes), and the simplest ideas behind battle strategies (if you're smaller than your opponent, go for fast short strikes or use your speed).
Turnclaw's Kin -
The family of a traitor. Few cats earn this title due to the brutality of the vetting process that will decide their fates. Turnclaw's Kin are anyone in the immediate family, a mate, children, or siblings and parents. Ostracized family are excluded from this process as there's no way they can be polluted by the Turnclaw. Kin who are adults will almost exclusively be killed as well, and buried without their Token. On the rare occasion that they're allowed to survive, their Token is taken from them and destroyed. If they're an apprentice or kit, they may be allowed to live but will never be allowed to take their Journey to earn a Token. They're not usually allowed an apprentice except on some very very rare circumstances, and then they're very closely watched. They're not allowed to patrol without a Guard accompanying them, though hunting is fine on their own. They endure constant abuse and discrimination, and are used as scapegoats for every situation. They're some of the only cats on which corporal punishment is allowed, and most are scarred and mostly silent in fear of punishment. They are expected to perform three times as well as everyone else and even then it's never enough for the higher ups. They're not allowed to sire or birth kits, and if they did they'd be considered Turnclaws themselves and killed. Turnclaw's Kin mostly die young from the stress and intensity of the schedules they're expected to uphold.
The Rogue Clan -
Commanders -
The leader of the entire Rogue Clan. They lead the battle from the outside, rarely leaving the camp and mostly just interpreting information ordering big idea plans. Leaves most of the work to the Lieutenant. Was originally Junebug until her untimely death only two moons into their plan. They are most commonly very charismatic and a bit manipulative, good public speakers and very intelligent. Lieutenants are chosen by them to do their bidding and their contact with the rest of the Rogue Clan is questionable at best. Have knowledge of starting fire.
Lieutenants -
The field Commander, second in command, and relay between group and Commander. They generally run with the clan on missions, recruitments and training sessions, but also work with the Commander on strategy and general goals that need completion. They're in charge of all high profile missions, including spy work and recruition of inside warriors but also work with the lower level warriors on general harassment maneuvers and dirty work like that. One of the few who can strike the flint to start the fires.
Herbalists -
The medicine workers of the clan. They take care of anything medical based, but they're also closely connected with StarClan and interpret omens and signs from them. They are considered the closest with their warrior ancestors and have the best communication with them, though any high ranking cat could commune with them. They're spiritual guides and take care of preparing bodies for burning and caring for all those who are injured, which is unfortunately common. They also deliver kits, and have a very basic understanding of how to hunt and fight. There are several of these cats at a time, and they work with many apprentices to teach them basic field first aid. They can light fires, as with the other higher ups.
Elders -
All those who wish to join but are too old to fight, or have been too badly injured to fight. They can be old or simply crippled, but they don't turn away anyone, especially not the old or injured. When a cat can no longer work, they retire to this den and are taken care of until their deaths. They tell stories and entertain kits, and are generally given duties that have to do with babysitting to help manage allowing queens and other warriors to be freed up for important work. When kits are orphaned, it is the elders who care for them in almost all the capacity they can, and abandoned or orphaned kits can often be found sleeping in nests with the kinder of the elders. There are very few elders who do not find joy in the young lives they help shape.
Queens and Kits -
Any mother pregnant or with kittens below the age of six moons. They stay in the nursery for at least seven moons, though many begin to engage in their duties again before that limit. Their job is to raise as many kits as possible into adulthood. Kittens are any cat under the age of six moons old. It is not uncommon to find queens who are particularly dedicated to motherhood over warfare raising multiple litters at the same time, having gotten pregnant again almost as soon as their kits were weaned. These age gaps are generally three or four moons wide, but kits will often be present when their own siblings are born. Abandoned or orphaned kits too little to be weaned will be nursed by any other queen in the nursery, but if they are older they most often attach to the elders instead.
Trainees -
Any young cat older than six moons old is considered a trainee. They spend roughly six to ten moons training, in which time they must prove proficiency in hunting and battle. The most competitive Trainees are selected by the Lieutenant to train under Senior Warriors and occasionally the Lieutenant their self to learn the more intricate aspects of their battle strategies such as harassment techniques and advanced tree climbing for spy expeditions. They do not train under one specific mentor, though most will choose a warrior that they spend the most time training under once they’re a bit older.
Seasoned Warriors -
The warriors who lead smaller missions and accompany the Lieutenant on higher profile missions. They go through a longer training process and are trained under other Seasoned Warriors. Most spend at least a few moons working with the other Warriors before they join the official ranks of Seasoned Warriors. They work under the Seasoned Warriors guidance until they're able to comfortably say they are able to handle it alone. It's an intense and dangerous job but important to their mission. Seasoned Warriors are often given different parts of management in the Rogue Clan to their own specific strengths. One will be in charge of defense of the tunnels, one in charge of delegating tasks and managing warriors, one in charge of managing training and oversight of apprentices, and another in charge of 'mapping' the territories. These tasks can be switched and shared if one cat is no longer satisfied or requires a different duty. Only the most trusted and loyal will receive the knowledge of fire.
Warriors -
Consisting of most of the member base, the Warriors are the support system of the entire clan. The majority of them spend their time hunting to sustain everyone else, but they also work on a rotating schedule to join Senior Warriors on harassment expeditions and other small tricks to mess with PineClan. They also do work around camp to keep all their defenses up and the dens safe, and gather items for funeral pyres.
your clan to your dying breath
your superiors without pause
your superiors to do the best for the clan
These are the morales to which PineClan has been raised to follow. To serve is an honor, one must do whatever they can to help the clan, from the time they are apprenticed to the time they die. To obey is to serve, and when an order is issued it should be executed before it is finished being spoken. To trust is to obey, and the Chief and the Chieftess always know best.
To most, this is what they trust in to the utmost power. They follow like sheep, there is no right and wrong in their minds. Morality has been wiped off the board by these three commandments. To kill is their greatest honor, as it is protecting their clan and thusly themselves and their families.
And yet, some are beginning to question the morals of the clan. Losing almost a warrior a week, the clan numbers are dwindling. With no gods or spirits to look up to, faith is failing and morale is shrinking. The cats know their place, they do not speak these opinions, but as time goes on, more and more cats are beginning to wonder.
Those in power will not listen, and their underlings are too afraid to fight.
It is your job to determine the fate of PineClan.
Will their fate be written in blood, or in the stars?
For all of known history, PineClan has existed. Their beliefs remained the same for generations. Using the customs given to them by their ancestors, the PineClanners buried the dead, believed in an afterlife which they believed lived in the night sky called StarClan, and had a single leader with one deputy at a time. Then came the time of Shatteredstar.
Shatteredclaw was an ambitious warrior from the start, and quickly made his way to the rank of a deputy. Within a few moons, their elderly leader died, and Shatteredclaw rose to power. Instead of appointing a deputy, he declared that his mate, Emberlight, would not just be a deputy as most had expected, but that she would be a full leader beside him. When they went to the place that they used to commune with StarClan, and tried to gain their nine lives, their ancestors told them that their corruption had spread too far and that neither one would be blessed with the extra lives.
Furious, Shatteredclaw named himself Shatteredstar and named Emberlight a leader, Emberstar. When they returned to the clan, they appointed not one deputy, but four 'Guards', close friends who they knew they could trust. Then they declared that StarClan had abandoned them, that they would be abandoning them in return. StarClan was no longer their truth, it was not their religion or their beliefs. Anyone who spoke against them would be killed.
That night, a group of cats led by the clan's Seer left. Shatteredstar forbade the remaining clan cats to follow them, and furthermore banned any discussion of the cats who had left or StarClan at all. They replaced these stories with ones of their own creation, and what resistance there was faded with time. Within ten generations, this was completed washed out of memory.
Today, PineClan cats know Shatteredstar and Emberstar to be the first Chieftain and Chieftess, very important and honorable cats who brought PineClan to their roots when the horrors of life had shaken them. They are heroes, not villains. They are to be looked up to, not down upon.
The cats who fled the oppression of the pretender Shatteredstar and his mate Emberstar went hundreds of miles away, and formed a clan which they called FallenClan. Things were peaceful there for a very long time, and things returned to normal. They worshipped StarClan in peace, and maintained their faith through the normal ranking system. For generations they were able to reroot themselves somewhere safe.
Their lives would be fractured one more time when their deputy, Swiftstep, was chosen to take the oath and become a leader. Swiftstep, by all accounts, was a brilliant deputy and should have made a brilliant leader, but when the time came... she refused her lives, and refused her name. Swiftstar was never to be.
Swiftstep announced to FallenClan that she would be giving up her warrior name, at least until the time that she and whoever chose to follow her could save PineClan from the tyranny which had overtaken it, and returned StarClan to their homelands. There was public outrage, but Swiftstep did not yield in her convictions, and that night, she left with a small band of incredibly loyal warriors. She abandoned her name, assuming a new moniker, "Junebug".
When Junebug returned to her homeland, StarClan came with her. They helped her to reach out to all the rogues in the surrounding areas, recruiting new warriors to her side. With their help, she established a camp in the extensive tunnel systems below the ground around PineClan territory, and as time progressed, she began to amass real power. It was then that they gave her knowledge of something very sacred, explaining to her that there was a better way to return souls to the stars.
The knowledge of fire.
Junebug began to lead raids on PineClan cats, appointing the tom named Tristain to be her Lieutenant, or deputy. She was incredibly involved in everything the clan did, participating in each and every attack they made, learning and studying, developing better ways to harry and annoy the PineClan cats.
She was killed only two moons after they were established there, by the Guard named Poppywing, in defense of one of the group's Trainees.
It was around this time that the law known as the "Turnclaw's Code" was instated, and the feud for PineClan began.
Now is countless moons later. The Rogue Clan is being run by a cat known as Juno, and PineClan is under the command of Timberstar and [Chieftess]. Their battle for power is coming to a head, and it is anyone's game.
Special Information
The Rogue Clan is a band of outsiders. They take in all who need it, be they former loners or rogues, or PineClan Turnclaws who have escaped the deadly claws of the clan. There are some special rules that apply to cats in this clan.
First and foremost, only Turnclaws rescued from PineClan keep their warrior names and there's very very few of these cats. Most use normal names like Juno, or Rick.
Rogue Clan cats can climb trees very well, and they use this to their advantage in battle and hunting
Rogue Clan cats live in the tunnel systems outside of PineClan territory and can dig very well.
Only the Commander, Lieutenant, Healer, and on rare occasions a Seasoned Warrior have knowledge of how to make and control fire, though all Rogue Clan cats know to respect it's force.
Rogue Clan casualties are much higher than PineClan's. This is because they are expected not to kill PineClan cats unless strictly necessary, and the opposite is true for the clan cats.
Keep these facts in mind when creating a cat that's a part of the Rogue Clan. It's much more likely that a cat in this clan will sustain damage or death.
PineClan cats have some different beliefs than the typical StarClan line that the Rogue Clan believes in. These are outlined below:
The Afterlife: When a cat of PineClan dies, their spirit travels to the spirit realm. There are no ranks in this realm, no duties, no fear, no hate. A cat can never leave the afterlife, and they cannot interact with the material world after death. However, they will be reunited with their loved ones when they too take their journey to the spirit realm. If a family member of theirs has lost their spirit token or had it destroyed, they will never rejoin those in the afterlife. Cats will be led into the spirit realm by their spirit guide, and without a guide they are cursed to forever wander the ethereal plane, seeking the realm in which their spirit was meant to rest.
Burial: Burial is the only method of body disposal that allows a cat to reach the afterlife. They are to be buried alongside their spirit token, a favorite type of prey, and a plant that represents their spirit. A cat that has in any way violated the laws of PineClan shall not be buried, but rather cut open and left in the fields that surround the forest for the carrion birds to eat. This is yet another way in which a cat will be denied access to the spirit realm and the afterlife. Their spirit tokens are most often taken away from them before they are left to rot as well.
Spirit Guides: When a cat is born, they are given an item that chosen by the shaman. These items are almost always from an animal, a prey item most commonly but sometimes neutral animals or predators. Most common are feathers and tails, but the odd shell or bone isn't unheard of. Kittens are given basically a ‘holder token’, a token not of their choosing that will lead them into the afterlife if they are to die before choosing their guide. The tokens are always from the spirit guide of a cat's choosing except in the aforementioned case- the animal they take it from is who will guide them through the inky black and into the spirit realm. When a cat has received their warrior name, they take an expedition out to claim their own spirit token, spending anywhere between a few hours and a few days hunting for the perfect guide. They extract their tokens (most often by killing the animal), and they will see them again in the afterlife. A cat's guide is very telling about the one who chose it and their personality.
Spirit Tokens: A cat will be almost inseparable from their token after they have chosen it. Most find an effective way to wear it on their bodies, such as being woven into their fur or tucked behind an ear. Some use animal sinew to create strings to wear their token on, like necklaces or bracelets. During battles, so as not to lose their path to the afterlife, cats will sometimes stash their token in a place of safekeeping, a place where only their significant others or very close friends would know. More trusting cats or those without an S/O will leave it carefully stashed in their nest to be reclaimed upon their return or to be collected for their burial. A spirit token is the mark of a cat of PineClan, the most prized possession of any warrior. A cat who does not have their token upon burial will be forever lost, unable to find the spirit realm and left to wander the endless inky abyss forever more.
PineClan territory is a vast evergreen forest, consisting primarily of pine trees. Full of life, the forest is by far the best ecosystem in the neighboring areas, most of which consists of coverless grassland. PineClan is a elevated a few hundred feet above the surrounding areas, which is part of why their evergreens grow so thickly.
Around the territory, small meadows can be found. There are roughly three of these meadows, spaced rather evenly in a triangle around the camp. These are used for training, the soil softer and springier than the outside forest detritus. The grass is minimal despite being more open.
There are very hazy borders around PineClan territory. This leads to patrols that last from a rather short period of time, to rather long ones. Certain patrols, particularly ones led by Guards, will spend more than half the day reaching the farthest edges of the treeline, and sometimes further.
Their inner camp is the center of the territory. The Chief and Chieftess have a single den, nesting in a hollow below the roots of an exceptionally large pine tree near the center of camp. They also use one of the lower branches of this to give announcements that require their presence. During announcements, the guards sit around the base of the tree, blocking the entrance to the Chief and Chieftess’ den. Around the main tree, there is a thick wall of ferns and tangled berry bushes. These act as both dens for all of the other cats, but as defenses in the case of attack. The medicine cat’s den is the second most protected, going into the bushes up against the base of another pine tree. It’s slightly burrowed into the ground, where the nests rest, but the herbs are stored in small shelves on the trunk of the tree. Guards sleep in the very center of the Warrior’s Den, surrounded by the rest of their clan. The Warrior’s Den is next to the Apprentice’s Den, which is smaller in size, which is in turn next to the Nursery. The Nursery is large, and the surrounded by the most ferns. That helps keep it warm through the winter. The Medicine Den comes next, and then the Elder’s Den, which is also ringed by ferns, before looping back to the Warrior’s Den.
The Turnclaw Code - When a cat of PineClan is discovered to be a Turnclaw, there is a very specific protocol that must be followed. They must be apprehended, first and foremost, captured and brought before the leader. Then, the clan is to close a circle around them so that they may not escape. Their family is to be placed under immediate guard and held in different dens so that they cannot see or hear the proceedings. The Turnclaw will have his or her charges read aloud, and given the chance to refute or deny them. Obviously this will be ignored. They will then be sentenced to death. This death is to be fought by the Chief first and foremost. He will battle them inside of the circle, if any cat tries to run they will be caught in the ring. This battle is to the death. On the off chance that the Turnclaw kills the Chief, the guards then take turns going at them in groups of two. If on some miracle, all four of the guards are killed, then the Chieftess takes control and tries to finish the job. If this is somehow incompleted, the rest of the clan is to kill the Turnclaw and turn to their Shaman for guidance. The family of the Turnclaw are to be questioned very intensely for days. They will be battered and attacked, food and water withheld, sleep denied, and constantly mentally abused. If at the end of a three day period they can be judged innocent they will be allowed to return to the clan in the rank of a Turnclaw’s Kin. Many will kill themselves or falsely confess to avoid that rank.
The Warrior Code - A Rogue Clan Code only
You must defend your clan, even if it means losing your life. You must have loyalty to them and them alone.
Prey is killed only to be eaten, their lives are a gift from StarClan and shall not be taken lightly.
Kits must be at least six moons old to earn their apprentice names and begin training
The Lieutenant will become the Commander after the last Commander dies. They must appoint a new Lieutenant as quickly as possible to prevent a loss in chain of command.
No warrior may neglect a cat in pain or danger, even if they are from a different clan. If they do not have a way of receiving help, it is a warrior’s duty to provide it.
The word of the Commander is the word of the code.
An honorable cat does not need to kill to win, unless necessary for self defense.
A warrior rejects a life outside of the code.
The Herbalist Code - A Rogue Clan Code only
An Herbalist may not fall in love or take a mate and bear or father kits. The whole clan are their children and their charges, they cannot have torn loyalties.
An Herbalist may only retire if their peers or apprentice are able to carry on without them.
Prophecies received should be kept between the Herbalists, their Commander, and StarClan, unless they are expressly told by StarClan or their Commander they may speak of it.
Please check the rank's availability BEFORE applying for it! For the sake of plot and moving pieces the way they need to be moved, I'm going to be playing only NPCs, but will have a larger group of characters because of it.
Chieftains - 2/2
Timberstar: Massive dark brown and grey hued tom with dark brown eyes, wolf tooth token pierced through left ear [Razz, NPC]
Briarstar: Tortoiseshell and white mollie with leaf green eyes and notched ears, magpie feather token woven in the fur behind her ear [Love the Shadows]
Guards - 2/4
Brokensnow: Average sized chimera cat with black, ginger, blue, and cream calico patches across a mostly white pelt marred by heavy scarring including a mostly missing ear and ¾ tail, one blue eye and one brown, dog teeth tokens pierced through her full ear, Briarstar's chosen [Razz, NPC]
Jaystep: Large dark blue and black tom with a white underbelly and dark blue eyes, steller's jay feather token tucked behind ear, Timberstar's chosen [Razz, NPC]
Adderbite: Heavily scarred chocolate brown tom with green eyes, adder skull necklace, Timberstar's Chosen [Vespertine]
Umbraclaw: Black Turkish Angora mollie with golden amber eyes and and owl talon necklace, Briarstar's Chosen [Katia]
Shaman - 1/1
Sunbird: Golden tabby mollie with a rather long tail and lithe stature as well as golden amber eyes, barn owl feather behind her ear with various herbs [LightQueen]
Warriors - Always Open
Willowshade: Cream and grey tabby mollie with long fur and icy blue eyes, rabbit paw token hidden, rabbit claws piercing ear [Peachie]
Duskfang: Long haired seal point ragdoll with blue eyes and pale blue-grey eyes, red tailed hawk feathers woven into neck fur and two talons pierced through both ears [Vespertine]
Smokemask: Grey tabby with a black tail tip and bright yellow eyes, hawk feather tied to his tail [Hurri]
Apprentices - Always Open
Cinderpaw: Large grey mollie with black tabby on her back and legs, a black tail, black legs, muzzle bridge, muzzle chin, and ears, and dark blue eyes, formerly apprenticed to the Turnclaw Ashblaze, now training under Brokensnow [Razz, NPC]
Frecklepaw: Cream and brown spotted tabby with white and heterochromatic eyes, one green and one blue, apprenticed to Umbraclaw [Love the Shadows]
Rainypaw: Light grey tabby mollie with teal blue eyes, apprenticed to Duskfang [Whiskerwings]
Queens and Kits - 1/2
Lavenderkit: Black smoke mollie with deep green eyes and a very tall, thin stature [the-grey-ace]
Falconkit: Long haired black and red calico tom with deep blue eyes, adoptive brother of Lavenderkit [LightQueen]
Elders - 1/2
Creekwhisker: Elderly blue sepia point mollie with dark blue eyes, blind, blue bird feather token worn behind ear [Razz, NPC]
Turnclaw's Kin - [Open only through RP circumstances, PM to discuss]
Frostheart: White and light brown longhaired mollie with heavy scarring and sky blue eyes, underweight and unkempt coat, former apprentice of Ashblaze [Peachie]
The Rogue Clan
Commander - 1/1
Shadowfang: Pitch black tom with dark brown almost black eyes, heavily scarred, hawk talon token stashed in den, NOT PineClan knowledge [Razz, NPC]
Lieutenant - 1/1
Juno: Black and white patched mollie with one blue eye and one missing eye, presumed to be the reincarnation of Junebug, scarred heavily, extremely good fighter and field commander, notorious in PineClan, common knowledge [Razz, NPC]
Herbalists - 0/2
Seasoned Warriors - 2/4
Rick: Dark brown and white tom with a white diamond on his neck and dark blue green eyes, son of Juno [Razz, NPC]
Eros: Dark brick red Abyssinian ticked tabby tom with yellow green eyes, son of Juno [Razz, NPC]
Warriors - Always Open
Wolf: Large, heavily scarred calico mollie with vibrant blue eyes, formerly PineClan's 'Wolfstorm' [Dez]
Nimbus: Pale classic seal lynx point mollie with faint white markings and crystal blue eyes, formerly PineClan's 'Cloudpaw' [Vespertine]
Trainees - Always Open
Queens and Kits - 0/2
Elders - 0/4
PineClan Roleplaying Board
Rogue Clan Roleplaying Board
Border Roleplaying Board