Posted by Random Rp idea

Axis (#4339)

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2019-01-22 16:21:37
Soo Basic the Name of the Rp would be December Magic, and its based off another one of my weird dream.

In a world where Magic is real Santa, enlisted the help of group of young folks to take up the reins of Christmas magic. This means anything from being his loyal reindeer, Dogs, Or Elves even. While some choose to live at the pole year round most only live there from December first through the early morning of the twenty-fifth. Each member of the North pole community including Santa himself are given a magical item that allows them to either become an Animal, an Elf, Or in Santas case the jolly old fat man himself. Once someone is chosen to be the barer of one of these items they under go training to control their new found power, and are sworn to keep the secret of the magic of Christmas until the time comes for them to pass on their power to the next generation...,Though, What would happen if Santa Reindeer got Kidnapped form a event? Would the man himself go find them or would he have his loyal 'canines' go find them?

Thoughts, Yes i know we're past Christmas here but its just an rp for question is would you join it

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