Posted by Medieval Rp on Discord with MAGIC

Cullen (#9794)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-24 10:18:54
I'm looking for a partner to do an idea I had. The rp will be based in Medieval times. I will only do MxF romantically, i do MATURE. I want someone that can run multiple characters, 2-3 mains, not counting side characters that make appearances occasionally. I do NOT want ONE LINERS! If you cannot manage to give me a DECENT response, do NOT contact me. If you want more info hit me up on Discord at Neph#1775 and tell me you saw this post on Lioden. I do NOT frequent Lioden so don't message me here asking for permission first to send a friend request through Discord, just do it and we can talk there where I'm more active.

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