Posted by Leopon and tigon first gens mutation globe

Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 13:39:06
Ok fairly simple... Lately i have been looking at the mutation globe seeing how many tigons and leopons we have... Of course right now asharkan shows how many first gen. Tigons there are... But theirs no daddy for first generation leopons... And the globe only shows all of them clumped together... I propose making first gens to be seperated from the rest on the board... This isn't a hassle but I think it gives a good ratio of how many first gens there are... update:Mainly for pricing on said pons... Please support! Even if it doesn't bother you!

Update this has been up since 2019😅 well I know it hasn't gotten to many looks. But here's why I think it's essential even more so now. It's less about pricing and more about the fact that we know how many 1st gen tigons their are, but we have no way to know how many first gen pons we have. See as of this update we have 276 tigon first gens. While we have no way of know how many first generation pons without a lot of searching, due to the fact some first gens have had a base change due to how hard they were to breed.

This suggestion has 97 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/02/23 @ 18:24:19 by Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

Rolling for Sept (#125490)

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Posted on
2019-05-09 18:21:19
You can see how many first gens there are if you look at the cubs of Xylax's king ^^

But first gen leopon would be nice :)

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Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

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Posted on
2019-05-21 23:59:51
Yeah I love that about him but still it woyld be nice to have it all in one place! But thanks for all the support guys! Even if its only 27 right now it means a lot!

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