Posted by Merilial's 1x1 Partner Search!

Merilial (#154030)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 14:00:46

Merilial's 1x1 Search

What I'm Looking For!
What am I looking for? Let's start with what I'm NOT into, yeah?
It's a no from me if...
1. You are underage. Even if there's no adult themes, I'm just not comfortable roleplaying with younglings.
2. You're looking for replies every day. I don't want frustration on either end, but I definitely can't promise replies on a daily basis.
3. You want to use a canon world/character(s).
4. You don't want to chat with/get to know your roleplay partner. We don't have to be best buds but I like roleplaying with someone I can chat with OOC.
5. You roleplay only in the first person.
6. You only want to do anthro or feral roleplays. Or very bland slice of life with no "twist."

See! Only 7 things, I promise I'm not that picky!
What I LOVE:
1. Getting to know you! I like chatting with roleplay partners.
2. Flexibility for both of us -- life gets busy, but as long as we give one another warning, everything is ship-shape.
3. I play any gender and sexuality, and I'm a sucker for offbeat romances.
4. I'd like to roleplay on Discord.

Post: long. A mess. Written on mobile. But also: finished. Please post below of you're interested!

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Edited on 11/02/19 @ 10:14:36 by Merilial (#154030)

Merilial (#154030)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 14:00:53
A few ideas...
These are old ideas I found on my computer. Pretty vague so hopefully we can work together and make them work for us! Feel free to share your ideas too.
1. Character A was a loyal servant to an ancient vampyre, a so-called omri: a human made immortal (or at least, an unnaturally long life) for feeding purposes. The practice of keeping omri has long been frowned upon in the Underdark, so when Character A's master dies they are lost, unable to return to human life but with a strong compulsion to serve vampiric kind. Character A meets Character B by chance -- and Character B, a newly-turned vampyre, is unwittingly the great-great-great leanbh (child) of Character A's deceased master. Character B, who is trying to be a morally upright modern vampire he suddenly finds themselves around now has a (potentially) unwanted servant who is a little out of touch with the modern world.
2. A dark fantasy about the unlikely romance between the satyr stalking the city parks and a lonely human. Animal impulses, ancient curses, and the desire to be understood may undo them.
3. The demon down the hall thought they'd been doing well living amongst humans undetected, until their neighbor in 515 knocks on their door and wants to cut a deal. Though the demon knows how, they've never made a deal with a human before: hilarity and mishaps ensue, and the paranoia on both sides that the attraction to one another may be due to dark magic is real.
Okay other plot ideas
4. The witch in the woods has an unexpected visitor: the mercenary hired to kill them. However, there's darker forces at work and both of them and up in a tangled political web spun by the Court magician
5. An arranged marriage falls about when Royal character falls in love with a mysterious figure who visits them at night. Who are they? Will the royal give up their luxurious life for adventure and love?
6. The kingdom of the [insert fantastical humanoid] has been reformed, and they're looking to strengthen politically via a marriage to their nextdoor neighbor's local single royal.
7. Greek/Roman mythology related pairings (ex. Medusa befriends solider sent to kill her) -- or any mythology! I love reading and learning about new ones.

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Edited on 09/02/19 @ 20:56:38 by Merilial (#154030)

Merilial (#154030)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 21:38:38
Still searching! Would love to get something up and running this weekend ❤️

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Aloy (#162572)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-09 21:09:53
I would love to do a role play with you. The ones that interest me the most are 5,6, and 7.

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Merilial (#154030)

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Posted on
2019-02-09 21:12:34
Messaging you! 😁

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Paradox (#163177)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-12 17:17:21
Seems fun! When it comes to the rules, they all work for me.

As for plots, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 all sound really fun actually. So honestly probably any of them are doable.

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