Posted by Explore extras

DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:25:40
Old post!

This suggestion has 76 supports and 31 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/02/22 @ 16:19:26 by DevilTwins (#13415)

-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:33:57
No support. Hybrids are meant to be rare, and even a small chance of getting a leopon cub for free and without any effort would be a game breaker. Breeding with a leopard in the wild wouldn't even give you a leopon, as a leopon is specifically a male leopard x female lion hybrid whereas the offspring of a male lion x female leopard is called a lipard. Plus, female leopards are much smaller than male lions so it would be extremely hard on the leopardess.

Edit: You can already get the Lipard cub as a décor as a rare chance

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 16:37:00 by -Zodiac- [CorruptSunset] (#11145)

DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:48:59
I know a Leopon is a male leopard with female lion, however I didn't think it'd work with a random message popping up in explore telling you a male leopard has tried it on with one of your girls, it'd interfere with breeding projects etc. That's why I said for your male lion to do it instead. The cub wouldn't have any heritage. So it being a Leopon wouldn't be an issue. Like I said it'd still be rare. Everyone's not going to suddenly start getting leopons and tigons. It wouldn't be without effort either, considering breeding with one does not guarantee a cub. You could go months to a year without getting one.
This is a game, it doesn't matter who is smaller or if it'd be hard on the lioness. This isn't real life, so it'd have no negative effects. Real life issues don't apply to a lion sim game that isn't even going by realism to begin with.
It could also bring more money in for the Lioden staff. Someone selling their cub and someone buying it brings in money to keep the site running.

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:51:24
What you just said is exactly why this isn't a good idea. Male Lion x female Leopard makes a Lipard, not a Leopon. Male Lion x female Tiger makes a Liger, not a Tigon. It isn't the same.
The issue is that this is a lion game. No lionesses in your pride will ever give birth to a Liger or Lipard, and we will not ever have tigers or leopards in our prides to do it.

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 16:57:36 by Elliott (#125883)

DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:01:34
Elliot, read what I wrote above your comment. Even in explore the Leopon cub you come across hints it's yours, yet no one is complaining or pointing that out. So how is that possible? Your playing as a male. It can't be yours.

Just thought it'd be nice to give everyone a small chance and getting something nice for a change rather then it solely sticking to people who don't have bills to pay and can spends hundreds of pounds/dollars on this game for one hybrid.

The way I see it, majority of the people that actually have an issue with this are people, who can spend all this money to get something and want to make even more money off of it. While the poorer people of Lioden just keep getting poorer. So they don't want someone who can get it from explore, and possibly taking away protential customers.
While others don't even want to make money off of them, and would rather just get their hands on one because they like the lineart.

I also never said that they'd add tigers or leopards into your den. And I did clearly state In my other post that mating with your lionesses wouldn't work. That's why I suggested the clear heritage.

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 17:05:21 by DevilTwins (#13415)

_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:04:46
You missed my whole point.

That isn't a Leopon cub. Leopon cubs are male leopard x female lion.
The implied-as-our-kid explore encounter is a Lipard cub: the product of male lion x female leopard.
It's not the same.
We can't have female leopards in our prides. It's a stretch to have them just "show up" in our pride.

Also, in no way would this help Lioden's economy. It would severely devalue mutations .

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 17:07:15 by Elliott (#125883)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:13:46
Sorry, no support.

I'm pretty sure I've seen them veto hybrids where the mother is anything other than a lion, because it doesn't make any sense with the premise of the game. Or at least it's been implied that they don't want to go down that road.

In any case, another valuable hybrid just from an explore encounter seems completely over the top to me. There was already the temporary tigon boost in explore, I really don't think we need another similar (permanent) feature for a whole new hybrid.

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DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:13:57
@Elliot; It wouldn't devalue mutations. If you read what I wrote, I said it could take months to even a year. Even then you might not even get one, it'd probably be even rarer to get in explore them it is to buy buff balls and breed one yourself.

I already said that I know what a Leopon is in my previous post to zodiac and I also explained Why Said to have them as leopons, tigons. One, the game already has the lineart, the Devs don't have to go all out creating new line arts and adding the markings and colour to them. And two, the lineart is all there in explore, some of the buttons are in place.

Does it say Leopon or lipard cub in explore? Sure it said Leopon, going to have to try and get it to pop up again.

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 17:14:34 by DevilTwins (#13415)

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:15:16
No support for reasons stated above.

The encounter in Explore is a Lipard cub- the encounter and Decor says so. It was added at the same time as an encounter where you could flirt with a female leopard, thus implying you could have mated with her.

We already had an entire month when anyone could get a first gen Tigon with the right luck- as a result, there are piles of first gen Tigons running around. Tthe very first one was born in a new player's den, as well as a good handful of others!

Free anything devalues the free item- usually by this point in the year, GMOs usually go for 30-ish GB. However, due to the Tigon hype encounters, they're still hovering at 20GB last I checked. The same abundance of first gens due to many users lucking out in the first month means the price of Tigons is plummeting faster than Pon prices dropped, and will drop even further when Tier 3 opens.

Also, I'll note that getting free mutations from Explore is already on the Rejected Suggestions list. Maybe they'll do another event like the Tigon hype encounters if/when another hybrid is released- but that won't be for a few more years at least by my bet.

If you want either of these muties, this month is the month to do it- people are literally selling Gons and Pons for HS, amounts which are easily attainable within the month with some exploring and flirting, or buying HS for GB pure. Come tier 3, there will be a flood of hybrid cubs up for sale that you can save up and buy like the rest of us do. <3

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DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:35:31
@Agryo; I suggested this idea for something extra fun and rewarding that you get from explore, something for people to look forward too. Something that even poorer Lioden players could possibly get their hands on. I'm the type of person that doesn't mind putting money into a game to support it, however the prices people sell their hybrids, mutations for, are over the top. I have no issues with people buying hybrids. Just thought it'd be a nice when encountering females in the wild instead of the same boring scenario.

You also proved my point in a post I mentioned earlier, when I said the people most effected by having this would be people who are wanting to profit from it. About the tigon situation, sounded like people weren't happy because they couldn't sell their lions for over the top prices.

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:59:57
That Tigon event was already an 'extra fun and rewarding thing from Explore'- and, again, it resulted in a lot of poorer players getting Tigons. And it was super fun! Finding the green button encounter, hoping your next litter was lucky. But it was specifically to get Tigons out there- I doubt it'll happen again anytime soon.

I'm not sure you're in a position to decide what an over-the-top price is- it's supply and demand, and with enough rarity and enough demand (~1100 Pons and ~200 Gons in game) of course the prices are high. Unlike, say, Foldies or Achromias, which go for 1-2GB at best, though I don't see any suggestions asking to get one of those for free from an encounter. If people are willing to pay those prices, and they are, then I dare say they're pretty fair.

I don't own a Tigon and personally don't want one, I'm just remarking that prices are going down so they're more accessible to other users far more quickly than expected because of this increased accessibility. You can't say 'this won't ruin the economy' then go 'well, the only people hurt would be those who want to make profit off of it'. Which is kinda what an economy is, last I checked.

Even the poorer users can make bank off this event- people are paying 1GB for every 10HS, and many users are earning 60-100+ a day; that's a lot of GB after a month, easily enough to buy a mid-aged Pon. Lioden is fun in that you don't need to contribute IRL money to earn a lot of GB. Just learn the market and bide your time and you'll have hundreds of GB easy, especially in February when you've practically got GB falling from the sky if you check in every few hours. Just play the game and you can easily earn enough to get whatever you're looking for, like all of us did.

I'ma unsubscribe, because this is on the permanently rejected suggestions list, so I don't think it'll go anywhere. GL getting a hybrid though <3

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 18:08:29
Also, your argument about "all people want is to make some big profit" is literally the point of capitalism, which is the economic system that the game models.

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DevilTwins (#13415)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 20:14:38
@agryo, I didn't suggest this for myself to get a hybrid. No where in my idea suggestion did I claim I wanted one. It was something I randomly thought up of and thought it'd be a nice thing for everyone to have Alittle extra fun with. By the statement that I made earlier, by being over the top in price. I've seen a tigon being sold for 500 gb, if I remember that correctly. That's enough to just barely cover rent if your lucky. That's what I meant by over the top.

@elliot, look I don't mind people making profit off of their lions. But the way this game goes, it completely shuts out poorer people from being able to obtain something. This is a game, it should be hard, fun and rewarding at the same time. Paying £5 to £10 worth of gbs for a lion is fine. But paying as much as £150+ is just insane and greedy.
I used to donate to this game in the past. I refuse to now, because everything is so over priced. I'd rather spend my money on LL, and my pets right now. i may eventually get back into donating to this game, but it's got to be something that's worth it. Like permanent features. Not these, so many gb for 1 use items that delete after death.

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-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 20:27:57
You don't have to use real life money to purchase GB in the game. Its an optional feature. But Xylax as already rejected the ability to get mutations from explore, as it takes away from the challenge of the game. The game would no longer be fun to play if everything was handed to you on a silver platter. Getting any type of mutation from explore would be a game-breaker, as I've said before.

You don't have to spend money at all on this game, and I haven't spent a single dime on this game. Many other people who have hybrids haven't spent any money on the game as well. It is rewarding because you have the struggle and the work put into breeding specifically for a hybrid or a specific base or mutation. It would also not be fair to suddenly let new players be able to get a hybrid for free from explore when older players had had to work hard to gain their hybrids.

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