Posted by Rules (A Mound Of muts clan)

Strang (#153558)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-09 11:58:49

This is an official clan thread for the A Mound Of Muts Clan!

Here are the rules:

~Weekly fee of 50sb is required. Don't donate it anonymously.~
~No arguing~
~Scamming is disallowed~
~Donations are welcome, currency as well as items~
~You will get BOOTED if you don't pay the weekly fee~
~We will have a weekly Rollcall anybody that doesn't respond in two days will be booted.
~ There is A joining fee of 100sb. If it's not paid with in a week of you joining you will be booted
~ If you have been booted you will not be accepted again for two weeks.
~There will be a quiz on this thread and there will be three passwords.
~Quiz and passwords will change weekly
~Place the reason for your fee as fee.
~Fee is required every Sunday
~Don't donate common Items to the hoard. Nesting material and breeding items are welcome.
~Once a month we will hold a raffle where we have a goodie bag of items from the hoard.
~once a Month we will open the hoard with a limit, for an hour.


Clan Papers

~rollcall thread
A Request A lion Thread
A Random Mut Thread
A Heat Sale Thread
Ad Thread
Stud Thread
~clan lions

Break any rules and you will be booted

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Edited on 03/08/19 @ 09:14:26 by Adam_The_Killer (#153558)

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