Posted by Primal Stud with Hyena Spot/Stripes

Daffy (#160250)

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Posted on
2019-02-09 15:07:56
Hello everyone I came here to advertise my king for studding!
This is an image of my king, his markings include
Henna Flow: 89%
Under Silky 1: 67%
White Tuxedo: 83%
Hyena Stripes Heavy Black: 100%
Hyena Spots Heavy White: 100%
Cream Flow: 42%

Each studding costs either 200SB or 2GB, I accept VLF lionesses though if it's lower than 10% you'll have to provide me with Black Stallions, if it takes more than 2 Energy bars to breed her then I'd like an extra 2GB or an Energy Boost, I might have other people I need to stud and I know how little time there is for a lioness to be in heat.
If you are not satisfied on how the cubs turn out then please send them to me, since I do enjoy my cubs! If your lioness produces a mutie then please let me know, I do like to keep track on the muties I have sired outside of my pride.
So if you want a chance at a Primal with hyena markings then just send me a studding request! I'll always accept so the only thing you'll have to worry about is the money lol!

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