Posted by Discord RP search

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 13:33:32
Or Skype, whichever. I have both.

I am looking for the following:

- Someone who is patient. Currently (until daylight savings time) I am 2 hours ahead of Lioden time. On my days off from work (Sunday - Wednesday) I am online pretty much all the time, with a few exceptions. I work Thursday - Saturday, the hours are the same (8am - 2pm Eastern, or 6am to 12pm Lioden time.)

- Who is willing to hear out my ideas. I will happily listen to yours as well, it's better if we work well together or at least help each other out with ideas. Who knows, we might hatch something that both of us really love and can happily RP with each other.

- A long term partner. I dislike when someone promises they'll be long term, then end up dropping me after a week or a month. I do understand if someone is gone for personal reasons, like work, school, vacations, family emergencies, etc. Or if someone is going to have a baby, I understand that as well. I just don't want to be left without a word.

- Someone willing to do MxM RPs. I absolutely dislike slow-burn RPs, I cannot and will not RP them. If it takes a real life year for characters to get out of the friendzone, and another year before marriage or a family, I'm not the person for you. I'm patient in RP to a point, but if it takes a really long time in real life for something to happen, no thank you.

I also prefer romance. I can do other stuff if needed, but I don't want a lot of doom and gloom, we're all going to croak type of RPs. And no zombies please.

- Someone who is open minded. I can explain further over PMs if desired. If say surrogacy or adoption is a plot line, please discuss it with me first. That is in the event of our characters saying they want to start a family.

I don't bite, at least not that hard. I also apologize if anything I say comes off as snarky or snappish. I am just sick and tired of being abandoned during RPs that I enjoy, some I will mention over PMs to avoid getting in trouble or having the thread locked for whatever reason.

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Blue (#152805)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 18:40:48
Hi! i'm really interested in roleplaying with you, if you would like to as well. I'm in the same time zone as you, and I was wondering what platform you rp on if you are interested?

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