Posted by Blue and Green Genetics Categories

Lady Argent
(Clean/StM) (#146403)

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Posted on
2019-02-14 16:42:33

With LD adding Moss Agate and potentially more green bases over time, I think it's time we really re-evaluate some of the bases we've put places. Specifically, I think it's time we take blues and greens out of the black and gold genetics group, and put them in their own groups. This would free space in particularly the black group for more silvery or monochrome bases, and prevent gold breeders from losing it with green fails they didn't want.

A lot of the blue bases I have suggested are under the cut at the end, for everyone's sanity!
Also, Note: Many of the green bases suggested in here are suggested by LittleAntler(#30151) and used with permission!

Blue Genetics
Currently my suggested categories are as follows:
Light: Glacial (Special), Pulsar (Special-Combo)
Medium: Cloudburst (Common-Combo), Arctic (Special), Aufeis (Special)
Dark: Elysian (Special-Combo), Ice (Special), Divine (Special), Monsoon (Special, LittleAntler), Rhodonite (Special,) Korat (Uncommon)
Light: Alice (Common, Below), Light Blue (Common, Below), Baby Blue (Common, Below)
Medium: Tufts (Common), Bondi (Common, Carolina (Common)
Dark: Teal (Common, Below), Cobalt (Common, Below), Denim (Common, Below), Nadir (Common-Combo), Interstellar (Special)
Green Genetics
Light: Acacia (Special, LittleAntler), Lotus (Special-Raffle?, LittleAntler)
Medium: Moss Agate (Special), Mossback (Common/Uncommon, LittleAntler)
Dark: Marshal (Rare, LittleAntler)
Light: Patina (Uncommon/Rare, LittleAntler)
Medium: Feast of April Fool's (Special)

Keep in Mind!: this will absolutely fill out with time, and if anyone owns suggestions they would like to see added to this list and sorted, please let me know and I'll add them! No new color group will be full fast, but I think this would help reduce clutter in the black category significantly, and help keep everyone relatively calm; if you can avoid green bases if you don't like them, because they're in a new category, that seems ideal, no? It would also open up the chance for more variety of blues/blue-purples to be added to the game!

Common Blue Genetics Suggestions

Light Blue
Baby Blue
Tufts Blue

This suggestion has 38 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 18:41:06 by Lady Argent (Clean/StM) (#146403)

LittleAntler (#30151)

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Posted on
2019-02-14 16:52:11
Giving my permission for the bases of mine listed to be used I wanted them to be included in this

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Lady Argent
(Clean/StM) (#146403)

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Posted on
2019-02-14 18:43:00
I've got 9 sample solid blue commons up under a spoiler and sorted into the proper shades! Should be 3 Light, Medium, and Dark up! Mockups are under the spoiler at the bottom, showing how we could have a really wide variety of blues!

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Emil Winter #GIMME
YOUR FROGS (#132970)

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Posted on
2019-07-11 22:25:33
I don't support because it would ruin a lot of peoples current breeding projects. Specially with the blues. I breed almost strictly blue, black, and gray bases and I would have to split my pride in half to deal with this.

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Culta (#176188)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-07-11 23:09:20
Well, any change will ruin breeding projects, though. But shoving all the blue and purple bases into black takes up room that actual black bases could hold, and they just...really don't fit? Pulsar is absolutely not in any way the same sort of color group as celestial, and trying to shove all these colors into the currently existing 4 groups seems like it's only going to make them harder and harder to properly distinguish. We shouldn't have to ask ourselves "does this purple-y base belong in red or black?" when purple doesn't really fit in either group.

Obviously I support, but I really do sympathize with the breeding project problem. As I'm sure Lady Argent does, as well. People put time and effort into those projects....but we're getting to a point where there's too many bases that just do not fit the colors anymore, and let's be real here. Gold base breeders have every right to throw a fit if the devs put any greens into the gold group, because that's not at all the color they're breeding for. And the more blue-spectrum bases we add to black, the more we devalue the meaning of a 'black' color group. If Pulsar is a black base, we have to really ask ourselves what the limit on 'black' as a group is. I don't see any better solutions that don't make black a truly [i]massive[/i] color group compared to the others, with a far too large catch-all nature that I certainly don't want in my own black breeding projects. I'd rather split my prides in half and breed for blue and black separately, than have black become that huge monster.

I'll admit it's rather late, so my apologies if this got a bit rambly. It's been a long day, but I wanted to get my two-cents in.

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