Posted by Looking for Roleplay!

SmokeyQuartz (#150524)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-02-18 16:20:13

I've just gotten back into this site and omg what a fun diversion I forgot how stress-relieving this game is. I thought I might try to rekindle my love of rp's here too.

First!!! A disclaimer!!!

I am 22; a whole-ass adult, if you will, and I just don't feel comfy roleplaying with minors (anyone younger than 18) anymore. Sorry, it's nothing personal!

Now, onto the good stuff!

I have an abundance of original characters, mostly human, elf, or equine, that were made for rp groups on deviantart. I was an avid roleplayer on deviantart, but in the past year or so I let most of my group characters stagnate. However, I would love to pick up some of my favorite babes again and write for them and find them some new connections. I also would be interested in taking one or more of my lions on here and rping them as well.

To give anyone familiar with deviantart an idea of the groups I was active in and the plots and themes I love, here is a quick list:
- Chevalin Wanderlust (the original)
- Starborn Alignment
- Tales of Wanderlust (the reboot/remaster of Chevalin)
- Arcem Alva

The fandoms I used to rp in most were:
- Dragon Age
- Skyrim

So, as you can probably tell, I love love love a good fantasy setting. However, I do not do fandom roleplays anymore. I highly prefer user-made settings and characters. I am also totally down to role play a modern scenario, with or without fantasy elements! If you have any humans, humanoid, or equine characters looking for an rp buddy I probably have one to match them up with! Settings can be generic or fleshed out by us a bit more beforehand or as we go.

Now, a quick and dirty list of common no-no's and a-go's that I look for and I'm sure others do as well:

- I am totally comfy playing as a male or female character.
- I will gladly write romance and smut as long as there's some kind of build up to it.
- I won't do a furry/anthro rp.
- I will not write for a minor character/adult character pairing. Age gap is totally ok, underage is not.
- mxm, fxf, and mxf and are all fine with me.
- I will write light-medium gore (Ex. fight scenes, accidents) and I can try heavier gore I just don't have much experience in that realm.
- I won't tolerate any realistic racism (humans thinking elves are sneaky, for example, is ok) or any shaming based on sexuality, identity or religion.
- I don't have any triggers to speak of that I don't want brought up in an rp, but please let me know if you do and what they are so I don't ever venture near them!
- I love action, adventure, some comedy thrown in, tons of sass and snarky-ness, a good romance, and of course some drama.

I do have a full time job and I work from 8 to 5 EST Monday through Friday. I will be most active after work during the week, as I try to get out of the house/spend time with my bf on the weekends. I will do my best to reply consistently, though I can't promise a reply every day, but if more than a few days goes by without a reply from me, feel free to harass me!

I prefer to rp on google docs or discord, and I would love to chat and make a friend while we roleplay too :) I average 350-550 words per reply. Here is an example of one of my starting posts, taken from a previous rp:

It was late in the afternoon by the time Viggo managed to reach the gates of the city he had spotted on the horizon about an hour earlier. It had been slow going for him that day; he had risen early to get a jump start on the next leg of his journey, but had an unfortunate time trying to cross a river that had looked deceptively manageable on the surface.

It was his own fault, though; he knew never to trust the looks of a river or of the sea, but in his eagerness to cover ground he had shrugged off his own concern and headed in. Once the water was up to his waist, it was too late to turn back. The currents hidden just below the surface were far stronger than any man, and Viggo was swept miles down the winding torrent before he managed to reach the other side. While he had made it out of the water alive, he was thrown vastly off course and had lost a good number of resources to the swirling depths, his map included.

He had trudged across the countryside until fate finally smiled upon him and he found an old dirt path. Having no better alternative, he followed it and was rewarded by the promising outline of a city wall far in the distance.

Now that he was standing before the gates, weary from keeping his head above water and his feet moving along the path all day, he realized he wasn’t out of the woods yet. The guards were giving him skeptical looks, and one looked openly hostile. He offered them a tired smile, hoping to appear more harmless than he probably looked. It was true that he didn’t intend to cause trouble in the city, but he couldn’t blame them for being suspicious considering his appearance and lack of supplies.

Eventually, he was able to talk his way past the gates, but once that feat had been accomplished, another hurdle presented itself.

He was exhausted, low on coin, and entirely unfamiliar with the city. He figured he at least had enough to rent a room for the night, and maybe buy a loaf of bread and some ale. Thankfully, as far as his tired body was concerned, those were the only things that mattered anyway. Before he left the city, perhaps he could earn a bit of it back chopping firewood or helping out a smith.

But loitering around by the city entrance wasn’t doing himself any favors; he could feel the burning gaze of the gate guards on his back, so his weary mind chose a direction at random and set off along the cobblestone.


If you think I sound like your kinda rp partner, please hit me up!

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Edited on 11/04/19 @ 17:22:39 by SwankyPigeon (#150524)

⚜ Kattata ☕❅ (#28406)

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Posted on
2019-02-20 00:07:50
ohhhh goodness me, your word choice and vocabulary are just amazing! *A*

Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the high fantasy you preferred on dA. I do love your writing, though, and I'd love to rp with you if we could find some common ground?

I've got a list of current obsessions on my den page, and also a LF thread somewheeeere ... aha, here!

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SmokeyQuartz (#150524)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-02-20 17:57:57

Omggggg thank you so much ;n;

Like I said, I'm not really into fandoms anymore, and I can't say I was ever into any of the ones you listed, but I do have a witch character that might fit into an rp with some supernatural themes? Here's her info,
I only have a small bit of her history filled in but I think we might be able to make something work, like a new girl in a new town who is secretly a witch and happens to meet another 'special' individual with a quirk or two haha

(Also I read the info on your Div lion and wow good for you for pulling through that experience! Many many wishes for continued healing <3)

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⚜ Kattata ☕❅ (#28406)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 03:37:06
(ps oh wow thank you ;w; that's so sweet of you to say dkfjakshnnnng ♥♥ I'd actually removed most of that disclaimer from my LF thread, because it seemed to have confused someone, but |D I kinda wanted to be able to explain why I might sometimes disappear, with or without warning, although I will always try to warn so my rp partners don't worry!)

ooooohh ooohhhhhh oh!! what if what IF, because I loooove playing shapeshifters, WHAT IF one of the animals she reflexively rescues (a witch after my own heart aaaaaaa ♥♥) turns out not to be a cat/panther/etc at all, and that 'quirk' you mentioned is that he's a freakin' shapeshifter either unable to control the process, or 'fettered' in some way that he doesn't necessarily understand?

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SmokeyQuartz (#150524)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-02-22 15:48:03
That totally sounds like a reasonable plot for her! My dsicord is SwankyPigeon (#4488) if you have a discord and wanna add me!

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2019-02-22 15:55:53
I might be interested.

But sadly I don't really do much in the way of fantasy RPs. I've never really been into them in all my years of RPing.

I have like three looking for threads out there. Mostly what I'm looking for is a RP that doesn't involve a heck of a lot of dark stuff. I can do some, and I know with my OC, with what he does for a living, it's dangerous and there are broken bones or worse. I can handle that. I just can't handle super dark themes, but I can discuss further in PMs or something. Don't want to get in trouble on the forums.

But I do like your writing, and you have good grammar which is near impossible to find with potential RP partners these days.

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SmokeyQuartz (#150524)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-02-22 16:19:42

Ahh thank you for the grammar compliment!

I checked out your page, is your hockey OC the one you want to rp? Unfortunately I've never been into sports (in real life or rp-wise) or slice-of-life style rp's that don't have some kind of fantasy element or twist to them :(

I'm sorry!

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-03-08 02:39:03
*explodes into here*
Elloo! Would totally be up for doing a Equine type roleplay. Although where do you do your roleplays? (Here, Discord etc etc)

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