Posted by Hunting Lions Eat when Hungry
Torriii (#162184)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-21 20:58:26
So I ran a search and looked through all the suggestion threads I could find before posting this to see if someone had already suggested it, and I didn't find anything. If I missed it though, I'm sorry--please direct me to the right thread so I can support it :)


Recently I sent some lionesses out hunting and noticed that one of my lionesses in the hunting party was at like, 80%+ hunger. Whoops. Bad on me.

It got me thinking. I pictured that 3/4 starved lioness dragging this giant food-sack home with her, but unable to eat it because The Boss didn't tell her she could.

For any of you who've seen how dogs go after their food if they're even a little bit hungry (or just, you know, like the idea of eating something looking at you labradors), the thought of an animal that's genuinely very, very hungry having food in their mouth and not immediately eating some of it is pretty ridiculous.

What I propose is this:

Lionesses (or Sub-males out patrolling who kill an animal) should eat if their hunger exceeds some specific amount--maybe 30-40%+/-.

- I don't care personally whether that impacts # of uses on a carcass or not. If someone has strong feelings on that, please share--though it might be easier to code if it doesn't impact it.

- I wouldn't even be mad if, for example, ALL of your lionesses in a party have like 80%+ hunger this wipes out an entire carcass.
---- You could get flavor text saying: "Your lionesses successfully hunted and killed a zebra, but as they were so hungry they couldn't help themselves and ate it all up! All lionesses have received EXP, and lioness' hunger returns to 0%, but they return home with no meat for the pride.

- Adds realism to the game. (Hey, starving lions aren't gonna ignore the food that is literally in their mouth in favor of dragging it across all the lands to let someone else eat it!!)

- Helps to prevent player losses of hunting lionesses by accident

- More flavor text and unexpected outcomes in the little things = more fun

- Can I expand on the realism for a minute? I really, really love the idea of organizing my pride into specific hunting parties, then deliberately sending each hunting party out once a day to feed them. Now they're hunting for their own food, and eating it, not waiting for The Boss to give 'em permission--how cool is that?! It'd feel way, way more like ACTUALLY having a pride of lions. Obviously, cubs and pregnant lionesses aren't going out hunting, but that really deepens the realism for me--that way a whole pride is not being supported by only 5 lionesses, but rather, the majority of the pride are hunters, and work together to support themselves and the pride members unable to hunt.

- IDK I can't think of any, I guess some people might not like having carcasses get eaten before taken home?

Please share your thoughts guys, I'd love to hear some feedback. I do feel this would add something to the game while not taking anything away from anyone.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-21 21:04:12
For me right now, kinda no support because it's the players job to feed their lionesses to keep them from starving and running off, as it's part of the game and it would make Feed All, Play All pretty much useless if you just send them out and suddenly they feed themselves.
Sorry but I feel it takes away from the game too much at the moment for me to support qwq

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 21:09:36
If it was just a 5% boost and the RNG for it was low, I'd be on board

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Ethanthealien (#136990)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 20:04:18
I rEALLY like this idea, but after reading Nny's comment, I was a big more convinced to not support...
It has its pros and cons, but I feel like this should be more of a rare event - more rare than the lionesses getting scars. And it should only happen with lionesses whose hunger are below 50% or 60%, in my opinion.

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-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2019-04-13 10:12:31
No support. As Nny said, its the players job to make sure their lionesses are fed to keep them from running off and such, and like they also said, it would make Feed All, Play All nearly obsolete for feeding anyways. If you don't want your lions to run away, then you need to take care of feeding them yourselves. Having the game automatically feed them would be taking away an aspect of the game from the users of the site.

Also, its not like you lose lionesses at random. You're given a notification at the top of your den, with the icons on the cave pages, and through PMs with the Daily Rollover Notification. It would be rather hard to have your hunting lionesses run "on accident" as you said, since the game gives you ample notification that "hey! These lionesses will run if you don't feed/play with them!"

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