Posted by Once a Title, Always a Title

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 07:23:58
Okay, let me explain.

I recently kinged two new lions - one on my main and one on my side. With this, I have the choice between many other titles, as I try and keep things original and go for a different title each time. I name my kings after characters of things, as it's what I've done since I first joined LioDen. It's just what I do.

This means I like choosing titles that fit the character in question. For my main king, Yu, this was no problem. I easily found one from the February event (as I had been planning to) and applied that to him. As it is an event title, it will not change with Karma. Besides, I used a bunch of Vulture Eggs to max him out right off the bat. It's my side queen that has the problem.

I was looking for a title for her when I found the title 'Prince' that was available. I instantly knew that was perfect, as she is called something similar in her source material. I chose it and paid the 100 SB to 'lock' the title. Imagine my surprise when it suddenly changed once more. I went back to check it out and, to my horror, almost all of my options had vanished, saved for the one I had equipped and the event ones I had. It was after a bit that I realized that it was because my Karma had changed from Neutral to Good, and honestly, I don't think it should be that way.

For lore purposes, I wanted my queen to have positive karma. However, I have found myself in a dilemma that the singular title I want is only accessible in neutral karma ranges. What I think is that these titles should be available no matter what.

I'm not saying "if you have positive karma and switch to negative karma you should keep your titles from positive karma". I'm saying that neutral titles should be available to either side of the spectrum.

Neutral titles could work for lions that are on these sides, after all.

TL;DR: If someone has extreme positive or negative karma, then they should be able to choose titles from the neutral part of the spectrum.

This suggestion has 56 supports and 3 NO supports.

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sakkiye (#22325)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 16:41:04
YES! I really LOVE the title 'Catnip', but my king has positive karma for lore purposes as well. Plus, neutral karma is really hard to keep.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 16:42:48

Hell, I didn't even know you could no longer use those neutral titles until now - I typically shoot up in my Karma as soon as I king a new guy. I laughed my ass off at "Catnip" when I saw it.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 08:58:15
I'm sorry, but no support from me. Neutral is not a karma "stage", but a thing of its own. The same way you don't have access to Evil titles if you're Good or vice-versa, you can't use Neutral titles if you aren't actually Neutral.

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