Posted by Warriors Roleplay

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43



🌱 - Newleaf
🌿 - Greenleaf
🍁 - Leafbare
🍂 -Leaffall

🌱 - Newleaf

•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

Locations so far:

•Anouraclan Camp:

--Apprentices Den
--Warriors Den
--Elders Den
--Leaders Den
--Medicine Den
--Fresh-kill Pile

•Anouraclan Territory:

--Decaying Grounds (cluttered with rotting wood, herbs, humid air, and plenty of rodents of all kinds. The burial ground for elders. Kits and apprentices aren't allowed over here due to the many large broken pieces of wood just waiting to cut a small animal open.)
--Broken Building: (A small, old and abandoned building twolegs left behind. It has no roof and the walls have rotted and fallen down to about three to four feet, maybe a little taller than that. Nature has grown over most of it.)
--Mossy Areas: (Multiple areas throughout all the territories. Very mushy ground and always a bit humid.)
--Training Area: (Warriors and mentors train here, usually with their apprentice or a friend. Plenty of room, soft solid ground, and trees with low and high branches.)
--Lake: (large and in the center of all the clans, rivers running into it and out of it. Open to all, free, unclaimable territory. Located past South Border)
--East Border: (Another clan)
--West Border: (Another clan)
--North Border: (Twoleg territory: contains rogues, loners, twolegs, kittypets, etc.)

•Notable Places Outside of Anouraclan:

•Moonstone: (Cave where deputy's get their nine lives. Medicine cats visit this place often.)
•Hidden Underground Tunnels: (Hidden and underground tunnels that were dug by ancient cats. Collapses easily in most areas, therefore dangerous.)
•Mountains: (Rocky, far-away scenery. It would take at least four moons to travel there.)

Copy and Paste opening at the top of your every reply (in roleplay), edit if needed

-(Name)-(Rank)-(Location)-(Mentions //indirect and/or direct//)


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Edited on 20/03/19 @ 10:33:40 by Audrey II (#169528)

Twinkleunicorn (#169411)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-03-02 14:17:41
Luna walked over to the lakes and went for a swam and met a deer who she stalked

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 00:48:09 by Toaster (#169411)

Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 20:08:42
Owlscar waited in front of a large tree hidden under a bush waiting for a large squirrel to come closer to the ground.

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 20:27:09
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (needs a mentor, up to be claimed)}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions:(open)}~

The young tom kept to himself this bright morning, his tail swishing back and forth as he thought about his clanmates. His ginger fur seemed to fluff up for a moment as he yawned, revealing that he had actually just woke from his sleep. Wondering getting a decent meal from the freshkill pile, he sat up and groomed his paw. He liked the darkness of the den. It seemed to soothe him like a kitten laying beside it mother. It protected him from the cruel, blinding sun above.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 20:42:15
The squirrel hopped down from the tree and Owlscar leaped forward letting out a purr of happiness as she killed it. Owlscar walked back to camp and dropped it in the fresh killpile

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:05:49
Once she set the prey down she walked over the the apprentices den and flicked her tail “Are you up yet?”

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:30:27
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (was pm-ed about it and claimed by Luna}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions:(open)}~

He looked up at her, his blue eyes narrowing before he grunted silently to himself. "Yeah." He replied, tiredness edging his voice. Applepaw wasn't trying to sound rude to the warrior, he was just a bit snappy sometimes. He had hoped the warrior didn't want to force him to go on a patrol, training, or hunt so soon. Then again, maybe he could use some exercise.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:34:54
“We’re going on a hunting patrol soon the prey pile is running a bit low aside from a squirrel and 2 birds.” Owlscar flicked her tail impatiently

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:46:33
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (was pm-ed about it and claimed by Luna}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions: Owlscar, Luna}~

His fur seemed to bristle for a moment before he forced it flat. "Okay." He said disappointingly. "What about Luna?" Applepaw asked Owlscar, looking around for a moment. He didn't see the queen anywhere. He then realized that maybe they actually had morals and werent assuming queens should just do anything a warrior could do. "Oh, wait, never mind. I forgot." He said quickly, his tail falling at his side in awkward embarrassment.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 21:56:36
Owlscar turned away “Well we will be going soon so get up and meet me outside the camp.”

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:06:43
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (was pm-ed about it and claimed by Luna}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions: Owlscar, Luna}~

Applepaw nodded his head, shaking himself for a moment. "Give me a moment." He said, heading to the fresh kill pile. He would do much better on the hunting patrol if he wasn't on any empty stomach. Grabbing the nicest piece of prey, he chomped it down quickly. Once he felt he was ready, he headed off outside the camp entrance, looking around. He was a small apprentice, but pretty decent for his age.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:11:09
Owlscar looked at Applepaw “Last time I went to the broken building it was overrun with mice so we’re hunting there, I know some cats don’t like that place so do you want to hunt there?”

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:29:11
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (was pm-ed about it and claimed by Luna}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions: Owlscar}~

Applepaw shrugged, looking in the direction of said location. "If there's mice, there's time. Who cares if it creeps some dung-flanked cats out? There's no twolegs anymore.. Let's go already." The apprentice said with an attitude he didn't realize he had. He had assumed the warrior was suggesting he might be too scared or vothered to go to that place.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:31:23
Owlscar nodded “Well let’s get going,” she started to walk to building

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:36:48
~{Applepaw}~{Apprentice (was pm-ed about it and claimed by Luna}~{Anouraclan: Apprentices Den}~{Mentions: Owlscar}~

Applepaw followed a bit behind at his own pace. Even before they reached the area, he could pick up the scent of prey. He took in a big whiff and sighed. "Well, I'm sure we'll catch something. There seems to be a lot around." He noted aloud, seeing the damage building just a bit ahead. He quickened his pace to it without any hesitation, not being stealthy at all.

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:38:26
Owlscar walked inside the building and whispered “Be quiet or you’ll scare away all the prey.” she crouched down and started stalking a large mouse

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