Posted by North american Decor+rescue?

frostthecat03 (#45226)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2019-03-05 13:56:12
One thing i would like to see as decors are some native North american animals as decors, perhaps imports from america.
Some cute ideas i had are these:
.Bison calf
.prairie dogs
.Tufted Titmouse
.Gila monster
.Ruby throated hummingbird

And now for a decor i TRULY want to see.... a Rescued Injured child
In 2005, a 12 year old girl in Ethiopia was kidnapped by men, beaten up,and was trying to be forced to marry one of them. a week later, out of the blue, three lions attacked the kidnappers causing them to flee and abandon the girl. Police suspected the lions thought the child's cries where that of a distressed cub. Even after rescuing the little girl,they did not leave. instead, they stayed with her,protecting her for 12 whole hours. When Police arrived, the three lions left the girl to the humans.

So a decor showing a child, huddled near the lion/lioness would be adorable.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 2 NO supports.

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dark dragon (#4756)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-03-05 14:14:37
I kinda want a turkey decor and a chickadee decor.

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