Posted by Brooklyn 9-9 Holt x Kevin rp!

Alexander (#138668)

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2019-03-08 23:37:37
Hello! I'm looking for a role-player, who could do Holt x Kevin with me.
You take Holt, I take Kevin.
Semi-lit, 3rd face
I DON'T do smut. If you have any triggers, tell them to me.
I'm always happy to hear your headcanons, because I have the whole list of them.
I also can do High-School au with them
But in usual rp it has no timeline, but I assume it was after Kevin already got to know Raymond's colleagues.
Warning, this rp will contain fluff and sometimes angst.
I also won't rp some Aus that only change character or they gender. Especially their gender and personality. (I don't hate any genders, LGBT or stuff like that, I'm the part of it, I just don't like when the characters gender changes)
It would be nice if you had Discord, Telegram or VKontakte.
Thank you for your attention!

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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 23:57:24 by Alexander (#138668)

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