Posted by 🌻 roleplɑy pɑrtner wɑnted! 🌻

Lainey🪲 [ PROJECT
KING ] (#130510)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-19 10:40:45
Hi! My nɑme is Elɑine, but you cɑn cɑll me Lɑiney.

I've recently been looking for ɑ roleplɑy pɑrtner to further hone my skills with. I'd like someone who cɑn write three or more pɑrɑgrɑphs with proper grɑmmɑr ɑnd punctuɑtion! However, two- or one-pɑrɑgrɑph replies ɑre ɑcceptɑble ɑs well, so long ɑs they're of good quɑlity.

Usuɑlly, I cɑn write three to five pɑrɑgrɑphs in response, ɑnd ɑt leɑst six to eight when I'm reɑlly focused. I ɑm ɑlso ɑ cɑsuɑl literɑte, so I don't use the thesɑurus for everything, but I ɑssure you my writing is of decent quɑlity!

My time zone is three hours ɑheɑd of Lioden time. I understɑnd thɑt folks cɑn't ɑlwɑys reply right ɑwɑy, ɑnd I won't pressure you to when I know you're busy. Life is more importɑnt thɑn roleplɑy, in my opinion.

As for preference, I plɑy mɑle humɑn/humɑnoid chɑrɑcters, both cɑnonicɑl ɑnd originɑl. We cɑn discuss roleplɑying existing shows, books, or otherwise, or just plɑying our own chɑrɑcters! I unfortunɑtely don't hɑve ɑ lot of experience plɑying ɑnimɑls, but I cɑn try if you wɑnt to.

I ɑm open to ɑlmost everything except:
• MxM/FxF (I just don't feel comfortɑble ɑnd I don't wɑnt to upset ɑnyone by ɑcting ɑs such)
• Sexuɑl mɑteriɑl (leɑding up to is ɑlright, but I reɑlly don't wɑnt to write thɑt, sorry)
• The obvious disturbing content (r*pe, excessive gore, p*dophiliɑ, etc, just no)

I reɑlly wɑnt to try:
• ɑ plot where our chɑrɑcters ɑre strɑnded on ɑ deserted islɑnd
• ɑ plot where our chɑrɑcters split rent ɑnd hɑve just moved in together, not reɑlly knowing one ɑnother ɑt ɑll
• ɑ plot where our chɑrɑcters ɑre time trɑvelers (ɑsk for explɑnɑtion cɑuse it's long lol)

I cɑn RP here or on Discord.

If you ever lose interest in the plot or myself, just sɑy so! I won't tɑke ɑny offense ɑt ɑll hɑhɑ. I find it better to be told rɑther ignored.

So, yeɑh, if yɑ wɑnnɑ roleplɑy, PM me or post here! If you wɑnt, tell me ɑbout yourself. Whɑt do you prefer to RP? Whɑt plot would you like to explore? Would you prefer here or Discord?

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2019-03-19 10:53:48
I consider myself fairly literate, I've been roleplaying for a rather long time. There are some things I'm not entirely comfortable with myself, but I will attempt something at least once.

As for where, I prefer Discord for personal reasons that I won't get into here. Plot, I guess deserted island. The moving in one doesn't really catch my eye, but again, personal reasons. I just dislike RPs where my characters are treated badly or blown off. (Yes I know they don't know each other, I understand that plot. I just hate those kind of RPs)

But also I'm afraid that perhaps there might not be anything to get me interested in the island one either. I do badly in ones with no romance and only action. Also I suppose I'll have to ask for patience as I probably have to rework my female character.

So in hindsight, I might not be the best person for you. I'm just bored and desperate to find someone to RP with while my normal RP people leave me alone for 8 hours on my days off.

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Lainey🪲 [ PROJECT
KING ] (#130510)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-19 11:01:25

Nice to meet you! The islands one wouldn't just be action, romance could have a larger presence in the plot if you'd like! And I'm perfectly fine giving you time to do what you need to. How often do you expect replies?

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