Posted by Tigon King Changes

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 12:29:47
So, I made a similar suggestion earlier, but seeing as a lot of people didn't agree or only agreed partway, this is a revised version of my old idea.

Anyway, personally, I see no point in putting so many limitations on a lion that is essentially aesthetics with little special function. Male Tigons do not produce Tigon cubs, they are simply normal lions with pretty art, functionally(but apparently have a higher special base pass rate? But that's IF you have the base on the king in the first place...). However since some people think there SHOULD be some limitations simply because realism and also the special base pass chance, I think a compromise can be made.

So, the new idea:

- Angelic Blessings and Black Stallions should work with Tigon kings. There is no reason they shouldn't- essentially they make the lioness temporarily Goddess fertility(just while keeping the mutation chances etc of their lower fertility), so why would they be unable to breed with Tigons? Chasteberries don't work properly after a certain point and thus it's impossible to make a lion Goddess fert with chasteberries, there is no item that makes a lioness Goddess fertility, so forcing Tigons to only be able to breed to Goddess fertility lionesses, without Angelic Blessing or Black Stallions even being an option, is ridiculously limiting since actually pretty Goddess fert lionesses are extremely hard to find. This limitation is especially pointless if the Tigon king doesn't even have the special Tigon base or marks and is only kinged to look pretty.

- There should be no extra energy cost for breeding. It doesn't make sense realistically, and it doesn't make sense gameplay-wise. There is no reason a Tigon king should cost 15% energy to breed. Again, Tigon kings do not pass on the Tigon mutation, and realistically, an animal that is infertile that tries to breed won't be more tired out afterwards.... they just won't fertilize the female.

- If it's possible to do, since some of the reasoning people give for limiting breeding to Goddess fertility is based on base pass chance, instead of the first idea on just making Angelic Blessings and Black Stallions work, it could be changed so that the extra base pass chance only works on Goddess fertility lions. i.e. If the Tigon king is bred to a lower fertility, there is no base pass chance boost.

Another thing that could be done is, breeding to Goddess fertility could cost the normal energy amount of any normal lion, i.e. 5%. Lower ferts would cost more energy to breed.(Despite losing energy still not being realistic, but it's an option... but there's no reason EVERY breeding EVER on a king should take 15% energy.)

i.e. a VLF could, for instance, take... an entire energy bar to breed or something. So still POSSIBLE, just more difficult.

This suggestion has 89 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Mochi (#164216)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-03-21 13:16:39
I do not think any fert other than goddess or chastenberry/blacc stallion or blessing should be able to breed with a tigon king.

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 00:12:02
I personally like it how it is. a king can breed to sooo many lionesses within the week. a female can only breed about 7 times in their live. a male can breed way more then 7 times in just one day. yes they can not produce a tigon cub but leopon males used to be infertile all together. So the fact that they can breed to only goddess ferts is something. Tigons and leopons have a slightly higher chance of passing the hybrid base and the hybrid markings. the limitation is there to keep the markest from flooding with these. mott rosette and mott stripes is already starting to flood the market, hell mott rosette can be some for only 500SB now! Imagine if leopon kings were able to breed to lionesses that wasn't 100% and if they didn't lose that extra energy. mott rosette could be worth the same as white blaze on a NCL. those limitations are there to keep the market from flooding. so keeping it hard to breed to tigon/leopon kings should stay. and changing the pass rate for things could cause problems or might be hard to do, or not. im not a coder but i still don't think that the passing rates should be altered just so a king can breed to lower fert girls. Kim and Mand is hard to get, but so is a pretty goddess fert girl! so to keep those bases rare, which they obviously want to do since you can't even get the base from groupies, they should keep it at goddess fert.

So no support.

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 04:42:36
okay but not all Tigon kings even HAVE the special Tigon base or markings. In fact, /very few/ do.

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Mochi (#164216)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-05-28 04:46:07
Actually the wiki says mandarin or kimanjo hybrid kings do not have a chance of passing that down

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 08:35:07
"Kimanjano pass rate receives the same boost from a Leopon king that a Leopon mother gives and doesn’t double if both parents are Leopons"
"The passing rates of Mottled Rosette is not boosted by having a Leopon king, nor does it raise the chances of having a Leopon mutation pass on"
and it's the same for tigon. These are direct quotes from here

my statement still stands. even is very few have the special hybrid only bases, everyone knows that these kings have limitations. I personally believe it's a waste of a hybrid by having it as a king, not because of these limitations. I also believe that these limits are here to try and keep people from having a hybrid king because they are much more useful as a female. The only reason why someone would king a hybrid is just for aesthetic. If they want to waste a hybrid for that then let them! Chances are they have hybrids to spare! But i do not see a purpose in changing the limitations for whatever reason, because they were put there to keep certain things special and rare, and probably other reason we either cant think or or that just isn't said by admins/mods.

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2020-01-14 13:51:42
Is it even possible to get a Male tigon and king him?

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2020-01-14 13:51:43
Is it even possible to get a Male tigon and king him?

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Mochi (#164216)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-01-14 13:52:55
Yep, there’s even some tigon Kings on-site

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Albedo (#188451)

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Posted on
2020-01-14 13:54:50
Oh I never knew that! Thanks! I might king one myself if I get one

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Jacin (#192059)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-02-03 14:52:51
I'm curious, now hear me out.

2 first gen tigons. Male and female, female somehow raised to goddess and male kinged. Since they look the same, would their cubs all be produced to look the same?

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 14:58:19

The fact that if I can use a black stallion/chasteberry to bypass a stud's minimum fertility accepted but it wouldn't work the same for a Tigon king doesn't really make sense to me.

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Jackalope {DHS} (#116117)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 19:38:55

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Brutus - x2 Ros
Serruria (#153099)

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Posted on
2022-08-12 20:10:22
Support! As someone who wants a tigon king, it would severely limit my ability to mass breed for my projects, making it extremely costly as I would need to stud out or buy loads of goddess fert lioness. I don’t see the point in limiting players with a hybrid king that much.

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