Posted by Piety Markings?

bleu (#162657)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 15:25:08
So I joined late November, and was newbie just blundering around not understanding anything. Hence why I never really got to experience the event to the fullest. Due to that lack of experience I happen to have a few questions about how the November piety markings work, and am looking for someone to help show me around!
First off, how are they applied? Do you do the quests to gain a certain amount of piety and buy it like you would in a shop or is that completely off?
Second, I’ve seen people post a wiki link to a list of markings able to be applied in that manner, and I was wondering if all the markings on said list could be applied? For example, are you able to apply the July raffle markings to a lion of your choice, or would it only be the event exclusive NCL markings?
Third, are you able to apply the piety markings to any slots you have unlocked or just the first 10? For example, let’s say I’d like to apply a glaze marking to my king, said king has slots 1-12 unlocked, would I be able to apply that glaze marking to any of the open slots? Even if they were unlocked later on?
Lastly, are you able to apply more than one piety mark to a lion each year, or is it a one-per-account type of thing? I’m guessing if it’s able to be bought like mentioned in the first question you would be able to?
Thank you to anyone who may take the time out of their day to answer these questions for me! To anyone who’s been around the block, these may seem fairly obvious, yet I’d just love to make sure!

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Dei [PFM][DHS][BBK] (#20971)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 16:25:52
First, yes, you do quests for shamans (3 for day), they reward you with piety points which you can use to apply markings on chosen lion :) I believe it was 30 piety points per marking. (There are some more options of what to do with piety, like stats, karma and so but I dont remember well for this moment :D)

Second, From this list I believe that only February, April and September markings can be applied. Skyward, Celestial, Sidereal and Ruffian CAN NOT be applied :) They are breed-only.

Third, I believe that you can apply marking on any of unlocked 1-20 slot, BUT you CANT choose where you want to put it! The marking will be applied on the FIRST FREE SLOT :) (starting from slot 1) so you need to plan well the order !

And the last, you can apply as much markings as you wish, as long as you have enough piety

I use this option all the years for put markings on my lions, so I hope that I remembered well lol.
Hope that you understand all !

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Dei [PFM][DHS][BBK] (#20971)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 16:42:17
It was a pleasure to help! If you have any questions feel free to PM me, I am playing quite a time already and should know the answers :) It not bother me at all to help you!

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bleu (#162657)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 16:40:35
Thank you so much! You were very helpful and I understood all of it. Yet again, I thank you for the time you’ve given me and that you went out of your way to help in the first place!

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(main) (#259619)

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Posted on
2023-05-27 21:42:56
I'm so confused by this are there a wikipage??

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