Posted by Applicators

Kona (#168973)

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Posted on
2019-03-25 10:28:08
Uh so idk where to put this exactly but thought here would work. I hear of people having issues with marking apps every now and again. What I want to suggest is a list that specifically states what markings an app can apply on the item. That way you can go and look more carefully. This could be a solution or you could make it like the wardrobe, where you can see the marking and the opacity changing. This would help to stop people from having to go to mod box (I did once) to ask if there is anything that can be done.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 4 NO supports.

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🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 11:59:45
So what you mean is that for example the aufeis overflow would say (instead of 'four random aufeis marks') "random choice between Aufeis Rogue, Aufeis Maofelis, Aufeis Inverted Zebra, and Aufeis Coat (listing them all specifically?)

I don't see why not to tweak that.

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Kona (#168973)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 19:13:23
Yeah! That’s pretty much what I am trying to say haha

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