Posted by Limbo Suggestion!

ᵀ ᵒ ᵏ ʸ ᵒ (#163843)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:14:07

Okay. So, I've suggested this in main chat and a few people have agreed with me already. So I figured I should make a thread about it, explaining my own in-depth opinion, as well as how this could work and why we ought to have this.


As a mobile user [because I have no WiFi available for my laptop and my laptop is broke], to use Lioden is a struggle. Such struggles conclude majorly of accidentally killing my lions instead of securing them, buying things twice when I only meant to buy 1 and a whole lot of other things. I think that I should have more control, despite being a mobile user. I understand that there is a popup that asks "are you sure?" but, like stated by a member in chat, sometimes this is ignored, or, as stated by another member in chat, it might not pop up at all or be buggy for the user. I cannot express how upset I am after losing so many lions because my phone has glitched and I've killed them without realising.. Thus.. My suggestion..

How can this work?

The way I see it is that the lions that you might 'accidentally' kill will be sent to a place called 'Limbo'. In Limbo, hunger and mood will be halted for 1 rolled days . You should only be able to have up to 2 lions in Limbo. You have, within that 1 day, enough time to rescue those lions or leave them to be permanently removed from the server. Maybe a pop up or message may also be available to alert you of the lions in limbo. It can easily be crossed off or ignored.

When retrieving the lions, you could add a small decrease to their hunger and mood. An achievement might even be a small edition to this, something like "Second Choice, saved from immediate death".

Why should we have this?

In this situation, I think it would make it incredibly easier on us mobile users as well as some PC/Tablet/Laptop users. Instead of just having that familiar popup, it would also offer more security so that we don't accidentally lose the lions that we didn't want to lose in the first place.

I'm open to criticism, so please, if you don't agree with this thread, please tell me why.

This suggestion has 37 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 13:26:53 by The Dread Doctor (#163843)

Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:19:20
There would need to be a tweak to those three days without aging. People could use this to slow down aging on their lions and elongate their lifespans/heats if it froze them.

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Seranner (#75113)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:19:42
I feel this could be abused. People could 'kill' their lions a lot during times where they don't have food or toys, so there needs to be a limit, for sure. Maybe even just one at a time, or two at a time.
EDIT: After typing this, I've also realized that perhaps shortening the time they could stay there could help, too. You should have enough time to realize they're in limbo immediately, right? So maybe they should leave forever at rollover, even.

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 13:20:55 by Seranner (#75113)

ᵀ ᵒ ᵏ ʸ ᵒ (#163843)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:20:18
I totally agree with both of you. I'll edit my post ^^

[Edit: do you think 1 rolled day is appropriate? I also added that there could be a pop up or message alerting the member of their lions in limbo.]

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 13:27:52 by The Dread Doctor (#163843)

𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:21:48
I play lioden on mobile like, a LOT. My fiancee and I have to share a computer.

I have never, ever, accidentally killed a lion, bought something twice, or anything else of that sort. Be careful, slow down, and this kind of thing will not happen. Overall, I don't think there's enough need for this, and it will put too much strain on an already often laggy server.

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ᵀ ᵒ ᵏ ʸ ᵒ (#163843)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:24:45
I understand Eldritch, but some people do have the same issue as me.. Maybe it's just our WiFi or phones in general. But it's enough that I have to zoom in to click on certain things anyways to start off with.. However, not everyone does accidentally kill their lions--but this suggestion was put in place for those who do. But I'm grateful for your input.

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𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:28:21
I have stated my opinion. You arguing with me will not change it.

You posted on a PUBLIC forum. You did not post on a 'only comment if you agree' forum. You did not comment on a 'only supports allowed' forum.

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ᵀ ᵒ ᵏ ʸ ᵒ (#163843)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:29:27
I.. wasn't arguing with you o.o. I said I was grateful for your input, because I did say I was open to criticism ^^ maybe I worded something wrong..

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Karmo (#98909)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:38:12
They weren't arguing with you at all. They stated why they think it should be implemented super kindly.

@The Dread Doctor
Now that you've changed it to 1 day and up to 2 lions in Limbo, I can support this suggestion ^^

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Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:39:29
I'm in the support boat too. One rollover is enough time.

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ᵀ ᵒ ᵏ ʸ ᵒ (#163843)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 13:39:53
Awesome! ^^ I did think at first hmm 3 days is a lot.. 1 day does sound perfect though o; enough time, plus the rollover :3 Thank you for the supports!!

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 13:40:26 by The Dread Doctor (#163843)

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