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Posted by | Some Extra Trade Customization |
![]() Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 18:55:10 |
So... anyone else have the very annoying experience of getting a notification that someone offered on your trade, only to find out they they offered literal junk items for a lion/item/etc worth 100+GB? Well, here's a solution: The ability to set specific items that are allowed to be offered on a trade, or the ability to ban item types from being offered(i.e. disallowing offers of amusement or food items or applicators etc, or making it so that only buff balls, y barks, or lions can be offered.) That way, you can sell you 100+GB worth items/lions/etc without worrying about getting absolute shit offers like bunny carcasses or common explore decor. Because god, that gets REALLY annoying, REALLY quickly. Also, bonus idea: The ability to make it so that you cannot offer currency of less than 75% or so of the buyout price. So you can't get people offering 500sb on something with a buyout of 100gb, for example. |
Kraft (#738)
![]() Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 18:57:46 |
Would love a currency only checkbox, as well as a sub checkbox for either GB only or SB only. Excluding item categories would be hella rad too. Maybe including or excluding specific items would get a little long and clunky, but hey, if you want to scroll through the whole catalog then why not. Support. ![]() |
Dyenasaur (#152741)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 19:54:55 |
Honestly, I don't think a suggestion like this ever should get made, and I hope it never will. I don't mean to be rude, but what you're essentially asking for is permission to control the market. That there is no way in hell certain things will be as valuable as what you're trying to sell. Look, I completely get the desire behind this request. Nothing will be more irritating than seeing someone try to buy a mutie with an abandoned nest. It will never not be the bane of my existence that some people think my app is worth 10 GB less than I think it is. But the problem is, no one person should be able to completely shut down someone else's opinion of value. It is each and every person's right on this website to make their own decisions about what they think an item is worth, or what they're willing to try and make a trade with. You don't have to agree with those people, and that is your right, also, but it is not your right to eliminate them from the market just because you don't agree with them. I know undercutters and lowballers and 'stupid offers' are irritating and annoying to deal with, but unfortunately it's part of the game. I can already tell you that if you invoke 'only buffy balls and lions' as your restrictions, you'll get one ball and a potato. If you invoke 'at least 75% of buyout', they will offer exactly 75%. There is nothing short of setting an exact price (like a branch does) that will stop them, and even then they might message you to offer you less. This is a big no support from me, and I would like to encourage anyone who does support to think about the mentality of people who lowball and undercut- Implementing this will not stop them. It will only make it harder for legitimate offers (especially unconventional ones) to be seen. ![]() |
Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 20:12:03 |
Dude... this suggestion is PER INDIVIDUAL TRADE, not overall. Chill. If I want to make it so someone can only offer buffalo balls or GB on my personal Ferus trade, I should have that right, bc that's all I want offers for. It wouldn't affect you except for the fact you wouldn't be able to offer a bunny carcass on someone's trade if they don't want bunny carcass offers. Honestly lmao. Like, if I specifically put up a Ferus trade, and want exclusively GB, buff balls, or Yohimbe barks, I should be able to set my personal trade so that people can only offer GB, buff balls, or Y barks. i.e. have a part of the trade that says "This user is accepting: [x item], [x item], and [x item] as payment options." I don't see how having this option could be an issue, except for people who want to troll and offer absolute shit on Tigons or something. ![]() Edited on 03/04/19 @ 20:15:41 by Synchron[Interstellar Ferus] (#75103) |
Dyenasaur (#152741)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 20:34:12 |
I am aware that the implementation is TECHNICALLY on a single, per-trade basis, but the thing is, this suggestion isn't only for you to use. And if something is used on a large or even semi-regular basis, it has an effect on the entire market. If one person, using this suggestion, makes a sell that is profitable, other people will take notice. Other people will follow suit. Over time, everyone does it that way. That changes the market. Right now, this market is self-regulated, because while you can request what you want from a trade, nothing is stopping everyone from offering what they want. If you like the offer, you take it. That means that the value of items is constantly in debate- And it helps keep things affordable. Or, simply put- If we give people this suggestion, they will use it. The more people who use it, the more the market is shifted by it. Even though the technical change is on a single trade, unless there is a restriction on who and how it can be used, it WILL affect the whole market. I think the part you're missing, really, is that what you're trying to prevent- Undercutters, trash-offerers, bad trades in general(In your opinion)- Will not be prevented by this system. The only way to get exactly what you want is (if currency only) through branches, or by waiting until someone posts exactly what you ask for. You will still turn down offers. You will still have to weed through the 'less desirables'. Only, instead of being an abandoned nest, it will be 1 Yohimbe bark or one buffy ball instead of the two or three you were looking for. The strangest part to me is we already have exactly what you want. 'What I want in return'. Fill this part of the trade out, and reasonable people will understand- Offer only what is wanted, or move on. Unreasonable people(Undercutters, bad traders, etc) will not care, and will continue to only offer the bare minimum. The only difference is you are trying to put enforcements and restrictions on what should be a free market for the sake of your convenience. ![]() |
Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-03 20:51:42 |
Support- there's only so much space in the trade description to list items you'd be looking for, so this would be pretty helpful if you've got a fair ballpark of items you may want. Plus, let's be real- it'll save everyone time. People offering items I don't care for won't waste their time composing an offer that'll just get rejected, and I don't need to waste my time slowly loading the TC and rejecting that offer when I see it. Markets change regardless and because of new features, Lioden's more than most games due to the cyclic nature of how items are released. I doubt 'you literally can't offer items I won't accept anyways' will change much. ^^ If you misjudged the market and no one offers a Buffy for your Achromia? Tough luck, it won't sell. You either remake the trade with more item options, or let it sit in your Den. An economy is built upon supply and demand, and I don't see how this suggestion would mess with that. Hell, if you really think your offer is that good despite the user's preferences, PM them. Maybe they'll say yes, maybe they'll say no, but typing out the message should let the user put more thought into if their offer. (And if they have PMs turned off, I guess that's the answer hehe) EDIT: Here's a thought- if there's sufficient backlash to this system, how about a compromise? Users can still offer random unwanted items on a trade, ones off the list, but with a popup warning them that 'there are 1 or more components of this offer that don't match the seller's preferences. Do you wish to proceed?'. So you can totally offer that Devil's Claw, but you're forewarned that i likely won't bite and will prefer offers that line up with my desires. ![]() Edited on 03/04/19 @ 21:02:21 by Agryo [Main] (#70050) |
Toony (Penta Dawn Nacre) (#143125) ![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-04 13:22:14 |
Amen to that, It's sad to see people get butthurt because they can't troll other's trades and then get upset when their 3sb offer didn't get picked ![]() |
Wénduō 文多 (#107963) Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-04 13:30:04 |
Would be great for both they who sell and offers. Blocking out or set a minimum requirement for offering on a trade would save both from a lot of trouble. Like for example Seller sell this X, Don’t want shrikes, but like trade says offers? Currently situation: interesting buyer set up 100 shrikes on the offer. Which can easy be avoided if you can block out certain items. And as some maybe said, if you want it the old good way, then just don’t add the extra customization? ![]() |
Mochi (#164216)
![]() Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-04 17:31:33 |
Support! This would be so helpful when a certain tigon is up for trade and all you get is gems and like 3 SB! Or even when selling apps and people are like "I have a friend in surgery she would love this" BUT at the same time its pretty common to have people bid like 1 SB and a message. Still overwhelming support ![]() |
Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-04 17:44:43 |
Oh, I do that too Mochi lol, with the 1sb + message thing. Perhaps there could be some other way to leave messages on trades without making an actual item offer? ![]() |
Mochi (#164216)
![]() Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-04 17:45:31 |
Yeah thats what I was thinking, like a wall of "possible offers" which are basically comments ![]() |
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