Posted by Daily Rollover Summary listing extra cubs born

Vcarrus (#83403)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 11:02:13
What gameplay feature is this bug affecting?
Rollover Summary/message

What's the issue? Please include any error messages you receive and as much detail as possible.
I bred one of my ladies with a gop and then checked how many cubs she'd be delivering(2). When I rolled over this morning and checked my notifs they say she had three cubs. The first cub she delivered today was from her previous litter and already frozen.

Any links relating to this bug? For example, if a particular lion is bugging, what is the link to that lion? Mother Cub "#1" (from previous litter) Cub "#2" Cub "#3"

Any screenshots you can provide us with?
BHGxUJN.png Bat exam
nnn6tJw.png Birth notification

Please provide us with step by step explanation how this bug happened so we can attempt to replicate it. If it's complex, please include screenshots where possible:
Used a gop, had the bat examine her day one, and then nested her yesterday/the last possible day. Logged on, rolled over, and checked my messages this morning. Got confused.

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2019-08-29 17:01:38
Hey there!
Can I ask if you've experienced this issue again since creating this Bug Board thread?

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Vcarrus (#83403)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 11:46:22
Yes, once or twice. Same mother as before, but it didn't happen with her latest litter of one cub.

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πŸ‘‘ idalaM [Jedi]
G2 Tobiano πŸ‘‘ (#4562)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-10 05:46:51
I kinda experienced this bug, my daily notif said my lioness gave birth to 2 cubs and then listed 3 ID numbers. Sadly she lost the litter so idk what that was all about :/

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