Posted by Wolves of Sky and Sea

TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 14:46:42

Main Roleplay Thread


Wolf name:
Bio (optional):

For example:
Wolf name: Echo
Gender: Female
Pack: Sea
Rank: Alpha Female
Appearance: White underbelly, grey sides, white back, like the white was bouncing off the grey part.
Personality: Shy, clever, quick-witted, competitive
Bio (optional): I'll fill this in later :)

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 14:49:17 by TheOakWoods (#167680)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 17:33:38


"If you stand behind me: I will protect you. If you stand beside me: I will respect you. If you stand against me: I will not show kindness."

Magnus {Latin: Noble}


Sea Pack

Alpha Male

Composed almost entirely of deep, earthen hues, Magnus appears to have been formed from the soil of the earth. His eyes are intense and unwavering, with a hint of kind curiosity, and comically round. His angled ears are always pressed forward, both as a display of his dominance, and his constant pondering. His face is surrounded almost completely by thick hair, and there is little distinction between his skull and neck. Magnus' coat protects him not only from the cold, but from the jaws of his enemy. His legs are thin and slender, though not overly long, and end in massive paws. These paws are black on top, but fade to brown on the toes. His toenails are an ebony hue, contrasting sharply against his cream colored feet. He is drastically toed out, standing with his heels nearly facing each other. This does little to hinder his gait, but it does give him a comical, easily recognized stance. His back is peppered with long black guard hairs, emerging from a complicated pattern of several shades of brown, cream, and grey. His coat fades to a soft golden hue as it melts down his sides, and his underbelly hides several small white markings.

His tail is typically held slightly aloft, a testament to his rank, and he is an imposing presence. He is full bodied, well muscled, and compact, which pushes him back a bit on the speed spectrum. But his strength is certainly present, and his endurance is nothing to laugh at. Should one be unfortunate enough to end up on the receiving end of his gaping jaws, one might notice only half a canine on his upper jaw, on the left side. This was from a run in with a rock at an early age. Needless to say, the rock won, and he's still a tad bitter about this. In addition to the chipped canine, his jaw pops every time he opens it past a certain increment, and this frustrates him greatly. But there's little he can do about it, and he grudgingly accepts it. Because of this, when the wolf speaks or eats with a little too much gusto, it's sure to be accompanied by a grotesque snapping sound. When the weather grows especially cold, his jaw often aches.

Magnus is a courageous wolf, with too much bravado and a strong sense of showmanship. He thrives under attention, and often acts recklessly to earn it, masking his need for acceptance under a daredevil attitude. When faced with a situation that calls for action, Magnus is heavily inclined to act, and think upon his feet. Because of this, his pack often finds themselves listening to his orders while desperately trying to keep up with him. He's a highly motivated wolf, with a strong prey drive, and sitting still does not bode well with him. He lives for the thrill of a hunt, and rarely allows a party to depart without him. He believes it to be a strong bonding experience, and bonds are what he thrives for. He's an eloquent creature, with an eye for flair, and an optimistic outlook on life. He's fiercely devoted to his pack, maybe to a fault, and he would die for them without a second thought. He has no doubt they would do the same. Though he has a difficult time forming lasting bonds, due to his tendency to fling himself into danger, those he does manage to forge are forever.

Another piece of his multi faceted personality is his charm. He's a charismatic bastard, with a chipped tooth grin and cocky, devil- may- care demeanor. To those who don't quite know him, he's a bit full of himself. To those that do- he's a bit full of himself. What can he say? He's gorgeous, and he knows it. He loves to talk, and loves the sound of his own voice, though he also loves the ideas of others. He finds himself captivated by other wolves- the way they walk, the way they talk, anything is fascinating to him. He once watched a bug simply go about its day for several hours. Magnus occasionally has episodes of intense focus, where everything he sets his mind to gets done. The rest of his time is split into two categories: to finish later, and to finish after this.

One of his greatest fears, right alongside losing his mate, his rank, and his honor, is water. Magnus is irrationally afraid of it, going out of his way to avoid it. Even drinking from a stream unsettles him, and should he have to cross one, he can only squeeze his eyes shut, pray, and hurl himself over. He's never lost anyone to water- making his fear even stranger. Perhaps it's because he knows he won't float. He's never tried it. Or maybe he has, and is simply too afraid to say. No one truly knows.

He's a cunning creature, should he decide to stop moving and think, which is rare. His wit is as sharp as his teeth, and he never hesitates to let a quip dance from his tongue. The reactions are varied, but typically range from annoyed grunts, to polite, but fake, chuckles, and a full fledged belly laugh. He jokes regardless. Magnus' secret talent is making jokes about the worst things at the worst times. He once made a stab at bringing light to the loss of one of his beloved elders, mentioning how she must hate being dead or something along those lines, only to find most of the pack still hadn't quite recovered from the loss. He accepted that defeat: a rare occurrence.

His bearing is that of royalty, and that is the blood that courses through his veins. He never forgets it, and it's wise you don't, either. He despises being disrespected, and he has no qualms about spilling blood of another should the occasion present itself. He's fiercely protective of his mate, almost overly so, and should his sharp ears catch any malicious talk towards her, he will not hesitate to defend her honor. Once you have crossed him, he will never forget. He's one to hold a grudge for a very long time, and he's never one to let things slip his mind. Despite this, he's a brave, showy wolf, with a fierce loyalty towards his pack and a fascination with all things that might catch his eye. A powerful ally, and a dangerous enemy.


Magnus was born to royalty. A powerful pack that controlled much of their little tundra home. His thick coat hearkens to the long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. His tenacity and lightheartedness helped his pack through countless difficult times, but eventually, his mother succumbed to starvation. Magnus wasn't the only male, and he certainly wasn't the oldest, so he wasn't destined to inherit the territory, unless his four other siblings should tragically die. Regardless, the male remained goodnatured, training alongside his siblings, hunting joyously, living life to the fullest. When he was two, he decided he wanted to rule, and set off on his own, well wished and farewells trailing behind him as he went.

He eventually found Sea Pack, and challenged the alpha. He won after a difficult fight, and allowed the former alpha pair to live out their lives in peace in the safety of the pack. When they passed, he decided he wanted to start a family. So he selected his own mate, and now he thrives within his pack, standing proud and strong beside his best friend and love, leading his makeshift family. Truly, there is little else Magnus could wish for. Except, maybe, cubs of his own.
(sorry this is so wordy- I got very carried away!)
Clickety Click
"Sweetie, if you're going to be two faced at least make one of them pretty."
Mollis {Latin: gentle}


Sky Pack


A ghostly white, Mollis is nothing short of striking. Her coat is always kept meticulously clean, and she despises getting dirty. Her ears are overly large and typically flopped to the side, giving her a permanent expression of exasperation. Her muzzle is long and pointed, topped by a coal black nose, contrasting starkly to the snowy hue of her coat. Her lips are dark as well, and just barely show through when her mouth is closed. Her face is sharply angled, softened only by the extra bit of fluff on her cheeks. The hair along her neck is long and rough, though thinly layered, and stark grey and black guard hairs pop up along her back like weeds in a field. Mollis' shoulder blades are extremely prominent, and even when she's well fed, her ribs tend to show just slightly.

She bears the brunt of her past in her small stature, and the near constant presence of her ribs. Her sharply angled face, prominent shoulder blades and hips, and overly long legs hint towards the fact that, though little for her age, Mollis is still growing. Her tail is relatively short and thin when compared to the rest of her, almost whip like. But her lean build and light weight means she can run at impressive speeds, at the cost of intimidation and strength. She bears no scars, and her amber eyes show an innocence she tries to hide. No one's afraid of a wolf whose never killed another. But maybe, just maybe, they'll respect it. Reference the Big Bad Wolf checklist: big? No. Bad? Maybe just a little. Wolf? Absolutely.

If there's one thing little Mollis loves to do, almost more than she likes to run, is talk. She's loud, and obnoxious, and often talks to herself if no one's around to listen. As a apprentice, her opinion doesn't carry much value. Mollis shares it anyway. She loves to chatter and yell and scream and growl, any noise that means anything, Mollis loves. Occasionally, she'll stage entire conversations with no one but herself. Despite her love of conversation, this wolf lacks, well, shall we say, tact. She's very blunt, and can sometimes come across as cruel, even if she wouldn't dream of hurting her pack. Mollis also has a very strong tendency to interrupt. She's headstrong and stupidly brave, a compulsive liar, as well as a social butterfly. However, she is very hard on her friends.

Those she chooses to welcome into her inner circle tend to face more challenges than those who have nothing to do with her. She loves adventure, and she'll be damned if her friends don't join her. She's way too energetic, and it's difficult keeping up with her. She's also very much a gossip hound, with a strong ear for some 'sister tea'. But if she hears any about those she calls friends, the poor wolf spreading the rumor will most likely find themselves listening to a small creature screech at them about respect and kindness. Yes, she's a very big hypocrite.

But Mollis is a kind, gentle creature, with a strong pack instinct, and a willingness to bond. Despite the tendency to lie without thinking, she's truthful to those she finds trustworthy, and never hesitates to shower her loved ones in endless compliments. She often finds a single friend she clicks especially well with, and, like it or not, that poor, unfortunate soul might just find a small white wolf at their side, every second of every day.

Mollis is quite the mystery. And quite the miracle. She was the first, and only pup, born to the young alpha pair of a brand new pack. She was the first member, but her survival was doubtful. Her belly was distended with worms, her ribs poked through her pale pelt, and she was barely strong enough to nurse. Her parents, deciding she would die anyway, and only weaken the alpha female by trying to survive, abandoned her. She was found by a kind man, who, lacking the unique qualifications wolves demand, gave her up to a zoo. There, her intestinal parasites were treated, she gained weight, and grew stronger. In fact, it was the kind humans who saved her, and christened her with a short, simple name: Mollis. Gentle.

When Mollis was weaned and healthy enough, the humans who cared for her released her, knowing of a pack in the general area. She survived on her own for a few days, living off small prey and scavenging what she could. She ran in with several malicious creatures, and many who were indifferent to the little wolf. She even saw a bear. After a week, she found Sky pack. She happily settled in, and hopes to remain within their ranks her whole life.
Photo by Steve Somerville

"The first victim of war is innocence."

Audax {Latin: valiant}


Sea Pack

Pup. He hopes to be alpha male, but at the moment, his age limits him.

Dax is composed of soft, muted colors, the hues of earth and sky. His ears are stained dark, while the thick fur inside them fades to a pale white. He bears the same fluffy face as his father, and the same intense gaze. However, the white and grey in his heavily mottled coat hearkens to his mother, as does his light, agile build and pale underbelly. His amber eyes are deep and intelligent, unwavering and serious. They are emphasized by brown 'eyebrows', that move with his expressions. They brown streaks are topped a think black smear that fades to grey around his forehead. His muzzle, white on the sides, is stained an earthen brown on top, which fades to a darker brown mottled with white around his forehead. His most interesting and unique marking is the halo of pale brown fur that starts just behind his ears and almost entirely encircles his head, fading to white beneath his throat.

His legs are straight, lacking the toed out appearance of his father, and very long. He's a tall wolf, though his narrow frame prevents him being especially intimidating. His back is a creamy beige, mixed with black and grey guard hairs. This color fades to a light brown around his shoulders, and melts down the outside of his lanky legs. is tail, usually held in the same, slightly curled way as his father's, is thick and voluminous. His chest, almost totally white, bears a small dark grey smudge. Dax likes to think it's because he was given an extra large heart. All the more to love you with.

Dax is the stoic. He's quiet and kind, courageous and well meaning. But he's way too serious. Dax isn't especially fond of sharing his feelings, or showing them much, instead putting up a facade of fearlessness and quiet. He's an intricate soul, and he doesn't quite have the words to explain what's going on within. He loves his pack, and wishes to lead it someday, but he itches to go off on his own. He's proud of his parents, but also wants to escape their shadow. He adores his family, but heavily values his alone time. A true paradox, indeed.

Dax is also very responsible. He doesn't joke much, and often takes charge of whatever situation may arise. This tends to grate on the nerves of both older wolves and his siblings. Oblivious to this, however, Dax continues 'leading' those he sees in need of 'help'. Needless to say, he doesn't have many friends. He is very much a nerd, as well. Fascinated by how things work and why, Dax tends to hyper-focus on one small detail, and struggles to see the whole picture. Though he radiates calm and kindness, Dax panics quite a bit. While he's by himself, he can be seen pacing relentlessly, muttering to himself, and snarling at shadows. Perhaps there's something not quite right in his head.

This wolf is selfless to a fault. He'd rather die than survive while another suffers. And perhaps he's a bit too willing to give his life. Thankfully, the opportunity has never presented itself, and the sky and earth lad lives to see another day. This may also stand in the way of his possible leadership. A dead leader is no good, even if the wolf he died to save may still live. Dax is a strong believer in peace, a pacifist to the core. He despises any type of fight, whether it be verbal or physical, or even a playful spar. Perhaps this is why he's so thin and narrow.
Click Click

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Edited on 15/04/19 @ 14:36:15 by Polopony (#96942)

Sword Art Online (#149469)

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Posted on
2019-04-07 07:34:12
Wolf name: Midnight
Gender: Female
Pack: Sky
Rank: Alpha
Appearance: Black fur with bright green eyes
Personality: kind, will do anything to protect her pack but hates to get into fights with stronger packs.
Bio (optional): Midnight wasn’t born into the pack but was adopted at a very young age by the former Alphas of the pack she now is the leader of. The others don’t take her seriously as the alpha female.

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Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

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Posted on
2019-04-07 14:33:43
Sorry. Left rp

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Edited on 22/05/19 @ 17:11:16 by Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-04-07 17:56:33
Wolf name: Willow
Gender: Female
Pack: N/A
Rank: Loner
Appearance: Dark grey back, white belly. She has grey specks all over her.
Personality: Cautious, calm, and suspicious. She's very friendly... if she trusts you. She doesn't trust a lot of wolves
Bio (optional): She was chased off from Sea pack a few years before. She lives in a cave between the two territories with her mate, Atlas, and her pup, Frost.

Wolf name: Atlas
Gender: Male
Pack: N/A
Rank: Loner
Appearance: Dark red, VERY long fur. Tall, stocky, and strong.
Personality: Grumpy and overprotective.
Bio (optional): He was chased off from Sky pack a few years before. He lives in a cave between the two territories with his mate, Willow, and his pup, Frost.

Wolf name: Frost
Gender: Male
Pack: N/A
Rank: Loner (Pup)
Appearance: He's an albino.
Personality: He can never seem to understand that he needs to stay with his parents. He's likely to run off into someone's territory chasing after a butterfly or something... but he's stayed fine for now.
Bio (optional): He was born outside of the packs, so he doesn't know anything of pack life.

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Sword Art Online (#149469)

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Posted on
2019-04-08 16:57:19
Wolf name: Thunder
Gender: Female
Pack: Sky
Rank: Beta
Appearance: Red fur and dark Blue eyes
Personality: stubborn, headstrong, picks fights with wolves that are lower ranked than her
Bio (optional): she doesn’t believe that Midnight should be alpha female since she was blood to the former alpha male and female. But since Thunder is mean towards others in the pack she was given a lower rank.

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TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-04-08 17:29:17
Wolf name: Rain
Gender: Female
Pack: Sea
Rank: Runner
Appearance: A deep grey fur, black specks. Her fur is shiny. She’s small and fast.
Personality: Calm, quiet, caring
Bio (optional): She was raised as a loner far away from the territories, but was found as a pup by Echo (who was not the alpha female yet but the captain of the guard) on a stormy day, hence her name. She was mentored by Willow to be a hunter, but they never saw quite eye to eye. She was, in fact, the wolf who chased Willow off.

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Scarlet {Nuummite
Pie 3xRos} (#169371)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-09 14:02:39
Wolf Name: Sand
Gender: Male
Pack: Sea
Rank: Beta Male
Appearance: A dark red fur, brown-red specks, fur is long and scruffy, big and muscular.
Personality: Bold, Brave, Strong, Stern, Responsible, Strict, Caring
Bio (optional): A lone female wolf gave birth to Sand, knowing how hard he would be to raise, she left him on a rock once he was barely a pup. Sand learned to fend for himself, and lived off scraps and leftover meat left from kills. One day when he was a teenager, he was found by the sea pack, they took him in, and eventually he was made beta male.
Mate: Thunder

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Edited on 11/04/19 @ 18:05:15 by Nguvu1 (#169371)

TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-04-09 14:27:11
Wolf name: Free
Gender: Female
Pack: Sky
Rank: Hunter
Appearance: She's all white and very small but fast.
Personality: She's a free spirit who loves spending time by the river that marks the southern edge of the territories. Flighty and friendly
Bio (optional): She was kept in captivity in a private zoo far, far north of the territories. She escaped, and came down to Sky Pack, where she's lived ever since.

Wolf name: Wind
Gender: Male
Pack: Sea
Rank: Guard
Appearance: Pale gray, long fur. Good for blowing dramatically in the wind. Green eyes.
Personality: Reserved, but friendly when you get to know him. He gets distracted easily.
Bio (optional): He escaped with Free from the private zoo, and they were friends for a long time. But when they came to the packs they split ways, never to have an adventure together again... or are they?

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-10 00:44:16

➢Celandine (Cei)




➢ Coffee-and-milk fur, gray shell and dapple, maize (creamy) unders. Common amber eyes and a medium length tail. Is somewhat long-legged for her age.

With adults or strange pups she is mature, businesslike and eager-to-please. The girl is self-aware enough to know that climbing social ladders is easier by being likeable and professional, though this tends to isolate her from the other more carefree pups of her age; for this reason she tends to form attachments very easily due to her natural pup-instincts for attention.

➢Likes the cold, affection, well-earned praise, rabbits and birds.
➢ Dislikes birds, too much noise, public humiliation, isolation.

➢Was found with a loner and adopted into pack at a very early age, explaining the lack of parents; however, it hasn't affected her in any notable way due to her young age at the time preventing her from forming any recognisable memories. Pretty much a normal pup otherwise.


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Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2019-04-10 15:35:07
Wolf name: Cascade
Gender: Female
Pack: Sea
Rank: Beta Female
Appearance: Cascade is a gorgeous blue-gray wolf with piercing blue eyes that can sense your emotions. Her tail tip is dipped in pale moonlight and flicks constantly, almost like a cat. Her left forepaw is like a jet black sky with no stars in sight, the moon covered by gray clouds. The tips of her pointy ears are tipped in sparkling starlight, a blueish white color of icy stars. Her nose is black.
Personality: This beautiful female is quite the lady, very graceful and usually very kind. Though you can piss her off, she will become the calm before the storm. A silent fury. You'd have to be going at it awhile though, as its almost impossible to reveal her nasty side. She is a great leader and never hesitates.
Bio (optional): May be revealed during roleplay or updated here.

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Scarlet {Nuummite
Pie 3xRos} (#169371)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-10 19:40:20
Wolf Name: Moon
Gender: Female
Rank: Guard Captain
Pack: Sea
Appearance: A pretty, snow white wolf with flecks of gray lining her back. She had a sturdy and muscular build, and his a natural fighter and guard. Her pelt is sleek and shiny, and on her pad is a marking that looks like a circle, hence her name.
Personality: This female is funny and brave, She is the wolf, who as a pup would sneak out and watch the hunting patrols, and guarding patrols, though she often couldn't keep up. She is brave and reckless and always seems to crack a joke or a sarcastic remark.
Mate: Wind
Bio: She grew up with her siblings, and mother. Everything was perfect, until humans came and shot everyone but her, who fled just in time. She hid in a bush and watched her loved ones die in front of her own eyes, running away sobbing, she beat herself for being so scared and hiding.
She hides her pain easily, and often looks like she's having the best time in her life, but deep down she still mourns for her family.

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Edited on 19/04/19 @ 21:37:14 by Nguvu1 (#169371)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-11 03:37:18

Akemi is DEAD

Wolf name: Akemi
Gender: Female
Pack: N/A
Appearance:A black wolf with white paws. Eyes blue and her tail tip was white.
Personality:Shy and caring

Wolf name: Ashink
Rank:Alpha male
Appearance:A white wolf with black paws. Eyes dark blue and his tail tip black.
Personality:Aggressive and loyal

Bio (optional):Akemi and Ashink were born away from both packs. Their mother died right after giving birth to them and their siblings. After a few days their 3 siblings started to die off and after their siblings all died they started to die. Ashink was later taken by the Sea pack as Akemi and him were asleep one night. The following day as Akemi was crying out searching for Ashink the Sky pack found her and took her under their care. Since they were both taken Ashink keeps trying to find Akemi while Akemi keeps trying to find Ashink still worried about each other.

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Edited on 16/04/19 @ 17:08:53 by Akemi (#168247)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-11 12:57:17
Wolf name: Dark wind
Gender: Female
Pack: sea pack
Rank: hunter
Appearance:File:Black Wolf (142852551).jpeg
Personality:bold,short temper ,kind
Bio (optional):Find out in the rp

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ixraccoon 🪶
Vagabond Hexa Ros (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-11 17:48:14
Wolf name: Maple
Gender: female
Pack: Sea Pack
Age: 2 years
Rank: hunter
Personality: kind, brave, and a good fighter.
Bio (optional): n/a

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Edited on 12/04/19 @ 19:13:47 by Dark Moon [Clean Ice Ferus] (#162801)

ixraccoon 🪶
Vagabond Hexa Ros (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-12 21:22:56
Wolf name: Shadow
Gender: male
Pack: Sky Pack
Age: 3 years
Rank: Beta Male
Personality: loyal, courageous, hot-headed sometimes
Bio (optional): n/a

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