Posted by Raffle minimum ticket count
Lelouch (#316)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-13 21:19:59
Hey all! In a lot of raffle's people post, must have at least (x) amount of tickets to run. What if we could set a number that raffle creators and other users would be able to see and once that number is reach the raffle would say minimum ticket count reached. If the minimum isn't reached the raffle will cancel when it should've run instead of running.

Additionally maybe if that ticket minimum is reached the user can no longer cancel the raffle. Since a minimum entry number would be optional people wouldn't have to use it but could choose to. It gives the users running the raffle comfort and the people buying tickets don't have to worry about it suddenly being cancelled.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 0 NO supports.

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