Posted by Interest Check: High Fantasy World

ævi (#10196)

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Posted on
2019-04-15 09:51:57
Hello! The role play concept I'm about to introduce has been a passion of mine for a few months now, and the story has grown very close to my heart. I've attempted to start it a couple of times on a different site, but the genre was a little "out of style" for the trends there, so it didn't garner much interest either of those times. However, I've been watching the RP forums here and I feel like it could have so much more potential in a more, ah, mature community like this one, anyways.

It would be semi-literate to literate(at least 1-2 paragraphs per post), and group-based(maybe about 6-9 people to start, a couple of roles would have to be filled). My idea is set in a high fantasy world where the environment is larger-than-life, because the original inhabitants/creators of the world were giants. So: giant ancient ruins, mountains that pierce the atmosphere, forests that extend beyond the horizon, etc. Pretty much anything you can think of and imagine.

Anyways, the giants died off eons before the present time(due to mysterious circumstances), and we're left with three remaining races: humans, elves, and dwarves. The human government is the Magocracy, an entire system rule by, you guessed it, mages. The elves used to have an expansive Empire, but that fell apart for reasons named below, and the dwarves exist in a kingdom ruled by a royal family. Naturally, there's some animosity between races. Briefly: The humans and elves went to war because the humans were harvesting the bones of giants, which the elves hold sacred. The elves and dwarves are old allies, so they fought the humans together. That is, until the dwarves had to deal with a civil war that eventually overthrew the leadership. So the elves were left to fight the humans alone and lost. Elves scattered to the winds, displaced by human armies.

Now, I mentioned mages. People of all races can be born a mage, but it is rare that it happens. If a person is feeling brave, however, they can travel to the Void of Stars, which is essentially a colossal canyon filled with magical energy. A non-mage can go there, and maybe be granted the powers of a mage. If the Void decides they are unworthy, however, they do not return.

I'm working on an actual plot(ask if you want to know what I've got in mind!), but this is the foundation of it. It'd be an open-world story that lets you choose your own path. I'm very excited about it, and eager to hear your opinions! I'm open to suggestions, of course!

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JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2019-04-15 11:26:55
This seems super neat! I'd definitely be interested! I'd love to hear your plot idea of course!

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ævi (#10196)

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Posted on
2019-04-15 12:03:38
Well, I have a little blurb written out that introduces the plot. It's a work in progress, but I believe it's a good start:

After a series of devastating earthquakes that left many of [World Name Here]'s people hurt and homeless, the Archmage of the human Magocracy has reached out to the dwarves and elves for assistance. But old rivalries still stand in the way, and the other races were not left unscathed from the quakes. It is rumored that the tremors were caused by something from the Void of Stars, a mysterious canyon full of magical energy. The Magocracy is considering sending a team of individuals to investigate, but little is known about the Void. Those who have been there and lived to tell rarely remember anything about it, but were granted magical powers upon their return to society. When the quakes started, large tendrils of that energy began slowly crawling out of the abyss. The debate around sending anyone down there is a controversial one. Is it worth it, considering they may not remember what happened should they even return at all? If it is, what will they find?

Let me know what you think!

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JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2019-04-15 12:09:14
Woah, that sounds really cool! It's super unique I cant say I've been involved in an RP similar to that.

Let me know if you need help with anything or just someone to throw ideas at for feedback. I'd be happy to help and to be involved once you start up.

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ævi (#10196)

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Posted on
2019-04-15 13:05:09
Thank you! Your feedback means a lot!

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