Posted by Of Mustangs and Men Character Sheets

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-18 19:16:21

Main Roleplay Thread


5+ sentences and/or a picture
5+ sentences


Any horse older than twenty years is retired. Any horse younger than three years is not yet saddle broke.
Any breed accepted
What ranch work do they do?
5+ sentences
5+ sentences, image is optional.
Role Play Thread

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Edited on 09/05/19 @ 17:38:01 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-18 19:25:53


"I'd kill a thousand men before I let one make me his slave."

Corro {Spanish: I run}

Four years


Lead Stallion

Corro is a handsome grey, clothed with a flowing mane and flagging tail. His points are black, as he once was, and they contrast sharply. Dancing across his knees and cannons are thin, whip like scars. A dark, steely grey creeps up his legs and hindquarters, spider webbing their way across his barrel in a stunning dapple pattern. His fore legs and shoulders bear the same iron hue as his hind legs, as does his neck and the underside of his jawbone. Two white half pasterns stand in stark contrast, through they will eventually fade as the darkness of his coat does. His face is a lighter grey, and the faintest outline of a star can just be made out. In years to come, Corro will fade to a bright white, but for now his mottled coat is testament to his age.

His mane and tail are a mixture of black, grey, and white, long tendrils threading their way across his neck and through his legs. When excited, annoyed, or playful, Corro's tail will fly trough the air like a banner. The rims of his ears are finely lined with black, and perched atop a finely shaped head. He is rather small, standing at only 14.2 hands, but his boisterous personality and quick turn of speed makes up for it. His legs are stout, as is the rest of him. A sturdy, broad shouldered stud, Corro will go to great lengths to defend his dear herd.

Should one be unfortunate enough to end up on the receiving end of Corro's gaping mouth, one would notice his small, still white teeth, the Galvin's Groove that appears at five years not even present. His large eyes are yet another indicator of his age: bright, and shining with curiosity at a world he has barely seen.

He is also rather young to lead, having taken over the herd by means of their ancient, decrypt leader. Now, he blunders his way through leadership, learning the ups and downs dutifully, while trying, and often failing, to control his coltish tendencies. Corro loves to have fun. Despite the serious duties of his position, Corro can often be seen instigating playful spars with yearlings, challenging others to races, and playing with the foals with such gentleness, as if he's afraid he'll break them. Kindness is always the first thing upon this young stud's mind, and he adores talking to others.

Corro is a very proud stallion. He's a bit vain, and very stubborn. He has poor judgement, and often rushes headfirst into conflict. A cool headed, reasonable mare would be his ideal second in command, but whoever may come will be accepted with kindness. Corro is also very much a hothead, especially to any bachelor stallions who may dare to show their faces. Although he can count the number of fights he's been in with ease, especially due to the numerous small, faint scars strewn across his iron coat, Corro is always willing to 'throw hooves', if you will.

Corro takes it as his own personal duty to check in with every horse in his herd at least once every day. He loves his family with a passion, and he would only allow a mare, foal, or yearling to be taken over his dead body. Because of this, he tends to wear circles in the grass as he paces around his herd, always on the lookout for danger. He's a bit paranoid, perhaps because of his young age and inexperience, a huge red flag to any older stallion looking for a herd, and Corro trains constantly with his braves.

As fierce as he may seem, or try to be, Corro is naught but a slab of butter when it comes to the precious few members of his herd who are younger than him. He isn't a very good enforcer when it comes to rules, though he tries his best, and tougher mares may have to step in if he lets it go a bit too far. He reacts to being scolded by his family very much like the yearlings he often plays with: by hanging his head and sulking away. Despite his high rank, pride, and fierce dedication, Corro is still very much a colt.

Corro was born to a herd that has since broken up. He was chased out at two and a half years, found himself a bachelor herd, then challenged the previous, rapidly failing lead stallion of his herd. He won, as the poor old horse could barely put up much of a fight, and allowed the stallion to stay within the safety of the herd until his death a few months later.
Corro's Source
"May the bridges I burn light the way."

Llamarada {Spanish: Blaze }

Five Months



Mara is an earthen bay, with dark around her eyes and a black muzzle. She has one white sock on her left fore, and a dark dorsal stripe rushes down her back. Cutting across it is an ebony shoulder strip, forming a sort of cross upon her shoulders and back. Mara's tail and mane are the color of obsidian, and her eyes are a dark chocolate. Perhaps the most striking thing about this little filly is her wide, bright blaze. It trickles from her forehead, between her eyes, down her slightly dished face, and onto her muzzle, coloring the skin there pink. Some splotches of a similar color appear on her bottom lip, almost carrying the appearance of lipstick.

She's a lean, lanky horse, and she will most likely stay that way. Her legs are overly long, her ears are too big for her head, and she's quite uncoordinated, even for her age. Her massive ears, however, are neatly lined with black, and her legs are dark to her knees, where they fade into her chocolate color of her coat. Mara's gaskins and underbelly are lighter than the rest of coat, and her face and shoulders are darkest. Her richly hued eyes are bright and constantly taking in their mountainous home, still relatively new to the wonders of this world.

Her teeth are small and click often, as she's a natural born trouble maker, and tends to be on the receiving end of disciplinary nips. As Mara has just begun to eat grass, they are still ridged from their eruption. Her hooves are small and compact, and her left fore is a pale yellow while the other three are a dark grey. They are almost always in motion, save when she collapses at her mother's side for a nap. Being naughty is exhausting.


Mara's personality is perhaps the biggest thing about her. She's a boisterous, energetic, clever foal, with seemingly boundless new ways to make trouble. If there's one thing little Mara loves to do, almost more than she likes to run, is talk. She's loud, and obnoxious, and often talks to herself if no one's around to listen. As a foal, her opinion doesn't carry much value. Mara shares it anyway. . Occasionally, she'll stage entire conversations with no one but herself. Despite her love of conversation, this filly lacks, well, shall we say, tact. She's very blunt, and can sometimes come across as cruel, even if she wouldn't dream of hurting her herd. Mara also has a very strong tendency to interrupt. She's headstrong and stupidly brave, a compulsive liar, as well as a social butterfly. However, she is very hard on her friends.

Those she chooses to welcome into her inner circle tend to face more challenges than those who have nothing to do with her. She loves adventure, and she'll be damned if her friends don't join her. She's way too energetic, and it's difficult keeping up with her. She's also very much a gossip hound, with a strong ear for some 'sister tea'. But if she hears any about those she calls friends, the poor horse spreading the rumor will most likely find themselves listening to a small creature screech at them about respect and kindness. Yes, she's a very big hypocrite.

But Mara is a kind, gentle creature, with a patent for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, and a willingness to bond. Despite the tendency to lie without thinking, she's truthful to those she finds trustworthy, and never hesitates to shower her loved ones in endless compliments. She often finds a single friend she clicks especially well with, and, like it or not, that poor, unfortunate soul might just find a small bay filly at their side, every second of every day.

Mara is looking for a mother
Mara's Source

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Edited on 19/04/19 @ 09:40:29 by Polopony (#96942)

Sinthz (#173522)

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Posted on
2019-04-18 22:44:47
Image removed by moderator

Name: Cooriya
Age: 3 1/2 Years
Gender: Mare
Rank: Brood
Appearance: Cooriya has a chestnut colored pelt all around her body. Her face, unlike the rest of her body, has a white blotch on her forehead. Her mane is chestnut as well, making her look quite plain. Her eyes shine a very light amber. Her body is taller than most mares mainly because of her long slender legs.
Personality: Cooriya is a kind yet naive little mare. She is easily swooned, manipulated, and tricked, even though there are times where she knows that it’s a bad decision. She finds kindness in anyone and anything, making her one of the most forgiving and nicest horses anyone could ever meet. Her attitude is always uplifting and full of care, which is a reason why she loves foals. She believes that forgiveness and kindness will solve every problem to exist.
Other: Mustango

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Edited on 06/05/19 @ 22:23:03 by a Moderator

Tiny Fox (#171066)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 19:15:23
2 years and seven months
Evita is a fairly pretty strawberry roan brindle mare with stocking like markings that reach up to the height of her knee caps. She has a white blaze that travels down the center of her face, along with a white dorsal stripe that travels along the center of her back and ends just before her tail. Her mane and tail are pure black.
Evita is a very stubborn mare who hates to listen to what others have to say. She's very headstrong and when she has her opinion, dont even try to argue with her. Because of her stubborn nature, Evita tends to distance herself a bit from the herd when grazing, and normally prefers to be left alone. She doesn't particularly care for foals, but wouldn't mind breeding with a stallion that she truly loves. When it comes to the bachelor herd or stallions that wonder too close to the herd, Evita will typically try her best to avoid them.
She was found and taken into the herd after her mother died when she was about three months old
(I haven't figured out how to import pictures here, so I did my best to describe her appearance)

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Edited on 22/04/19 @ 20:23:06 by Tiny Fox (#171066)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-22 01:16:41

All images are linked to their sources.



6 years old.


Medicine Stallion.

René is a stallion of average height, reaching 15 hands, but sporting a build stockier than most. A possible hint at some Draft lineage somewhere in his bloodline perhaps, though there is no way to prove as such and if asked René would think it impossible a horse so large could ever exist, having never seen one with his own eyes. As a buckskin, his glossy coat is predominately a light golden hue with a dark dorsal stripe running down the length of his spine. His legs are black, reaching above the knees, but still well below the shoulders and haunches, creating the illusion of dark stockings. His tail and mane are of moderate length, night black and threaded with golden-brown. A small white marking in the shape of a diamond can be found of his forehead and his eyes a bright chestnut brown color. The area around his mouth and nose turns from golden to black.

René has a joyful and relaxed temperament, always willing to lend a helping hoof to those in need. His injury might limit him in some regards, but he isn’t one for self-pity and simply makes the best of it. As a healer René isn’t required to do much patrolling or fighting and so spends most of his days among the herd looking after the wounded and ill, rarely leaving the group unless called out for an emergency. Though he is a fairly laid-back individual he’s quite witty and won’t put up with anyone belittling him.

Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to mock or patronize him will be left to tend to whatever is ailing them on their own until they apologize. While both prideful and stubborn, he is also fearless and devoted. always doing his best to protect the herd. He doesn’t fight often, but he can still be found practicing in case he ever needs the skills, focusing more on his three good legs when it comes to getting around or defending himself and others. He seems to enjoy the mysticism that surrounds his position and you can bet he plays it up, especially around youngsters.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
You Got It In You - BANNERS.


As a colt, he was quite the daredevil and that would eventually be his downfall. In an attempt to impress some friends, he tried to jump a rather wide ditch and never reached the other side, plummeting to the hard ground below and injuring one of his hind legs on the rocks he landed on. It wasn’t quite broken, but the medicine mare informed him the injury would always stay with him.

He remained in the healer’s company for many moons, finding through being tended to and watching her tend to others that he could perhaps still have a purpose. The old mare taught him all she knew before passing on and leaving René as the herd’s sole healer. The fact that his own foolishness caused his injury is something he’s honestly quite embarrassed about.

René was allowed to stay with the herd by his former leader, his father in fact, due to his unusual circumstances and seems just as content to serve Corro now, impressed by his kindness and generosity as he allowed the old lead stallion to remain with them until his death.




5 years old.



A taller mare at 16 hands. An incredibly dark blue roan, at night the darker points of her body blend with the deep blue-gray of her coat, sparse white speckling located across her shoulders and ribcage. Her long legs and slender build hint at possible Thoroughbred influences, and indeed Breeze seems one with the wind when she runs. A few faded scars can be found scattered across her leanly muscled frame, at times difficult to pick out against her dark pelt. Her mane and tail are solid black, somewhat feathery, but not overly long and her eyes are a startlingly pale shade of blue.

Inpatient and a bit lacking in the impulse control department, she portrays herself as being calm, collected and composed, but in truth, she's a fiery soul with a temper that's easy to ignite. Once set off she tends to be unforgiving and relentless, more often with words than teeth unless facing an intruder. Whether she comes to regret her actions or not will likely depend on how he feels about whoever was involved in the argument. Despite Breeze's volatile moods she isn't entirely unkind and attempts to treat others with respect until given a reason to dislike them. She comes across as confident and resolute but has her own private insecurities to deal with.

Fearless and bold, she's not one to shy away from a challenge. Undeniably passionate about the causes and horses she chooses to align herself with, Breeze is someone you can trust to have your back no matter the dangers or risks. She always strives to do what she believes to be right but tends to be so stuck on her own ideals that she isn't always open to new points of view. Fierce and protective, she considers herself a guardian and will always look out for the downtrodden. This in itself could prove a weakness. She is easily moved by the plights of others. Those who know her best can see past the rough and ever-so-serious facade she has created for herself.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Children of the Sun - Thomas Bergersen (feat. Merethe Soltvedt).

She comes from a herd that roamed in another area and speaks with a distinct accent.

Appears extremely uninterested in reproducing, valuing her rank above motherhood, but is kind to the foals and yearlings regardless.

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Edited on 24/04/19 @ 20:55:18 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2019-04-22 09:24:12

3 Years



(Clicking the image takes you to the credit/stock image)

Adira is a beautiful leopard appaloosa. Her whole body is white with black dots similar to a Dalmatian dog. Her short, light gray mane lays naturally to the right. The mare has a very stout figure with short legs and a wide barrel as well as a short, thick neck. She features a few small scars and cuts on her hocks, but for the most part she remains injury free. Adira's hooves are dark gray, not quite black, and wide, providing good support in snow and for her heavy body.

Adira is generally a very a quiet mare that keeps to herself. Sure, she enjoys the company of fellow broods that she can relate to, but for the most part the roan female preferred to stay away from the braves and the lead stallion unless she must. While quiet and extroverted, she loved foals and lived to raise the younger generations. She has strong motherly instincts and will put her own life on the line for a foal; she wouldn't rarely do this for members of her herd around her age. Since she is still young, she has not yet been bred yet, but the mare would be happy to carry on her herd's legacy.
(Willing to be Llamarada's mother though)


1 Year



(Clicking the image takes you to the credit/stock image)

This male sports a blood bay coat color that he tries to keep rather clean despite being in the wild. He has a white star on his forehead that is usually covered by his jet black mane. His mane and tail are rather average, not growing long or being short; however, they are both jet black, and his mane lays on both sides of his crest. Oleander has off white hooves that are small and made for running just like the rest of his body. He is lean and well built. That doesn't really matter at this point of his life since he moves so awkwardly anyway. Still getting used to those long legs.

Oleander is (a salty bean) a stubborn, hot headed yearling who thinks very highly of himself. He, despite his hard-headedness, is in fact hard-working and dreams of one day becoming the lead stallion of the herd... or a herd. His high and mighty views on himself tend to get himself in trouble due to his condescending and rude attitude towards others. Oleander has limited life experiences, so his belief that he is amazing comes based on pure opinion. Not only does he believe he is intelligent, but he also thinks he is incredibly handsome. The dude loves himself and most of his personality revolves around this.


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Edited on 22/04/19 @ 12:04:43 by RoosterChick (#46649)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2019-04-26 14:52:01

Name: "Corr" mean Odd

Age 4 years

Gender stallion


Appearance: Corr is just shy of pony size, he is 14.5 hands(58" at the withers). He is build for enderance, a stonger stocky frame insted of a lean one. His stunning blood bay coat roans out lilith a few dark spots hear and there. The darkest part on his body is his black stockings. Core has a luscious well kept mane though its not as long as some horses. He does have a few scars the most notable is the bite mark on his hind quarter. It has sence healed but the fur grew back lure white.

Personality:Corr is gentle by nature, he is not aggesive unless there is a mare in season. Then he's just like any other stallion. But other then that he spooks easily by and anything that might be dangous. Core is also curious witch can get I'm into worlds of trouble. He's that one kid that's like "lets go on an adventure, then 5 minuts later wanting to go home because he is afraid". He has a few scars hear and there due to fighting a stallions during season. So hes taken up other tactics being sneaky and he's sure he's sired a foal or two in his short 4 years but he has never met said foals.

Other: mustango

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Edited on 01/05/19 @ 11:39:51 by Hyena (#76271)

shadowsspy (#9255)

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Posted on
2019-04-29 20:24:43
Images link to their source

Name: Enbarr

Age: 6.5 months

Gender: Male/Colt

Rank: Foal/Weanling

Personality: He is not the easier foal to look after as hes constantly finding a new way to drive someone crazy just for fun as he's usually on the look out for adventure.He loves to race/play with the other foals like Mara and he will be 1 of the first foals up for a adventure or to sneak off while the adults are busy. He has perfected the innocent look when asked about where hes been but has a bad habit about being deceiving. He was hanging with another foal they just happened to be hanging in a forbidden spot . Hes not the most social and well he usually means he just tends to not care about any hurt feelings. Hes not the most talkative but he listens well and usually obeys the letter of the law but not spirit.

Appearance: Enbarr is a handsome cold with a mane and tail that look kind scruffy and seem to change colors from Blond to White to Brown. He has long legs that are completely white aside from some brown patching at the top of his front legs. Hes quite proud of his white and brown patches and his white blaze on his face and the little stripe that's right above his eyes right in the middle of his face. His front side and face are half brown unlike his shoulder and back which are mostly white and not brown.

Other: Mustang and well i couldn't decide on 1 picture im pretty sure its the same horse in both pictures

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Edited on 01/05/19 @ 16:56:17 by shadowsspy (#9255)

Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-07 20:47:37
haha redacted

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Edited on 20/01/21 @ 22:12:11 by Rappadapa (#159680)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2019-05-09 22:11:54
Name: Luci

Age 5


Gender: mare

Occupation: driving/plowing

Personality: she is level headed and kind, putting her best hoof forward. Hera has never foaled but has wanted to be a mother for awhile now. Due to this she is very motherly to anyone smaller then her and lets face it shes bigger then most if not all the horses around her. She is curious and greets every one as if shes known them all her life. but if shes clumsy a bit, tripping over dust bunnies.

She is a cherry bay, Having 3 white stockings and her left front hoof is a black sock. She is a broad blaze down the center of her face. She has party eyes (brown left and blue right) and she is 18 hands. Her mane and tail are Onyx in color. Having huge greyish punk hooves and a large muscular frame.

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Edited on 10/05/19 @ 08:17:53 by Hyena (#76271)

Sinthz (#173522)

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Posted on
2019-05-09 22:20:56
Name: Pebble
Age: 18 Years 8 Months
Breed: Andalusian Horse
Gender: Male
Occupation: Former Race Horse. Currently does slow trail rides with children.
Personality: Pebble is a gentle old horse who is kind and wise, treating everyone equally and scolding those who deserve them. With many stories to tell, he carries a bit more interest towards foals and yearling, loving their amazement and curiosity to life, but he never shows his favoritism. However, he gets quite irritated when anyone younger than him thinks they know best.

Constantly living with people, he finds no harm in them so when horses talk about how bad people seem to be, it confuses him. It actually makes him quite mad when a wild mustang talks about all these things about humans even when they have never been cared by one.
Appearance: Pebble has a shiny silver-ish blue gray pelt with lighter spots on his body. His eyes are a beautiful blue-ish white that glitter greatly. Due to being pretty old, he has a little dip in his back and looks a little bony on his legs. For a old horse, he looks pretty astonishing to the eye, loved by people and other horses. Standing at 16 hands, pretty tall for a Andalusian Horse.

To prevent some rough behavior he has been gelded, giving off a different scent to mares and other stallions.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 10:32:26
Name Cloud jumper
Age 1 year
Gender mare
Rank yearling
White horse run forward in dust on dark background
She is very kind but she does have a short temper and will snap at anyone who gets on her nerves . Tho being kind Cloud Jumper can get very shy around others and will sometimes go hide behind someone that she knows but once she gets to know them she can be very hyper.
Cloud jumper is a very very loving horse and will do anything to make new friends even if she gets shy.Cloud jumper is very bold for her age and will try to protect anyone she can . She loves to go exploring weather it's alone or with her friends
Other open

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Edited on 15/05/19 @ 19:49:16 by Happy hyena (#128112)

MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-12 19:53:55
Name: Sona
Age: 5 Years
Gender: Mare
Rank: Lone Mare
A smaller palomino, she stands barely at 14 hh with a dainty face. The rest of her is more stocky and shows off how she's made for the wilds. She has two white stockings both on her front. As well as a small star which is usually covered by her long mane. Her tail is on the longer side as well though filled with various foliage. There are a few scars around her neck. Her dark brown eyes seem a little large on her smaller face.
Sona's herd had been taken and she approaches all human activity cautiously. Horses and other animals are another story though. She can seem foolhardy when it comes to strange animals as she'll usually charge, rear or act aggressively before asking questions. There is a calmer side to her as she does have a tendency to be a bit of a mother toward foals, her inexperience shows here as she's not the most patient but she will fight to the death for them. She's not incredibly trusting but also knows what to do to continue to survive, and she isn't afraid to do it. Her tough attitude and willingness to do what she needs to has allowed her to continue to live in the wilderness by herself. Though it hasn't been the easiest and probably not the wisest.
Other: Open


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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2019-05-13 18:55:34

[ Source/Credit ]

Valeda (Val)
Latin-American for 'Strong & healthy'


7 Years


Medicine Mare

Valeda is not one to be easily confused with another, sporting many'a unique and awfully distinctive markings. Not one other simple equine wore such bold of stripes as she, at least not on these lush plains. These bold zags were undeniably eye-catching, especially as they danced in and out of the mare's lighter dun-like coloration. Val's live muscular was further framed with deepening tones of ebony, a single white sock worn defiantly aloft her back ankle. Between those rich, caramel-colored eyes sat a near perfect white star. It could be seen at a great distance should the lass be approaching, 'less it be enveloped by the long tendrils that so elegantly cascaded down the mare's most womanishly influenced facial.

Valeda is even natured; neither a dictator nor a pushover. She is not one to be talked down to or otherwise accept disrespect. She's mostly a wise, laid back, and often content mare; but be warned, it takes little fuss to summon the mare's more haughty and stubbornly authoritative character. To befriend the beefy lass is to gain a life-long offering of protection and many'an affectionate gestures, in addition to a sharing of her wealthy knowledge. To double-cross the seemingly lazed duchess; well, she'd -perhaps- give new light onto the meaning of 'life in hell'.


Open to plotting.

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Edited on 16/05/19 @ 11:37:58 by Soltero (#9059)

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