Posted by A Wolf's Wits {OPEN}

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 00:50:54

A wolf's Wits
In this world it's all about survival. Those who survive rely on their wits to keep them alive. Some perish along the way, and their stories long forgotten, but now it's time for your story to begin. Will you be one with the pack? Will you be a follow, or will you be a leader? Will you raise young with a kind, watchful eye or will you be the monster that lurks in the night? it's your story, so it's for you to decide.

Hello, welcome to the rp! This roleplay is all about world building! Here you can form packs freely and become the hero or the villain.

1) No harassment of any kind! Bullying and hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated. This is supposed to be a fun rp! LGBT+ content is full welcomed here! x3
2) Mating and other NSFW content must fade to black!
3) Do not go around causing drama outside of the RP.
4) Character's beliefs and their player's beliefs are not necessarily the same. Do not judge a player by their character's actions or words.
5) If you want to kill or do anything major with someone else's character, you must ask permission from the character's player!
6) Dark topics will likely be present! With the nature of this roleplay, dark topics are bound to be showcased. If something is making you uncomfortable, do not be afraid to walk away from roleplay for a little. If you feel like something you are writing might be particularly dark, feel free to add trigger warnings. Although this is completely up to the roleplayers themselves, and their personal preference.
7) This is a Semi-Literate to literate roleplay. Please avoid one-liners and post at least as much as the person you are rping with as put. it's no fun writing a paragraph to get two sentences!
8) Please ask before involving your character in someone else's interactions. Be polite, and if you are unsure if it'd be okay for your character to butt in to conversations, just ask!
9) If you want to do something that'll involve or shake the entire world of the rp, pm me about it! we can plot it out together >;D
10) You may have an unlimited amount of characters!
11) Follow all of Lioden's rules among mine as well!
12) Do not control other people's characters or powerplay!
13) wolves may start breeding at 2 years old, and die at 12.
14) Every real life week is a month in the rp.

You can find our OOC chat for plotting or just regular chatting purposes here!

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Edited on 20/04/19 @ 01:46:34 by Death Queen (#53434)

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 00:51:02

A wolf's Wits Characters & Packs

Loners are usually wolves who are by themselves and roam the lands, but can be in pairs. Loners can also settle have a territory to call their own, but it is usually small, but with the right, determined wolf, it can be as big as a pack's territory.
Mask & Eclipse (Dark Moon: #162801)

Family Packs(Unlimited)
Family packs usually consist of a mated pair and their offspring. They may have territory, but sometimes can also roam the lands.

Tonya's Family Pack
Alpha: Tonya(Death Queen: #53434)
Pack Members
Pups: Thorn, Rush, and Little(Death Queen: #53434)

Packs consist of multiple wolves and their ranks vary by each pack.

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Edited on 20/04/19 @ 02:01:01 by Death Queen (#53434)

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 02:06:35
Tonya lazed about in front of the dug out den, watching the area quietly. She could faintly hear the loud roars and snarls from two her pups, Thorn and Rush. Her muzzle wrinkled at the irritating noises. They were yearlings, and were able to fend for themselves, yet they still acted like pups that just left the den. When would those two finally grow up and act their age?!

Little, unlike her childish siblings, was out about in the territory, exploring the territory like usual. She loved taking walks out in the forest, away from her brother and sister. She loved them, but she didn't get their need to fight all the time. She rolled her eyes with a smile at the thought. She sniffed at the air before stepping over the invisible line that surrounded her mother's territory and easily left the territory, deciding to explore more of the unknown today, she'd even catch something for her mother while she's out!

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 02:16:55
Eclipse padded beside Mask, her tail swishing. "Do you think we'll meet anything, or anyone, today?" She asked, glancing at Mask. "I don't know." Mask grunted, his gaze fixed on the trail before them. They padded along together before Mask suddenly dashed off. "Hey-!" Eclipse started to call but stopped as Mask reappeared after a few moments returning with a large hare in his jaws. "Nice job." Eclipse said. They had a quick snack before continuing down the trail. Soon, they scented the smell of other wolves. Eclipse could tell that there were pups, and a grown wolf. Her fur started to spike at the thought of other wolves, but with Mask by her side, she felt safer.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 02:24:52
(they're not really pups, more like teenagers x3)

Little picked up on the scent of wolves and her tail began to wag excitedly. There were never other wolves around! She happily hurried towards the strangers, She didn't stop or pause until she could see the strangers and bounded up the the pair, tail wagging happily. "Hello!" She greeted with a kind, welcoming smile.

Tonya suddenly growled lowly, moving and pouncing on her children, snarling as she bared her canines. "Enough!" She snarled out, grabbing Rush by the scruff and shaking her roughly before turning to Thorn, her fur bristling and ears shoved forward. Rush cowered, showing her throat in submission, letting out a soft whimper in apology.

Her brother on the other hand, growled back, tensing his stocky shoulders. He was big and grown, and he felt confident he could beat his mother in a fight. He was immediately proven wrong with Tonya snarled and grabbing him by the side of his face, roughly slamming him face first into the ground, rubbing his face in the dirt harshly until he fell limp with a low whimper, showing his neck and giving his mother the usual puppy eyes.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:03:44
(ah ok)

Eclipse recoiled and raised her hackles. "Who are you and what do you want?" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at the young wolf. Mask, on the other paw, had calmly sized Little up. From how well they would do in a fight, to what their personality might be. Mask stepped in front of Eclipse protectively, a quiet growl forming in his throat. Most wolves they had met on their way weren't friendly, others just minded their own business. This one was different, they were too friendly and happy to Eclipse and Mask compared to the others.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:13:27
Little recoiled at the sudden aggression, her tail immediately tucking and ears flattening against her skull. She took a step back, letting out a low whine. Why were they so angry? What had she done wrong? "I...I've never seen other wolves before...i..I'm sorry." She backed away from the pair, her happiness and friendliness dissipated quickly, unsure of what to do now. She had never gotten to interact with other wolves besides her family, her mother made sure of that.

Tonya let out a low growl at the two teenagers before moving to lay back down. "Have you two seen your sister?" She questioned with narrowed eyes, watching the two slowly and cautiously pick themselves back up.

"No, mother. But..we can go look for her?" Rush suggested warily, her tail wagging slightly in relief when Tonya nodded and closed her eyes. The pair quickly headed out, not wanting another beating from their mother. After being a safe distance from Tonya, the two started to wrestle and shove each other around as they followed their sister's scent.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:18:26
Eclipse huffed and pushed Mask aside. "Are you alone? Or are your fellow pack mates preparing to ambush us?" Her gaze darted around the clearing, and her tail was low with caution. Mask growled as he was pushed aside, but he still watched Little with great interest. The wolf looked young, and Mask could tell that she was nervous. "Why are you nervous? Is it because you think that your plan to attack us will fail?" Mask asked loudly. Eclipse and Mask had encountered so much trouble along the way to the point where they no longer trust anyone other than each other before they could say for sure that the other wolf is trustworthy.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:30:20
Little flinched at the accusations. Ambush?! But why would she do that?? They weren't even on any claimed territory! "Ambush?! No!" The young wolf stuttered out. She was flustered. Did she look that evil?? Her brother and sister always said she looked like a pushover, why did these wolves seem to think differently. "Attack you?! No, of course not!" Wait, did she accidentally say she had a plan to attack? Oh god!

At the scent of more wolves, rush and Thorn stiffened. "Oh no....what did our little sister get herself into?!" Rush breathed out worriedly.

"I'm telling you, she needs a babysitter! She's way to trusting to live in a world like this!" Thorn grumbled, moving to storm ahead, but rush bit down on his tail, yanking him back with a growl.

"Not all of the world is harsh and dumb as you, Thorn! Let her be innocent!" Rush snarled, bristling when thorn turned to snap at her with a growl of his own.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:39:50
Eclipse froze at the sound of other wolves coming closer. "Y'know, those who look friendly are evil at heart." Mask muttered under his breath. He was the perfect example of what he just said. He looks all big and protective on the outside, but on the inside... Eclipse didn't move a muscle as the other wolves approached them. Mask had stiffened, too. He didn't make any big moves that might just trigger the wolves to attack. He glanced around the clearing for any signs of danger.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:47:12
Little perked up at the sound of her siblings, and for once was glad that they were loud. She glanced warily the two loners, her body low to the ground, ready to run. "Thorn!" Little called out desperately, backing away from the loners cautiously.

At the call of his name, thorn ripped away from rush, his paws picking up speed and heading to Little's side. He did not like the scared tone in Little's voice, and was moving as fast as he could. He leaped into the clearing, letting out a low snarl as he placed himself in front of little, his hackles bristling. "Get away from her!" He growled lowly.

Rush was right behind him, moving to stand behind the pair of strangers. Although they fought relentlessly, rush and Thorn made a good team when it came to almost anything. That is, if they focus on their task and not on eachother.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:54:03
Eclipse bared her teeth at the young wolves. They were outnumbered, but it looked like they hadn't been a real fight before. Her tail lashing and fur bushed out, Eclipse faced the three wolves. Mask stood beside her, his hackles raised. His lips were curled to reveal his long canines that were still faint red from the hare's blood. If any of the other wolves dare attack Eclipse...he growled in his mind, his ears flattening."So you did mean harm." He growled at Little, his glare boring into the young wolf.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 04:01:35
Little cowered at the wolf's glare. No! She opened her mouth to explain but Thorn snorted, his shoulders shaking before he let loose a loud laugh. "Little meaning harm?!" He let out another round of laughter. "YOU GOTTA BE JOKING!" He boomed out, his aggression gone immediately.

Little frowned at her brother, a little bit hurt. He wasn't wrong, but it still hurt. Meanwhile Rush was giving Thorn the most annoyed look any wolf could give another. "You're going to be the death of us. That's how stupid you are!" She snarled at her brother, glaring at the strangers as she circled around to stand besides her brother.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 04:07:45
Eclipse hissed loudly at the young wolves, "Look. I don't know who you are or what you want." Mask had to fight the strong urge to lunge at Thorn. "Learn some respect, pup." He spat. His paws itched to slap that look off Thorn's face. "If you want to pick a fight with me, then be ready for a full scale battle." Mask growled. He was a great fighter, evidence of past battles were clear on his pelt. Scars, patches of missing fur, and muscle. Evidence shot him a quick glare befor refocusing on the three wolves.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 04:13:53
Thorn ignored eclipse as he turned his attention on his sister, baring his canines at her instead of the strangers. "Oh shut up! You cant even catch a rabbit! You're dumber than I am!"

Little blinked at her siblings, suddenly realizing how dead they were if she let them do the talking. She opened her mouth once again to explain when Mask's words gained Thorn's attention. Thorn whipped around, letting out a low snarl, "tough talk, but you cant be all that bad if you've gotten beaten up so many times!" He scoffed. He knew nothing of battles, and he knew his mother was strong, and she lacked scars, so this guy must suck at fighting!

"W-wait!" Little yelped scrambling to get between the 4 wolves. "Please....we mean no harm! I'm sorry if I scared you!" She whined out, her legs visibly shaking as she gazed up at Mask, her tail still tucked tightly between her legs.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 04:35:08
Eclipse growled as she watched Little, "You, scare us?" She huffed. With her fur still bushed up, she looked twice the size of Little. Mask, unlike Eclipse, did not pay attention to Little. Instead, his glare was fixed on Thorn. As if he could read his mind, he growled, "If a wolf gains one scar from every three battles, then I have fought in more battles than you can count." His gaze was locked on Thorn's throat. If Thorn said one more thing, Mask would strike. The only sign of the anger building up was the quickening flick of his tail.

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