Posted by Seeking 1x1s {Literate}

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-21 02:37:28

shoves my art in ur face
heya pals, i'm looking for someone i can shoot the shit with on Discord and chat about LD and garbage memes and sweet heckin' vines, as well unravel some neat stories together.
i'm 25 and am okay with mature or darker themes. i've no notable triggers, for the most part.
i prefer LGBTQ+ pairings. However, i'll do hetero pairings.
subjective as it may be, i place myself literate to advance, despite my lazy typing style here. OOC, i'm casual as hell.
as i'm trying to keep this short and sweet, let's dive in!

➥Settings & Themes
angst ; slow burn; psychological ; gritty & dark; macabre; slight fluff; survival; thriller ; mystery ; the human psyche ; beasts ; revenge ; moralistic complexities ; phobias ; toxicity ; musically inspired ; romance ; platonic ; mental illness (but only if played accurately) ; addiction ; death ; noire ; mafia & crime ;

I can pretty much come up with a plot for any of these but ones with "*" already have seedlings planted.
It's like Subway up in here bros, pick and match and mix.

➤*Detective|Serial Killer

➤*Killer with Amnesia|Dectective


➤*Addict|Addict, Addict|Former Addict, Addict|Sober

➤*Darker twists on the Red String of Fate.

➤*Darker twists on fairy tales of all sorts.



➤*Ghost|Living, Ghost|Ghost, Ghost|Other Supernatural Being

➤Gods, maybe? Or entities such as Death.

➤*Criminal {thief, etc.}|Officer {corrupt or not}

➤*Someone struggling with their sexuality|Someone open, or perhaps, two characters struggling with their sexuality. Addable to any plot.

➤Exploration of life after death, perhaps?

➤Something based off of the song Hotel California, or really, based off any song. Gotta love basing plots on songs.

➤*Shifters! Be they weres or something of the sort..

➤Survivor|Survivor in a post-apocalyptic or war-torn setting.

➤Soulmate AUs, but dark, maybe?

➤Rivalry to Romance.


➤Cthuloid shenanigans

➤Time Traveler|Normal Human, Time Traveler|Time Traveler


➤Dragon Shifter| Dragon Hunter








➤Disordered|"Neurotypical" (both must be construed well)

➤*Competent Survivor| Incompetent Survivor

➤* Werewolf|Human




➤Criminal|Upstanding Citizen

➤Your ideas! pls, gimme them.

Can you RP on Discord or Google Docs? Or do you prefer LD PMs or Threads?
What are you interested in roleplaying?
Anything I should know about ya?
Roleplay Sample:

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Edited on 22/04/19 @ 06:26:44 by Husk (#37594)

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-21 02:40:25
Roleplay Sample:
To leave the confines is to sleep with death, to stay in the confines is to wish for death.
Born abnormal, as they said. Perhaps presumptions stemming from stigmas attributed to being an orphan, or rather- Thom's favored theory- set framework structured by an overbearing adoptive "mother" whose compassion echoed hollow, bound by vanity entwined with pity that sickened him, doting only for appearances, not from tender seeds of love.
In regards to his parental relations, if that was all he knew, what would render desire to stay?
'There shall be nothing here to miss, and no one shall miss me.'
A thought- one dripping with vitriol, so saturated with a cynical venomosity acute enough that it wavered Thom's focus. All those about him appeared to align with the belief that he lived in a senseless reverie, sundered from reality, yet, if he were to have a say, they lived within an illusion molded by foreboding and mythos, and he grasped conceptions they condemned out of ignorance.

Since youth, Thom felt allured, magnetized, to the world that lay beyond the banal visage of the town, where no strict rules and regulations governed his life nor his dreams; where foliage grew dense, and a provocative sense of mystery flowered and enveloped like ivy. However, forever did the ability to elope eluded him until finally, chance revealed itself and two eves prior he slunk away when all fell into the embrace of sleep, set to venture, brimming with exhilaration in a stark almost humorous opposition to the present tense. Where, for now, Thom floundered with a sliver of regret, utterly lost, pining for the quench of fresh, unsullied water, perhaps accompanied by the warmth of liquor and a hearty meal. To at last curl into bed with promises of comfort a simplistic sleeping bag placed upon frigid earth could not provide.

Regardless of a situation not particularly fortuitous, Thom concluded ambling without aim within the woodlands proved ever more titillating than the mundanity he grew accustomed to. Often had he heard rumorous whispers that spoke of remote villages, landscapes distinct and foreign, beasts that devoured, their hunger perpetual, yet, all Thom unveiled thus far from within the forest were trees and their littered leaves- green growth as far as the eye could see.
Albeit, traces of life subtly presented themselves as if the undergrowth tucked away secrets of its own. However inconspicuous, Thom noted trodden paths- a sign of humanity, perhaps,- and marks upon the trees he could not decipher.
Coming to a fork amidst a clearing, wearied, Thom settled against a grand oak, whose limbs sprawled skyward.

Well, this is a lovely predicament.

With little in the way of forethought, Thom found himself calling out, his voice reverberating, fragmenting the ghostly silence that seemed to haunt him throughout his trek.
Chiding himself at once for such a foolish action, Thom shuddered, a peculiar sensation of trepidation beginning to gnaw away at him. What amongst him could he have awoken; fluttering the eyelids of creatures with snarling maws, perhaps?
Moreover, Thom began to reflect if he had made a grave mistake, one of which would lead him to starve in depths where none of those he left behind would find, yet another statistic to be fuel to fire fairytales.

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Edited on 21/04/19 @ 02:40:41 by Husk (#37594)

Virgo (#129617)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-05 19:23:41
Can you RP on Discord or Google Docs? Or do you prefer LD PMs or Threads?: I can rp on discord. I have an account but barely use it so I may be a noob when it comes to that platform, but I’m willing to try it out.

What are you interested in roleplaying?: *Darker twists on fairy tales of all sorts, Something based off of the song Hotel California, *Shifters, *Werewolf|Human, Werewolf|Werewolf, and Criminal|Upstanding Citizen… I’m also really into vampires right now, and I lowkey want to explore the idea of a newly turned vampire. Though, I am really loving the ideas/pairings I listed above of yours. In general, I love supernatural related things.

Anything I should know about ya?: I don’t know vines, they just go right over my head, ahhh. I’m not the most intuned with my own generation’s slang, tbh. Besides that, I don’t really have any triggers and I prefer to skip/fade-to-black for sexual scenes. I like mature, gritty, and angsty things, and exploring human nature. I love character driven plot lines and exploring/discovering characters through writing. I’m open to all pairings, though I’ve mainly rp hetero relationships in the past. I tend to cuss a lot. I’m 18.

Roleplay Sample: (This is my most recent writing piece, and is just a sample from the whole thing. It’s kinda long, and contains some curse words.)
There was some doubt. Well, in actuality, there was no doubt, just denial.

Isa may or may not have misplaced her American passport. This would not have been a problem if this wasn’t the third occurrence of such an event that Friday. More so, it would not have been such a problem if she could see.

Can deja vu inflict blindness?…

No. Of course not. But stress, and this amount of stress, definitely could.

The pressure of her nails— red crescent moons forming on her forehead— grounded her. Little to no pain rose from the action, but it was enough to remind her to think, and not to float and get carried away. And to think, Isa needed to think.

Palm flush against the countertop, splayed out, her other hand steadied her as the floor teeter-tottered beneath her. A shakiness took ahold of her knees, and an acidic burn, that of which reminded her of breakfast, bit at the back of her throat.

With a pull and a subsequent pressure, her teeth grinded together.

Nausea; hello, old friend…

Where did she last see that damn passport? Or, more like, where did she put it? A flinch and a pinch, fingertips gathering and pushing against her eyebrow, Isa tried to ignore the symptoms of her onsetting migraine and to, instead, concentrate. Lips parting, jaw popping, she shoved away from the breakfast bar. Bare toes curled against the cold tile flooring, her eyes roamed, but were unfocused.

She was still in her pajamas, and her flight’s departure time—

Eyelids and nose scrunched, she dared to look over at the stovetop’s digital clock.

—was closing in, with only four hours and the morning traffic to beat.



The commuter traffic in Los Angeles was a real bitch, almost as much as the rising sun. Sunburned through the front window, Isa stayed squinting for the rest of the day; squinting at the Starbucks barista, squinting at the security personal at check-in, squinting at the person seated next to her on the plane.

A squint and a smile, at least her “roasted ham, swiss & egg breakfast sandwich” was up to par.


American Airlines. Departure from LAX at 12:43 pm. Arrival at JFK at 9:27 pm.

Arrival is delayed. New arrival time is 9:48 pm.


Elke was flaunting a fresh piece of body art.

It extravagant— and she knew that— to travel eight hours for a tattoo. But, come on! This was a special occasion, and, anyways, this trip contained more than one objective. The latter was made evident by her current situation.

To be completely honest, she was stubborn and set in her ways; in allowing only a certain artist to ink her skin, in driving like a maniac, yeah. Fist engraved into the rented car’s steering wheel, the obnoxious sound rattled within her skull, within the interior of the vehicle.

“Motherfucker! I said: get out of my damn way!”

The target of her anger: a red honda sedan. Wait… was it actually red or was that the projection of her frustration?

The moon glinted in her rear view mirror, but the soft light had little to no soothing effect upon her aggravated mind. White shadows twisted upon her London sweatshirt, the navy blue almost washed black. Fabric soft, it was a stark contrast to her physique. Usual soft and pleasant features contorted, Elke was pissed off, for a lack of a better explanation.

Her lungs expanded, lips pursed; holding, holding, holding. The tension faded, gradually so, as a stream of air brushed by her top lip. Her knuckles popped, fingers uncoiling and stretching out. The buzz occupying her head faded, along with the sound temporarily lingering within the cold-blasted air.

The music lurched with a push of a button, and as she stared down a long line of backlights, she knew it was going to be a long night.

Hopefully, Isa’s flight is delayed again.


“Nice tats, sister.”

“Nice ass, sister.”

Quirked lips, laughter bubbled from the pair as they embraced. Arms tight, Isa shifted backwards, parting from her younger sister. She eyed the new addition in Elke’s collection: a loch ness monster, emerging from the depths, as it twisted around her right forearm. Her nose wrinkled.

Typical El.

“Don’t you love it?” The hue within Elke’s eyes intensified, as she swayed upon the tips of her toes. The same bouncy and bubbly, albeit willful, sister Isa grew up with was shining through. It reminded her of her childhood:

El’s squeals, ringling under the covers, as Klaus snatched her by the ankles. Still kicking, flashlight in hand, she’d chant, “Be gone, Jabberwock!”

In response, Isa just shook her head, the corners of her lips tugging higher. Under fluorescent lighting, the baggage claim reworking the same circle, her hand found her suitcase’s handle. Other arm slung around her sister’s shoulders, their hips bumped together and a chorus of laughter echoed out.

With El basically tugging at her shirt, egging her forward and onwards, she and Isa hit the city that night, and the next, and the next. It was a girls weekend, after all, and they had plenty of catching up to do. And a lot of drinking to do—

Of course, only virgin drinks for El, of course.


Mondays are classic hangover recovery days, right?


Elke felt as if her eyes were swimming in the back of her head. Stomach clenched, her tongue was stiff and heavy, and everything ached. Everything, from her toes to her lungs, was unsettled, and—


Twitching, her eyelids went from pitch black to bright red. Arm weighing a ton, a flung forearm shaded her face from the onslaught of light. The effort and force, by themselves, were enough to intensify the ringing in her ears.

“Hey, lazy ass! We have a plane to catch.”

A groan was the only response Elke could muster.


Delta Airlines. Departure from JFK at 7:21 pm. Arrival at EDI at 7:34 am.

Arrival is delayed. New arrival time is 8:11 am.

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Edited on 05/05/19 @ 19:53:46 by Virgo | Madagascar Project (#129617)

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