Posted by {LF - Small Roleplay Group}

Peachy-Keen (#144072)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-24 19:11:22
My friend and I are looking for 1-3 other people who would like to plot out and finish organizing a intricate and dramatic Warriors RP. We'll set up a Discord server for the RP in order to keep everything neat and tidy!
You must be...
- Literate! Both of us usually write roughly 3-7 sentences per post, and so your responses don't have to be the equivalent of "War And Peace", but as long as it's punctuated with good grammar and quality content then it's fine!
- Active! While we get that sometimes life is busy and things come up, we don't want someone who is going to disappear after a few days or even after immediate contact.
- Willing to RP multiple characters! The idea is to have a lot of cats to each person and have them all interact and hang out and be involved in drama and all that jazz. So while you don't need to have a billion characters, five in the least would much be appreciated.
- Willing to RP on Discord.
- Familiar with Warrior Cats! The plot is Warriors-centered.
- Willing to talk OOC! We want to get to know you and hang out outside of just the roleplay, so don't be afraid to talk to us.

PM me or hit me up on Discord (Peachy#8872) if you're interested, thanks!

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