Posted by Legend's Step (open!)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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2019-04-27 11:39:44


A group of traveling lions, all from different prides, religions, and different personalities, forced to come together after their home gets destroyed. The leaders of this pride are six lions, the ones with the strongest powers and who have bound together to help their prides. They travel across vast lands, ranging from normal to crazy and abnormal. There seems to be no home anywhere, except for the prophecy of the land: Legend. It is said to be a paradise, a land where life can flourish forever. Tensions and the need to survive could split the group apart, but do they know eyes are watching their journey?


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This rp, if you have read the intro, is about prides that have come together because their homes were destroyed. So, here’s the info!


The prides are simple:

Orientalis means Flora

This means this pride controls plant life (no animals). They use it to build mostly, construction being their specialty. They also use it to hold down their opponents in battle in some cases. They are calm and tend to take things in a slow pace. Usually have plants grow in their manes and on their legs.

Ignis means fire

This pride is based on fire, causing destruction but bringing warmth and protection. They are know for having flames for manes (mostly males)and leaving fire footprints in their path when angry. They are usually aggressive and see the answer to everything to be DESTROY! They can survive fire (swim in it, breath smoke, step through fire, ect.) When water gets splashed on them they turn into a darker greyish fur color like a fire slowly burning out so they can’t swim. Usually get in fights with Orientalis’ and Flumem lions.

Ventus means wind

Ventus usually control wind, causing tornadoes and sometimes even hurricanes being one of their moves. They can only control the speed, strength, and other parts of the wind not weather. They have lots of energy and are always upbeat. They have usually swirl marks on their foreheads and dark sandy looking fur with metalic eyes and manes, and (rarely) wings. (must ask permission for this)

Spiritus means spirit (if not obvious)

Spiritus have a close connection with their ancestors, communicating with spirits and even summoning them at times (it takes up most of their energy to due so). They can fade into shadows and control darkness (like as a shield, weapon, ect.). They don’t get along with most of the prides for not having a strong bond with their ancestors but they do try to get along with them. They have short patience and like to take the lead because they believe they are the wisest. Known for usually being dark and most of them have the melanism mutation.

Lux means light

Lux are like Spiritus, not having a very strong bond with their ancestors though. They can’t summon spirits but can use light at their will in the same way. They even glow in the dark. They usually have light colors and sometimes even albino. They have a lot of patience and tend to be the most peaceful.

Flumen means water

Flumen don’t get along well with Ignis at all! They can only control water from nearby sources, not being able to generate water themselves. They can use water at their will like Lux and Spiritus and can breathe underwater. They can cause tsunamis if they wanted to and they really enjoy the rain. They can also walk on water. They usually rush to conclusions and love being around others. They also hate getting their fur dirty! Usually spot out for their blue eyes and blue-ish fur.

The watchers
Unknown lions, known to be extremely dangerous and powerful.
They are silent and deadly, mostly known for wearing anything red with a golden eye marking on it. Be careful when you see one! They could be good but they could be evil! Follow the lions on their journey.

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Edited on 27/04/19 @ 13:23:14 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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