Posted by Looking for a partner!

Hipster (#108899)

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Posted on
2019-04-28 09:12:43
I've been looking to start a roleplay with this storyline I created below. So what are my do's and dont's?
I roleplay humans and/or werewolves (VERY RARE IF I DO SO)
Also it takes me a minute to reply especially since I have a habit of abandoning stories if I lose interest quickly but I apologize ;;
-Replies are long (Two/etc paragraphs)
-Very flexible with characters (Some things are just a 'No')
-Flexible with small grammar mistakes and such.
-I can RP in PM,Kik, or Discord!
-If you aren't comfortable with something, TELL ME! I want you to be comfy!

-Do not reply with short replies like one-three sentences.
-If a fight/murder/crime scene happens, NO DETAILS unless we both talk about it.
-No anime, wrestling, furry, etc.

If you want to roleplay with me, you can shoot me a PM or reply here :)


Arrow laughed out loudly while leaning against the tree during a Autumn afternoon in the field of their school. Dinah, Octavia, Aurora, and Roller surrounded him as they cracked jokes until the laughter quieted down and all eyes landed on Dakota laughing next to a girl as they walked towards them. “Looks like Dakota found a new buddy to bring in the group.” Roller snorted in laughter at his own comment while Arrow focused on the new girl.
For some odd reason, his chest tightened and his heart hammered against the bones of his rib cage while his face grew hot. What the hell was happening to him?
“Everyone meet (YOUR CHARACTER). (YOUR CHARACTER) this is Dinah, Aurora, My sister Octavia, Roller, and Arrow.” Everyone greeted her but Arrow. No he was too busy trying to hold himself down and figure out why he was feeling this way. Arrow was experiencing admiration after three years of murdering his brother and his first real crush and relationship. He had to leave. Now.

“Arrow! Where ya going, bro?” He ignored Dakota calling out for him as he walked towards the other end of the field and away from the new girl that already started haunting his mind.
Only Dakota know he was a player and he was the reason why his brother was no longer alive.

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