Posted by [Apr] Better Wenet/Cousin Idea?

Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-30 11:23:51
Some ppl seem rly disappointed, which tbh I get as I kinda was but I just wanted more coral marks man. My girl only got 1 :c

Also if you got a super pretty cousin congrats! owo

Anywho. This popped into my head so I figure maybe it might be a neat little idea!

'Special Designed' Wenet Cousins
So basically I LIKE the RNG aspect of Wenet cousins. It's great for variety which I enjoy. There's nothing special about Wenet and she's rather hideous IMO anyway, so why force people to choose Wenet? Or for those who DO like her, why not give them a chance to claim her?

So here's where the idea comes in! Instead of random RNG for everything, Have certain designs for Wenet's cousins that are designed to be 'pretty' still. Kinda like how Special Lioness works!

These lions will go into a pool RNG thing, and you get one to try and claim at random. Just like how this past event claiming thing or groupies works.

There should be some variety though! Some can be common based, or rare, or special it don't matter! However regardless of the base the markings and such should look decent with it! There could even be like certain themed cousins :o?

Maybe some are monochrome, maybe some are colorbomb, maybe pastel! Things like that would be really cool and I think people would appreciate the effort put into making em pretty!
Regardless of the lion it will at least have marks that flow somewhat well with it's design.

IMO this will make them slightly more interesting than wenet/other NCL/cousins/groupies and a kind of special thing for April as there really isn't all that much to this event.

Maybe there could also be some marks only on cousins owo

Regardless though, I'd want some super rare girls thrown in too! Maybe ones like Pearl or something or combo bases :o or the special ones like pulsar/temporal kinda ones, or the gem dust bases? These would be less chance to appear, but could still happen.
HOWEVERNot everyone would get these as it would be a less chance RNG kinda thing. Since you have to do nothing but the easy quest line to complete, I really don't think anyone should complain if they don't get one and just be happy if anyone did lol.

Other Thoughts:
For people not interested in any cousins or wenet, maybe an option to pick an item from the shops free of charge? Like Wenet giving you a parting gift? You'd be given an option. Wenet/Cousin, or an item?

Also maybe revamp Wenet to be prettier? Or maybe just make her prettier and say it's her sister? Idk xD

Other People's Ideas:
If you has any suggestions that will improve this I'll add em o3o/

It's a rather simple suggestion so really I just think this would be a cuter way to handle the cousin thing o3o/

This suggestion has 14 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/05/19 @ 19:01:07 by a Moderator

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