Posted by More reptiles - bearded dragons, geckos, etc.

TragicTruth (#7421)

True King
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-03 09:09:31
Forgive me for my obvious lack of making good suggestion posts Or if there's any similar suggestions already, I did search but couldn't find any.

Anyways as a reptile owner I would love to see some more reptile decor in the game; I know there are already quite a bit of snakes but I'd love to let my lions have some friends like bearded dragons, crested geckos, leopard geckos, african fat-tail geckos, crocodile skinks, uromastyx, etc. Since the enclave is adding decors from around the world, maybe they could go there? Or be added as reptile roundup prizes?

Some examples:

*All images via Google*

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and they come in different morphs/colors, so there could be multiple decors?
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Crested Gecko:
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Leopard Gecko:
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African Fat Tail Gecko:
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Red Eyed Crocodile Skink:
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If anyone has any other reptile suggestions (as there's plenty of different reptile species out there), or any suggestions, please let me know!

This suggestion has 16 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/05/19 @ 09:13:02 by TragicTruth (#7421)

Polaris (#151542)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 19:28:30
Yes please! Would especially love a beardie

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