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Posted by | Amend Custom Decor Art Rules for Mutie Decors |
![]() Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 11:34:34 |
Now, the title may be slightly confusing, but. What I mean here, is- Mutations have not been updated for decors in forever. No new decors are being made to include mutations as being able to use them, and the old ones aren't being updated either. Almost NO decor fits most of the mutations on the site. Yet, there are so many decors I would love to be able to use on my Tigons, but can't, because they don't fit Tigons. I want THOSE EXACT decors, but I would never be able to USE those /exact decors/ on my Tigons because... a. Tigons will never get updated for decor, as I've heard there is no plans to ever continue updating mutie decor art. and b. It is not even allowed to translate a site decor onto a mutation for custom decor, because you "aren't allowed to use site assets." Well, I'm asking for that to be somewhat amended. Basically- I understand not being able to use just any site asset for a custom decor. I understand not being able to just... for example, take an NPC's art and turn it into a decor or something, and I understand not being allowed to use Lioden's art offsite. However, I think we SHOULD be allowed to use site assets in the case of translating decor for use on mutations as custom decor. It sucks that muties are just straight up not ever allowed to use the "basegame decor" at all, and no one is allowed to translate those decors as custom decors, so muties are stuck with only "custom" decor, never decor based on actual site decor. Like... I want the Glorious Mane decor on my Tigons. I've even made an edit to fit that exact decor onto Tigons, and it looks nice, I'd love to use it. However, I'm not allowed to ACTUALLY use it as a custom decor, because it's ""using site assets"". I cannot afford to commission someone to make it from scratch, and even if someone DID make it from scratch, it wouldn't look the same and if it did, it'd be considered tracing or something and probably still not allowed. So, I think that rule should be amended under specific circumstances. Allow usage of decor art only for custom decors for the purpose of translating that decor onto a mutation. Hell, you could even make a rule that you can't profit off of it, i.e. can only charge the cost it takes to produce them. I just want to be able to wear this on my Tigons: ![]() |
Telly| x3 Rose, daedal, ice (#51014) ![]() Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 11:39:30 |
Unfortunately I can't support. I understand the reasoning as to why they don't want you to use the sites art to create custom décor. Taking someone's art and changing it to fit your needs can be classified as art theft and it's not really polite to the artist unless youve asked permission and they've said yes. What I'm trying to say is that it's just not very polite to the artist to edit their piece to suit your needs. Also, the tracing/referencing rules are pretty lax on this website. You could totally reference their décor as long as you ensure you state your sources for creating the art. ![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 11:41:24 by Telephone (Clean Fuchsia) (#51014) |
Tosca [Clean Interstellar] (#75103) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 11:42:20 |
If it's completely without permission, sure. However, if we had the blanket permission to use decor art to translate for use onto mutations, then... it's with permission, so. Tbh like, there is a difference between being allowed to translate a decor onto a mutation that should be able to use that decor in the first place and just taking any random artist's art and doing whatever you want with it. ![]() |
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