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Posted by | To Be a Guardian- Castle RP Thread |
![]() Lynx 1.0 (#91211) ![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 19:14:22 |
Chapter 1: Ciel Castellum Location and Routine The Arch Angel is the lead angel, their word is final overall risen guardians. He or She coordinate patrols and shifts as well as finalize any work from the shift before. They oversee all training and once they die, their spirit chooses a new arch guardian. Some Arch Guardians, develop a Storm Ability, it is where they are able to replicate the powers of any living risen guardian around them. A Grand Castle sat in the clouds, it was pure white. Made of perfect ivory marble and curved flawlessly. The walls were smooth and cool to the touch yet had pure powerful magic laced through them. The castle was known as the Ciel Castellum, the guardians call it the CC for short. The Ciel Castellum is shaped like a diamond ring. The main section is where the control room is located. Guardian angels go out in groups of two to three every day to patrol human civilizations and protect them. One angel always remains behind to communicate between the angels, this angels typically has psychic ability that allows them to use telepathically communicate. If no angel has an ability similar to this, cellphones are used. The morning also starts in the control room, all the guardians(except the night patrol) meet up and give briefings of the night before. Then they are split up by the arch guardian and sent out on patrol. The control room is outfitted with multiple large screens portraying all the largest human city's. The control room panel grants easy access to the data of ever guardian, their past life, basic current physical information such as age, sex, and size, as well as how they died, their level of power and the god or goddess that rules over them. Any guardian can access this information, but it is mostly used for the gods to communicate to them. This is also where the Arch Angel can be found closing patrols for the day, obtaining and submitting any important information to the gods as well. Within the main section, there is also a large living area, connected directly to the kitchen and a dining room with 20 chairs. There is always a guardian chosen to cook for the whole group each night, they take turns so every guardian knows how to cook. The castle also has two main wings. The left wing is where all the guardians younger than 200 years live, as they are considered to still be in training, powers not fully mature. The right wing is where the older guardians live, they are known as official guardians.. Yet every room is always kept and clean, well taken care of without exception because of the magic in the castle. There are always fresh, clean clothes in dressers according to the guardian's body and style. Every bedroom also has a private bathroom and closet. Between the wings of the castle, is where a massive court yard was built for training. It is outfitted with the most high tech training equipment, even the castle in the sky is on soil and grass. The great walls tower over a mile high, forming a ring around the yard, inside the walls there are small animals, dogs, cats and rabbits mostly ;A few goats and horses. In the corner are electrical generators, ice rinks, ponds, lava pits and a ledge covering a quarter of the quart yard, during the day, the ledge provides shade, at night, the ledge provides light. Brief History Year 201,741 Current Risen Guardians: Ariona Strum(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Mary Tohru New Guardians: Christopher Hasbro, Brandon Frost There are only 3 locations are capable of living, the lands once called United States, Russia, and China. The gods are the gods of earth, they are mixtures of human lore and for simplicity, they are called Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Gaea. They are very traditional, believing homosexuality to be a sin, women weaker to men, believe the human race is worth more than any other, as well as many other traditional beliefs. Travis is tried for his homosexuality, before a punishment can be dealt, Christopher steps in. The gods take this as a act of rebellion and dishonor against them, Chris is made a fallen angel. Stripped of his water ability and cured with a light set of white wings. Treason rises within the guardian as Mary attacks a human known as Violet Greyson. She is struck down by Brandon as Alivia dies and is risen as a guardian. The group Mary had been fighting for, seeks revenge for her capture. Fallen Power Angel, William Powwerr, Fallen Death Angel Vasco Star, and Fallen Sound Angel Haylie Kutos attack the risen guardians and wage war for many years. In one fight, Chris is struck down and hurled into the earth. Presumed dead by all guardians. Year 201,821 Current Risen Guardians: Ariona Strum(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Brandon Frost New Guardians: Alivia Hasbro, Tyrone Jackson, Blu Blesson Tyrone and Blu are killed by William, Haylie and Vasco hold back risen guardians in a grave fight. Haylie and Vasco appear to realize they are wrong, they abandon the fight once three risen guardians are struck down. By then the risen guardians have sustained monstrous damage, William corners Ari and strikes her down, then Chris bursts in and distracts William. Ari is killed by tumbling rocks in her weakened state. Chris goes on to kill William, and become the new arch guardian. He sets his sight on the gods, deciding it was time for change. Year 201,863 Current Guardians: Christopher Hasbro(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Brandon Frost, Alivia Hasbro New Guardians: Violet Greyson, Haylie Kutos, Vasco Star Haylie and Vasco are accepted into the ranks of the risen guardians, in a fight with Shadow Lords, creatures from another realm, Violet, originally killed by Mary, appears as a new guardian. Christopher challenges the gods, goes to war and wins; but with the loss of Haylie and Alivia. New gods take the place of the old gods, and an ancient order comes to light. The new king of gods, Chase Ross, had followers on earth, Mark is renewed, given a new, more powerful body. Chris steps down as Arch Angel, and Mark takes his place. Vasco discovers his true nature as a god. He leaves the guardians to join the ranks of the gods. Year 202,246 Current Guardians: Mark Kaiper(Arch Angel, Travis Windhaven, Christopher Hasbro, Brandon Frost, Violet Greyson New Guardians: The sea tribes report to the gods that an island appeared in their land, and moved overnight to a new location. Chase Ross orders the guardians to investigate. Mark takes all fully trained guardians with him except Evelyn and Tyler to keep watch on the new guardians and to manage patrols. Only Mark and Travis return. They describe airplanes… jets attacking and capturing them from the skys. They never get close to the island. They assume everyone is dead. Year 202,248 Guardians (age is based off time of being a guardian) Mark Kaiper(Arch Angel)- 1087 Year Old- Thunder Guardian- Chase Ross Travis Windhaven- 689 Year Old- Wind Guardian- Chase Ross Use the intro i used on my first post. You can find exactly whay you need listed above. This is mandatory, the differences listed are important details. Chat and Info Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 19:28:19 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
Lynx 1.0 (#91211)
![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 19:27:17 |
ROLE PLAY IS NOT OPEN YET. ![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 19:27:31 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
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