Posted by New Reclaiming

Lyd (#113030)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 04:58:12
I’m proposing a new way to reclaim lionesses. As someone who is permanently broke and always forgetting to feed or play with my lionesses, I’m always having to scramble and scrounge for a few days after my lionesses run.
A bunch of my friends are mortified to try to rollover their accounts because they don’t want to be swamped with 20+ lionesses all fleeing the scene then demanding cash to come back.

I think it would be a bit more realistic if lionesses could be lured back with copious amounts of food or play items. Like for instance, If a lioness is starving she could be lured back with 3-5x the amount of food she’d need to eat to not starve. She’d still be coming back, but at a price, but a much easier price to aquire. And I wouldn’t have to sell everything I own just to get a few lionesses back and shove food or skulls at them to make them happy afterwards.

I understand the 200 fee is supposed to teach you a lesson, but that lesson is expensive once it hits crazy high numbers

This suggestion has 11 supports and 2 NO supports.

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