Posted by The Traveler's Flute (Roleplay Entry form OPEN)

Scout the Arsonist (#158691)

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Posted on
2019-05-13 08:06:22

"Through the darkness and gates of hell, I call upon my flute to guide me through universes that dwell!" A short, black haired Faun with goat legs of ebony and horns of crimson calls out, and pulls out a flute. With a short melody, they disappear. This demon then winds up in this universe, of lions and events galore. They're a bit dazed, but press forward to address the council of kings.

"Hello, dear kings. My name is Raven, and I am here with terrible news. Your universe has been threatened by The Abyss. You must follow my directions, or else you and this world will perish at The Abyss's mighty claws."


Status: Council of Kings/The Rogues/Civilians/Abyss Follower/Universe Traveler


Council of Kings: These kings own these lands. They make all decisions for the Civilians, but also must keep them happy to prevent them from becoming Rogues. Most are kind and charming, but some are strict and almost cruel.

The Rogues: Scary at first, they threaten the status of The Council. They seek to destroy any order for the good of the Civilians. Most are brutes who seek bloodshed, but almost none of them actually have ill intent.

Civilians: These lions are the most valuable. Mostly pride members of The Council's kings, they hunt and protect their land. However, one can turn Rogue if need be...

Abyss Follower: These followers seek to destroy all universes. They see no good in keeping any universes alive, so they seek to destroy all for their power. All of them are lead by their monarch, The Abyss

Universe Traveler (REQUIRES SPECIAL PERMISSION): Not a lion, but a really big role to fill. They travel by instrument, and usually work alone.


These roles must be asked for and granted permission before taken, and only ONE PER PERSON (no second characters with a special role as well as your first)

-Head of the Council of King's (Nickname: Chief) (Open)

-Cheif's heir (vice chief basically) (Open)

-Rogue Leader (Open)

-Civilian Mayor (Open)

-Universe Traveler (TAKEN)

-Leader of the Hunt (Rogue) (Open)

-Leader of the Hunt (Civilians/Council of Kings) (Open)

-Abyss' Main Follower (Open)


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Edited on 15/05/19 @ 05:10:32 by ✨Raven the Vkai Fangirl✨ (#158691)

Sardothia (#117827)

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Posted on
2019-05-13 08:38:05
Status: The Rogues
Name: Mikael
Age: 4 years
Other: Raised to take over a rather large pride, Mikael has a very strong protective nature. He will always do what he knows is right. This was clear to his father and directly contributed to his banishment. The old King, Hasani, had not wanted anything to change after he joined the ancestors in the heavens, despite the fact that the lionesses were starving and losing cubs frequently. Mikael was banished for his desire to be better than Hasani. Rather than give up, he now spends his days defending the Civilians from injustices caused by the Council of Kings. He understands that the Pride structure that lions usually adhere to is necessary, just as his defense is necessary for the weak at times.

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