Posted by Looking for a TLK related RP

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2019-05-15 06:45:08
I've been wanting to dust off my characters for awhile now, and maybe build upon them a little?

My characters:



Almost everyone loves my main OC, well they used to when I first started RPing. Then they hated her all of a sudden... at least one person here did.

But basically the only thing I ask if I did manage to find a RP, is to not kill off my character. I've had her for 20 years now, and I've become attached to her. She's only undergone a slight change but her colors and everything else is the same if not a tiny bit darker.

Her sister I had for 19 years, but they are the same age in RP since they were born in the same litter.

If I did find one, I would prefer it to be on Discord.

The timeline I guess can be any, but if you all want young Mots and Rwandi we could go with before Mufasa's death, but that's up to any potential RP partners.

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