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Posted by | The Role Place - Weekly Prompt | |
![]() Mayonayys (#68948) ![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-17 20:10:57 |
![]() Edit Post Edited on 14/08/20 @ 18:52:35 by Mayonayys (#68948) |
Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K 3x Clouded (#124118) ![]() Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-22 21:38:11 |
eee it was a past prompt ![]() Edited on 01/06/20 @ 10:10:12 by Astrid (7.1K Ice 3xRos Svelte) (#124118) |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-24 16:21:16 |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-13 07:54:50 |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-17 06:40:35 |
zarra (#24420)
![]() Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-05-31 19:07:48 |
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Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K 3x Clouded (#124118) ![]() Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-01 10:09:44 |
Kamaria's reign had been like none other in the Mountain Pride. Far bolder than Mahdi's anxious leadership, burning brighter than Davion's lackluster career, Kamaria had ascended the throne with spirit and vigor. She had nearly-single-handedly brought the pride from obscurity to blinding brightness. Where there had once been forty lions, there now stood over one hundred. While once, other lionesses thought the pride to be lesser, now other monarchs sent their lionesses on multi-day journeys to merely bear the queen's cubs. Kamaria hadn't set out to create an empire, but an empire she now ruled. Now, the matriarch was perched on a ledge of the tallest mountain, overlooking her pride operating in the clearing below. Preparations were being made for Aurelia's coronation. A small smile graced the rosetted queen's muzzle. Aurelia was a noble lioness— proud yet overwhelmingly compassionate. She would do well... with Kokumo by her side. Kamaria felt guilty for being unable to assuage the hostility that had been directed at the dark lioness as she matured, but it had made her into a strong spirit. Aurelia would need her velvety silver tongue and sharp mind if she were to continue the legacy of greatness. Kamaria wondered when greatness had become a priority for her. In her last few months, she had tried to value quality over quantity when she could, she had tried to be, as Aurelia encouraged, more "giving". Kamaria had never been a selfish queen, but perhaps she had grown up with so little, that when she had the opportunity to have more, she didn't stop to wonder whether she needed it. Aurelia wasn't like that. If not for Kokumo, perhaps the young lioness would give too much. She was the product of a time of plenty, and for that, if nothing else, Kamaria was proud. The aged lioness let out a rusty purr as she stood, shaking her fur out. "Whenever you're ready, Sanaa." She murmured up to the sky, slowly beginning to walk up the rest of the mountain. That night, the great queen would lay down to rest one final time, and the wind would cover her with snow that froze in the cold and her body would meld with the mountain, preserved for all eternity. Her mind, meanwhile, was free at last. decided to make the word prompt about my queen retiring today :') i'll miss her ![]() |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-01 12:25:52 |
Here's my entry for this week as well :D Clicky It probably has a lot of mistakes in it lol I also wanted to say, I really enjoyed reading y'alls entries!! They were both really well written and interesting. I also went to have a look at the lions in your stories XD Was curious lol ![]() Edited on 01/06/20 @ 12:26:14 by Mayonayys (#68948) |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-09 09:08:13 |
Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K 3x Clouded (#124118) ![]() Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-12 10:43:07 |
wrote this for this cutie yesterday (i got her with 0 markings from the tree and used a total shuffle and lucked out with that rosette, so now she's my baby haha ^^'), just thought i'd mention if anyone was interested ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Aurelia sighed as she began her trek to the tree. She hated this part of her duties. She loved giving the poor cubs a home, but it was always so difficult to leave with only one. Beside her, Kokumo looked uncomfortable. This certainly wasn't her first choice of activity for the day, but Aurelia was grateful her long-time friend was willing to make the journey with her, and she gave her a grateful glance, only to wince a moment later as the high-pitched cries of lonely, scared, hungry cubs reached her ears. The warrior extended one pitch-black wing to touch Aurelia's snowy white feathers comfortingly, unable to speak around the large carcass in her jaws. - - - Sandbird sighed as she padded forward with stern eyes. "This isn't enough food for them." She asserted hotly, gesturing with her tail to the scraps of meat that had been placed at her tiny paws only moments before. The over-sized monkey turned to look at her with dull, uninterested eyes. "What?" Sandbird flattened her ears and bared her teeth. "I said, this isn't enough food for the cubs." She pressed. "We need more food, please." The monkey's eyes flashed briefly at her brief display of temper, and he turned his heavy body to face her fully, his strange, long face looming above her, blocking out the light that filtered through the branches. He smiled a very pleased, and unpleasant, smile. "And what are you? The cub representative?" She felt her face grow warm at the assertion, feeling self-conscious of such a title, but thinking of the hungry eyes that waited for her return in the hollows beneath the tree roots, she stood her ground. "Yes," she said, holding her gaze steady, "I am." His lip curled. "Well then it would make a hell of an example if I brought the representative up for dinner with the snakes." His harsh yellow eyes glittered with the cruel corruption of power, and he reached one strange, long paw forward to grasp her scruff. The small cub crouched instinctively, eyes squeezing tightly shut in fear, but suddenly the world beyond her closed lids grew darker and a low snarl emanated from above her. Her paws were still on the ground. Slowly, hesitantly for fear of what she might see, she opened her eyes. Two dark paws were placed in front of her and the long, muscled body of a lioness was above her head. Far more shockingly, she could see dark wingtips flared on either side of her sudden protector. "You get off on bullying starving cubs?" The lioness growled. "And I thought you monkeys were supposed to be smart. Don't you know better than to mess with a lion?" The lioness moved forward, stepping smoothly over Sandbird's head, and she was able to get a better view of her as she stalked forward, forcing the monkey to scramble backwards until he tripped over a root and landed on his back with a heavy thump. She wasn't very large for a lioness— more of a slender, dark creature, with hints of cool tones peering through the night-colored patches that spattered her pelt. Dark, velvety wings extended from her back, the feathers ruffled in a way to make her appear larger. The lioness did not abate– she pushed forward as he scrabbled backwards, only stopping once his back was pressed against the tree. "Or does she not look like a lion to you? Do you only bully orphans?" The lioness' voice was low and dangerous, and sent a shiver of fear down Sandbird's spine. She slowly began to back away, fearful of being associated with any sort of crime that might ensue, but her retreat was blocked by a large paw behind her. "Kokumo." A stern yet gentle voice came from behind her. "That's quite enough. We'll report him to the Givers." Sandbird turned to identify this newcomer, and her eyes widened. Above her stood what could be no other thing than an angel. With dawn-colored eyes, a gentle, beautiful face, and enormous white wings arching gracefully from her back, Sandbird felt immediately both subdued and protected. She would be safe with this lioness. The other lioness, who must have been "Kokumo", let out a dissatisfied grumble and backed away from the abuser, turning and purposefully letting her paw fall harshly on his tail as she neatly folded her wings to smack him in the face. "He's scum." She growled, casting a glance at Sandbird that seemed to be both defensive and comforting at the same time, before her eyes flew back to the angel. The white-winged lioness hummed neutrally, but her soft eyes were sharp with disdain as she looked down at the monkey. "I suggest you ask to leave your shift early." She said in a clipped tone that barely managed to remain polite. "The Givers are lions, as I'm sure you're aware, and I wouldn't expect them to have sympathy for your... plight." Sandbird heard a noise behind her that she assumed to be the monkey scrambling away, but she couldn't take her eyes off of these two mystical creatures to be sure. The light-colored one looked down at her with a gentle smile. "Hello, I am Aurelia, Queen of the Snowy Mountain, and this is my queen and mate, Kokumo." She looked at the dark-winged lioness with warmth. Sandbird took a step back, her legs feeling shaky and unsure. "H-hi. My name's Sandbird." She managed to choke out. Kokumo flicked an ear back and soon turned her head to follow what had distracted her attention. "You need food, right?" Her voice was blunt in the way of someone who was unused to offering selfless gifts. Sandbird peered around Aurelia's leg to be shocked into silence for a third time. A huge buffalo carcass rested on the ground behind them. "T-that's enough to feed us for nearly a week!" She gasped softly. Aurelia looked sad and moved past her, grabbing the leg of the buffalo and exchanging a glance with the other queen before moving deeper into the shade of the tree and out of sight, to where the cave entrances were and the den mother stood guard. Surprisingly, Kokumo's brow lowered. "A week? There's over a hundred of you. It should be gone within the day." Sandbird looked down at her paws, feeling guilty. "I know. But food is... short. We eat less than we need to or else not everyone would be able to." She murmured. Kokumo's eyes scraped over her harsh frame, and Sandbird felt herself wilt under the inspection, knowing how her pelt clung to her ribs and her skin was sucked into hollows beneath her cheekbones. When the queen spoke, however, her voice was gentle. "And how much do you eat? The same as the rest?" Sandbird kept her eyes glued to her paws, unsure if she was going to be in trouble, but somewhat comforted by the lioness' softer voice. She shook her head. "You're coming home with us." Aurelia's voice came from behind her, and once again the cub whirled around with wide eyes. "What?" "I hope you don't mind." The queen added, dawn gaze glowing with warmth. "N-no of course not, that's so... wonderfully kind, but... the others... they need me to... without me the food—" "—won't be a problem." Interrupted Aurelia. "I've made a rather... sizable donation to the Givers' Organization and now that we are benefactors, I'm sure it won't be much of a struggle to have the Tree employ the lionesses to both hunt and watch over the tree." Aurelia purred with a confident smile. "You deserve a safe place to sleep." Kokumo spoke, her eyes glimmering with emotion. "You're too young to be making sacrifices." At those words, her eyes shifted to look at Aurelia, her words heavy with meaning that Sandbird did not understand, but she respected anyway. She got the sense that the dark-coated queen was not one to express emotions often. "Thank you." She murmured, feeling overwhelmingly humbled as she ducked her head. "Besides," Kokumo added, seeming to shake herself of her brief emotional spell, "our cubs are spoiled rotten. They could do with a strong soul like you to keep them in line." She flashed a sharp smile. Sandbird gave a hesitant, tiny smile in return, to which Kokumo laughed. "Yeah, you're definitely an Aurelia-cub." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Unfortunately, you'll be riding home with me. Aurelia's got a busy schedule." With that, Sandbird was scooped into Kokumo's jaws, barely able to squeal in surprise as Kokumo took a few quick, long strides, wings extending out to either side, before she leaped into the air and caught them on the wind, rising higher by the second. "Kokumo!" Aurelia's scolding voice came from below them, though, Sandbird soon heard another pair of wings flapping alongside them. "Be gentle." Sandbird's delicate body vibrated from Kokumo's chuckle, and she found herself relaxing slightly. She didn't love being in the sky, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Besides, Kokumo seemed happier up here than on the ground, and she liked Kokumo, even if Aurelia seemed far more approachable. "I'm okay!" She called back, twisting in her new care-taker's jaws to smile up at Aurelia, who hovered over them with a worried expression. At the cub's smile, though, the queen relaxed and answered in kind, a light laugh escaping her. "She could be your cub yet, Koko!" She called happily in farewell before arching gracefully through the air to fly upward and away from them. "Koko?" Sandbird questioned with a faint giggle. The dark queen let out a half-hearted growl and shook her head enough to rattle the cub gently, a noise sounding very much like a cautionary "nuh-uh" coming from her throat, and Sandbird fell amicably silent, a peaceful smile on her face as they soared towards her new home. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Starring: Sandbird Kokumo Aurelia ![]() Edited on 18/06/20 @ 19:53:03 by Astrid | CLEAN 3K 3x Clouded (#124118) |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-18 15:05:38 |
Extending the last prompts until the 22nd Sorry for the delay! I really enjoyed your story again, Astrid ♥ If you'd like to do one of the other prompts, you can, and get another goodie bag for this week! ![]() |
Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K 3x Clouded (#124118) ![]() Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-06-18 20:54:35 |
@mayonayys wow thank you so much!! im so glad to hear you enjoyed it ^^ and actually, i was about to write a bio for one of my new lionesses when i saw your post, so i went ahead and made it a response to the three-word prompt! ^^ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Broken Sky came to the Snowy Mountain Pride as an adolescent. Aurelia had been to the trading center and bought a large bundle of goods for an incredibly low price from another seller. She had bundled the goods in her bags and been ready to take off when the empress called her back. "Wait, you forgot this one!" Her voice was casual and inattentive. Aurelia turned, an apology on her tongue for forgetting whatever dye she had left behind, but the words never left her mouth. Her eyes widened in shock to see the empress push forward a slender, young lioness, whose face was scarred terribly and one eye blinded. She was silent in response to the rough handling and lack of respect. Immediately, any impulse to apologize left Aurelia's mind, and her eyes hardened. "Thank you." She said in a politely-flat tone, padding forward to put a little space between the other ruler and her new pridemate. "What's your name?" She asked kindly, turning to the adolescent. Seeming to be slightly put off by Aurelia's lack of acknowledgement, the empress stepped forward. "Her name is Broken Face. She's an unfortunate temper, I will warn you." Aurelia contained a snarl. "Thank you, that will be all." She said with a cold flick of her tail, not turning to dignify her with a proper address. The empress let out an indignant huff. "What is your name?" She demanded in the haughty tone of someone used to stepping on others. Aurelia didn't respond. She was looking at the young lioness in front of her, who, at the mere sound of that huff, had ducked down defensively, eyes darting away from Aurelia to turn and look over her shoulder, away from the empress. Following her gaze, the winged queen quickly realized the source of her fear, her attention settling on the small group of burly, angry-looking submales who had stood and were watching them intently, claws glinting in the afternoon sun. Aurelia's face hardened. "What do you intend to do" "I intend to teach you your place! What is your name?" Her voice was shrill and piercing, and the males began their approach. While they stalked slowly, keeping a low profile, their eyes glinted with the entitled pleasure of power sourced from corruption. Aurelia returned her calm, soothing gaze to the adolescent, but the lioness was frozen with terror, her eyes darting about as though searching for an escape. "Are you trying to challenge me?" Aurelia murmured, turning to face the other ruler with her chin raised. The empress was a lithe little thing while Aurelia was muscular and tall, standing a good head above her. The empress let out a squawk. "Pardon?" She exclaimed, voice growing louder and pitchier as though volume could compensate for the cowardice she displayed in stepping backwards. Aurelia's lip curled as she heard one of the males behind her sink his claws into the ground. "I wasn't talking to you." She whirled around. "I said, are you trying to challenge me?" Her voice rumbled into a bellowing growl as she brandished her pristine white wings and equally white fangs, leaping over the flinching adolescent's back to collide with the male who had just surged into the air. Aurelia rivaled him in size, but outdid him easily in skill and power. She had his face pressed into the ground in a heartbeat. One male attempted to dart forward to aid his companion, but her wing shot out and bowled him over easily. The rest hovered hesitantly to the side, confidence effectively destroyed. Aurelia narrowed her eyes at all of them, and then focused on the one beneath her paws. "I don't care what your airhead empress tells you— you keep it up, and I will find you. And my war advisor is not quite so forgiving." She growled, disgust in her gaze as she backed off of him gracefully. She swung her head around to fix on the empress, whose eyes were wide and terrified. "I am Aurelia." She said, her head high and her wings held above her back. "You are dismissed." - - - When the other ruler's pawsteps had faded into the dull noise of the bustling center around them and the tension had faded from the air, Aurelia refocused her attention on the newcomer. "Hello, Broken Face." The name felt cruel on her tongue. Broken Face seemed to have taken the time to collect herself and was looking even more closed-off than she had initially. She glared at the ruler sullenly, and said nothing. Aurelia sighed and began walking. It wasn't exactly a surprise, given the behavior she had just witnessed, but it was always difficult to incorporate a reluctant new personality into the pride, regardless of the reason. At least, she found quickly, the adolescent followed her without resistance. "My name is Aurelia, and I am the Queen of the Snowy Mountain Pride." No response. "We live in the cold cliffs of the mountains. I understand you're from a forest?" Aurelia questioned, turning to read the reaction of the lioness. At the word, 'mountains', the queen saw a flicker of life in her bitter gaze. It vanished the second she caught her looking. "I would imagine living in the forest isn't easy. All those trees... it's nice up where we live— well, I think it's the most beautiful place in the world. Open skies and strong winds and rocky ledges to look over the plains below. Our pride sleeps in the caverns within the mountain. Our lionesses hunt down on the plains below, and then as a pride, we help them bring the prey back up to the dens." The queen continued to gauge the other's face, but far more subtly now. While the teen still maintained her silence, her face was a bit more open, and her ears twitched at "hunters". Aurelia contained a smile. "The hunters are the lifeblood of our pride. I know most prides will say that, but it's the vital truth of our way of life. Our huntresses are incredibly skilled... Have you ever hunted?" The young lioness looked at her, eyes suddenly narrowed and cold once again. "No." Her voice was quiet and cold and smooth and flowed over the ear like ice creeping through your veins. Aurelia was unfazed, and a small smile lifted her face. "You will." To her surprise, the lioness' ears pricked forward, and her eyes were questioning. Aurelia said nothing, but her brow furrowed slightly at the rather dramatic response, relative to the adolescent's other behaviors thus far. Finally, once they were far beyond the edges of the trading center and out of ear-shot, she voiced her question. "I'm allowed?" Aurelia's confusion only increased, but she kept padding along, not wanting to dissuade her from speaking with too much attention. "Of course." A long silence followed, in which they crossed much of the torrid plains and the sun fell behind the horizon, leaving the sky a pale grey with a dusty brown around the edges as night encroached. "My old pride did not allow any to hunt except the high-borns who proved themselves." Her voice was almost emotionless, but here was a hint of bitterness to her tone. Aurelia welcomed the bitterness. Any sort of expression seemed like growth. "In our pride, hunters are limited only by their motivation and determination." The smallest of wry smiles pulled at Broken Face's muzzle. "I have those." Aurelia's smile was bigger. "Then you will do very well... Broken Face." "I don't like that name." The words came out of the youngster's mouth seemingly faster than she could stop them, and she froze, watching Aurelia with fear flickering in her eyes even as she attempted to subdue her emotions. Aurelia paused, watching her carefully. After a moment, she tilted her head ever-so-slightly. "Neither do I." She admitted, flicking one ear sheepishly. "No offense." Broken Face lifted her head, seemingly surprised by the queen's casual, conversational tone, and watched her back, her eyes scouring every inch of her as though searching for a trap. Finally, she spoke. "Can I change it?" Aurelia breathed a soft sigh of relief. "Yes." The adolescent gave a sharp nod, eyes softening gratefully, and turned to continue forward. Aurelia didn't move yet, her eyes bright and vivacious. "Your pelt looks like the sky breaking." She pointed out in a deceptively light tone, a clever shine in her gaze. The adolescent paused again, turning to fix Aurelia in an investigative stare. After a moment, she dipped her head, almost as though to agree with a suggestion that hadn't been spoken. "Broken Sky." She murmured, almost to herself, before lifting her head to meet Aurelia's gaze. "My name is Broken Sky." ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Starring: Broken Sky Aurelia ![]() Edited on 18/06/20 @ 20:55:08 by Astrid | CLEAN 3K 3x Clouded (#124118) |
Mayonayys (#68948)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-07-31 14:26:00 |
The word prompt for this week just sparked something for me, even though I don't feel like the words are very prominent in my story, lol Imma just post an excerpt, bc its over 3k words. If any of y'all read it, I'd love feedback! This is Dragon Age: Inquisition fanfic, really, based around me and my friends two Elven OCs, and our Inquisitor OC. ••• Everything about the city was grand. They were headed to the Summer Bazaar, and the entrance they came through was lined with fine Andrastian statues, towering over even their large Qunari leader. Lush greenery decorated the walls around them, despite it being nearly winter and the foliage back at haven having turned brown and orange tones. It felt magical. Even the way their footsteps echoed on the fancily paved path was enchanting to Miralha. Mir spared Pelvera a glance, wondering how her friend was taking in the sights. They had traveled a lot over the years, but rarely did they ever get to visit a place as fanciful as Val Royeaux. Pel’s eyes only lingered on the plants that were dotted around them, Miralha could’ve guessed that would be the case. Silver had managed to convince Cassandra to let the pair tag along, even though Cassandra had insisted they were not needed. It was obvious to Silver, however, that the Elves wanted to see the city. It was becoming increasingly more common that Cassandra loathed denying Silver anything. Miralha wasn’t sure if it was because she believed the hulking Qunari Mage was the true Herald of Andraste or if there was something more. As they made their way through the grand entrance, a passersby gasped in horror as they must have realized who was in their beloved city. Pel’s thoughtful gaze studied the woman for a moment as she wondered if everything in this city would be so dramatic. “Just a guess, Seeker, but I think they all know who we are.” Varrick spoke up, never one to let things happen with at least a little of his input. You could practically hear Cassandra roll her eyes, “Your skills of observation never fail to impress me, Varric.” They were approached by a hooded woman, all of them easily recognized her as one of Leliana’s agents. She briefed them on what they would encounter ahead. “This may be more difficult than we anticipated.” Silver spoke up, her brows knitted together. She wasn’t fond of all the diplomatic fuss that the anchor had dragged her into. It was obvious she’d rather be anywhere but here right about now. “Even still, we must do what we came here to do.” Cassandra tried to reassure her, “I just hope my presence will do some good.” The Inquisition party stepped through the gates of the Summer Bazaar. The market place was wonderfully decorated, the whites, blue, and gold building all were quite grandiose, but the flowing red banners captivated Miralha’s attention instantly. “Revered Mother Hevara,” Cassandra spoke as they spotted the woman on a platform as they rounded the tall building in the center of the plaza . She seemed to be giving a speech or was about to do so. “This might be sensitive business. It might be best if you two go elsewhere for now.” She glanced at Silver for her approval. Silver nodded, “Maybe so. There are several shops around, see if they have anything worth while.” “Le Masque du Lion cafe is just through there,” Varric pointed to a gate to their right. “Grab us a table, if they don’t throw us out of the city, we’ll join you after we’re done with business.” Varric’s comment earned him a head shake and eye roll from Cassandra. Miralha and Pel nodded, they weren’t about to argue. They didn’t want to be involved in the diplomacy aspect of the Inquisition anymore than Silver did. As the face of the Inquisition, Silver had to be the one to do the tough things, neither of the Elves envied her for that. As Silver and the rest of the party grew closer to the platform, the Revered Mother began speaking loudly. Mir and Pel heard the beginning of the speech, but didn’t stick around to hear all of it. Most of the people that were out and about seemed to be congrating toward the plaza, either nodding along with what the Revered Mother had to say, or gasping in horror as they saw the Qunari they believed was impersonating a herald. Miralha’s eyes scanned over the signs in the area, “Ah, that must be it.” There was a covered area with many tables, expertly decorated with a grand ceiling and gold trimmings everywhere. She began to make her way to the hostess’ podium, but quickly noticed that Pel was no longer by her side. “What the-” Her head swiveled around as she looked for her friend. She barely spotted the short elven woman ascending the stairs further into the area. The potted plants beside the stairs obscured all but the top of her head. She rolled her eyes and sighed, something must have caught her attention. She disregarded her task of securing a table and followed after Pel. She had to admit, she was also tempted to wander in this place, but that wondrous bubble was quickly bursted when she heard a woman behind her whisper something. ••• Full Story ![]() Edited on 31/07/20 @ 15:46:42 by Mayonayys (#68948) |
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