Posted by Help me with RP's RNG

TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-05-18 17:13:16
Hi! I'm the creator of the new roleplay Lions and Liars, which can be found on the roleplay forum.

Every starter lion has two markings randomly generated using Lioden from tiers 0/1. It's the cubs that are the problem.
What I have so far for generating cub markings:
25% Chance same markings, generated from the markings the parents have
25% Chance tier 1 or 0 marking is added
10% Chance tier 2 or 3 marking is added
5% Chance tier 4 or 5 marking is added
1% Chance tier 6 marking is added
3% Chance of failure: 1 marking is removed
1% Chance of failure: ALL markings are removed
10% Chance of extra marking: tier 0 or 1
5% Chance of extra marking: tier 2 or 3
1% Chance of extra marking: tier 4 or 5
0.5% Chance of extra marking: tier 6
*Extra marking chance means that the lion's marking from this will be added, and a number will be generated until you receive 1 other marking to add (no chance of failure, random boost, or same as parents. It will be rerolled)
0.25% Chance of random boost: 10 TIER 0-3 MARKINGS are randomly generated
0.25% Chance of mottled rosette/stripes added
This leaves me with (if I counted right) 13% of extra room. I need suggestions on how to fill up this 13%.

Why would I want to do this?
If you join the roleplay, you'll be rewarded with an exclusive starter lion with a rare base and an extra marking.

What's so special about markings?
Having this RNG gives the roleplay a Lioden feel but easier, meaning that anyone can end up with a gorgeous lion over a few days

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