Posted by LF sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural RP!

The Wild Whisperers (#123485)

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Posted on
2019-05-19 04:08:59
Hello folks!

I’m bored, got way too much energy, and am looking to take on an RP or two.

My preferred genres are: sci-fi (space opera/western, cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic), fantasy (steampunk, high or dark) and supernatural (high school, historical, urban fantasy), usually spiced up with adventure, action and drama.

I can do the following fandoms as well:
- Ōkami (doubt anyone knows this game)
- Harry Potter (original characters preferred)
- Star Wars (something post-movies, maybe?)
- Elder Scrolls (only played Skyrim, folks!)
- Fallout 4 (scarce knowledge of other games)
- Borderlands (if you know this one, you’re a badass!)

Just send me a PM and let the games begin!
~ GarnaalProductions

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