Posted by Giving tree for Beetles

Gavin-Phcking-Reed (#163520)

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Posted on
2019-05-22 12:22:35
To keep my idea short and simple I had been thinking

I know there's a section on the giving tree where you can claim chased cubs or adolescents
But I personally am obsessed with Beetles and I think it would be pretty cool to also have a section like that but for any 'chased' beetles or beetle larvae!

Feel free to leave any of your own edits to this suggestion below!

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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TheOakWoods (#167680)

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Posted on
2019-05-25 04:59:45
Support, but only if it's through a new option. Another player can already find larvae in the wild if you release them, well, into the wild, but their heritage is wiped. This new option could keep the heritage but lower the stats of the beetle/larva, perhaps to 1/2 of previous stats? If it's odd, it would be rounded up. This would also be the only way to randomly give away a BEETLE to someone.

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