Posted by TAOL 2.0 - Clan Family

Duskee (#101294)

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Posted on
2019-05-24 06:25:10

This is an official clan thread for the The Artists of lioden 2.0 Clan!

The original "The Artists of Lioden" thread is still up and can be found here.

The Artists of Lioden 2.0
This clan is a protege of the original "The Artists of Lioden" that was closed recently.

Who are we?

- The artists of lioden is a home for all of the artists on lioden. If you create, then you belong here!


- The only requirement is that you're an artist! No shops needed, but you must have some ability to create.

So what's the point?

- The point is to bring all the artists together on lioden. Be it selling your art to asking for help on a piece.
Threads will be dedicated to advertising commissions, sharing art, and for asking for another artist's eye on a project.

This sounds wonderful! How do join?

- All you have to do to join is send a request here and comment what kind of art you create on this thread! Links to your art or website is very much appreciated using the following code(removing all asterisks '*')

<*a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> My Website <*/a>
for example, DuskGecko's Deviantart:
DuskGecko's Deviantart

These links do not work at the moment. They will be updated as threads are created.
Chibi, Cartoon and TLK Sales
Semi Realistic and Realistic Sales
Pixel and Animated Sales
Writing, Poetry, and musical Sales
Our Chat Thread

Current Events

No events currently, but keep an eye out for an upcoming banner contest!


No banners at the moment.

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Edited on 24/05/19 @ 12:43:51 by ☪ DuskGecko ☪ (#101294)

Jayyo (#57431)

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Posted on
2019-05-24 08:47:02
Hey, I'm Jay! I'm an amature digital artist/graphic designer who's just looking to learn! Can't wait to see all of the talent in this group!

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Megatron (#168494)

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Posted on
2019-05-25 11:19:18
Hey, I'm Megs! I'm an illustrator (and technically graphic designer)! My commission thread is here and my dA is orcinuss!<3

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Lunar Fruit (Pink
Primal) 🌸 (#39594)

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Posted on
2019-06-19 20:51:48
Hello! I'm Melissa and funny enough I am a graphic designer as well! lol
Below is my formal website since I don't know how to do the fancy hyperlinks on here and you can check out my instagram @lunarfruite, I post more artsy stuff there

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