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Posted by | The Irredeemables Character Sheets |
![]() Polo (#96942) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-29 18:26:16 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM. Name Age 16+ Gender All are welcome Sexuality All are welcome Rank Personality At least two paragraphs Appearance At least two paragraphs; picture is optional but must be properly sourced. History At least two paragraphs Relationships Other Any interesting tidbits about your character. What Brought you Here? How did you find this role play? Role Play Sample If we aren't familiar OOC Thread ![]() Edited on 29/05/19 @ 19:38:21 by Polopony (#96942) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-29 18:31:04 |
![]() Edited on 10/06/19 @ 10:14:38 by Polopony (#96942) |
liv! (#169693)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 07:30:12 |
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” Name Aspen Age 19 Gender Female Sexuality Homosexual ( homoromantic lesbian ) Rank Hunt Master Personality Aspen is a bit of a loner. Mysterious and blunt. She speaks her mind. Says what she means. She doesn’t intend to hurt anyone, but that is just her nature. She isn’t introverted. She watches. Observes behaviors and traits. She has a tough exterior. She doesn’t like how her parents and ancestors were just left to die, left to fend for themselves out in the dark. She has a strong opinion, that is very hard to break. Independent and Determined. Aspen doesn’t back down even when she knows she has to. She will achieve what she will and will do anything to achieve what she is trying to do. Reckless. Aspen has symptoms of PTSD. Charismatic doesn’t fit her character. Around any person she finds herself romantically attracted to she becomes even more guarded. Fearing that she will be hurt, left alone just like her ancestors were. Appearance A rather tan girl with platinum blonde hair bleached by the sun. Her body is petite and she is about 5’2”. She has a small scar on her lip from the sand, rocks , and dust particles tearing into her skin. She has deep green eyes and freckles almost all over her face. She usually wears a very thick , white sweater over her millions of other things to protect her. The sweater is now small on her and worn. She wears combat boots and thick sweatpants over a few layers of leggings. She wears a scarf over her face during the times where she has to bundle up and wears her hair long. The veil she wears is a subtle Grey with white accents. History Aspen was born to two loving parents in the Irredeemables, they were a part of the originals. Being born into her parents lives at an olde age. She became isolated after they died. She learned the art of hunting and immediately fell in love, she strives to become better. And to do so, she watches. She watches the behavior of the prey and even the people in the Irredeemables. Growing up, she hadn’t had her parents to help her fend for herself. She had to learn from watching or teaching herself. She didn’t have the luxury of being able to learn from her parents. Relationships Not many, only a few aquatinted with her. ( Beside Kin ) Other She wears thick, black , fingerless gloves most times. Theses black gloves are torn and worn. She’s had her original pair safely hidden in a box since she was 8 years old. What Brought you Here? I found it on Lioden! I was very bored and decided to look into the RP chat. And saw the lore and fell in love. Role Play Sample Aspen pivoted on her foot. Leaping toward the small rock, doing a 360 and turning toward the target. Stealing her aim. She let the arrow go, it sped toward the target as Aspen fell back down to the ground. Getting up and watching it with interest. The arrow came to an abrupt stop. It was about 20 centimeters away from the bullseye. She groaned and plucked out another arrow from her quiver. Tired and sweaty. Aspen rushed back to camp as the sun started to set, even she feared what was beyond the camp at nightfall. She didn’t want to know. And honestly didn’t care, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was fast asleep. ![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 19:57:03 by SunnySideUp (#169693) |
Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 08:40:40 |
Name— Molly Age— 34 Gender— Non-binary, They/Them Sexuality— Pan Rank— Civilian Personality Molly was a bright and happy child. They were an optimist despite the conditions they were forced to live in and tried to see the best in every situation. Upon losing their arm, this optimism quickly withered away. During recovery, they began to develop a strong anxiety. To cope with this anxiety, Molly adopted many unorthodox customs. Some of these include tapping their shoulder three times after saying something that may not come to pass, tying knots while sewing so the remaining string points towards the wearer, determining the luck of the day based on the phantom aches in their left arm, and tying bits of sinew around other’s fingers for “good luck”. Their anxiety manifests in the form of worry for others. They believe many of their habits effect not just themselves but the others around them and often make a fuss if people refuse them. When the anxiety isn’t crippling, they can be rather brave, or at least pretend to be. They have lost many friends and are incredibly loyal to the ones who remain, risking life and limb to keep them safe. It takes them time to warm up to people but they are comfortable with almost everyone in the camp. They are easy to get along with and try to stop arguments rather than incite them. Appearance Stands at 5’3”. Weight is about 90lbs. Thin build with little to no muscle. Does not eat well— lean, ribs seen through skin. Dark brown skin with many small scars scattered across it. Black eyes. Black hair, cut close to their head, in small tight curls. Cut often to keep cool and provide materials for fire starting. Only has one arm— the right one. Left arm is barely a nub, only able to move a bit, cannot interact with other objects due to small size, fleshy and missing the humorous. Heavy scarring in that area but it is faded. Clothing is old and worn. For the most part it is leather but a few select pieces are fabric. Faded purple headscarf covers entire head, able to pull the fabric so it covers their face too. Scarf is tucked into a leather shirt. The leather is old and has many scratches— very flexible but easy to break with a sharp object. There is no hole for the left arm. Right sleeve is extended down to the wrist. A heavy fabric is drapped on top of this. It is faded yellow. Folded so that it makes a covered pouch where they can put their right arm and various small trinkets. Pants and undergarments are leather, similar in condition to shirt. Wears heavy boots— modern style and well maintained. An improvised leather belt is wrapped around their waist. Holds a bone knife and two small pouches. History Parents were original members of the Ireedemables. Both in late forties when Molly was born. Mother had difficult pregnancy and died soon after birth. Father then raised Molly. At the age of ten they were hunting with the group when they were attacked by a “lion”. It killed many members of the party and destroyed Molly’s left arm before it was chased away. Molly was taken back to the camp where Fingers removed what was left of the arm and stitched it up. It took a year and a half for Molly to fully recover and another five to get fully adjusted to living without an arm. The humorous bone from their arm was saved and their father crafted it into a small blade for them. While healing they were forced to stay inside the tent and quickly got restless, so their father began to teach them skills outside of hunting. Molly’s father taught them everything they know and they soon surpassed him in skill. When Molly was twenty-six a disease swept through the camp. It took their father and many of their friends. Molly has not been the same since. Their time up to this point has been spent mostly around the camp. They are a go-to member for sewing and leatherwork and are improving their skills with bone working. Relationships Mother— Gabriella, deceased, original group Father— Tomas, deceased, original group Other Inventory: clothing, bone knife (blade about 3” long), fire kit (flint, steel, clumps of hair), thin leather strips and sinew (sewing), and two “deer” wrists (games). Skilled at: sewing, leatherwork, and bone working. May occasionally borrow another person to assist them with something but it is not a common thing. What Brought you Here? Looking through the lioden forums and saw this. Sounds very interesting. Role Play Sample Molly slowly poked their head out from around the corner. The scene before them was horrible. They quickly jumped back behind the rock. Abby looked at them hopefully and they only shook their head. Howard was gone. Molly watched Abby’s face contort in pain and she visibly fought to make no noise. Molly placed their hand on her shoulder, hoping to offer some comfort. Abby didn’t seem to notice, staring off into the distance as far tears rolled down her face. Molly sighed and gave one last glance around the corner. There was nothing they could do— there wasn’t even anything to salvage. They turned back to Abby and grabbed her arm before whispering, “We need to go before they come back.” ![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 09:13:48 by TinyBoops | Clean | Royal Rims (#113796) |
Lucius [KT] 🌈 (#86278)
![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 18:44:59 |
Name ![]() Edited on 15/06/19 @ 02:52:43 by Lucius [KT] (#86278) |
Husk (#37594)
![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-05 00:38:16 |
![]() Edited on 07/06/19 @ 00:25:31 by Husk (#37594) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-05 02:48:48 |
![]() Edited on 08/06/19 @ 00:06:33 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Delinquent (#93594)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-05 07:59:19 |
![]() Edited on 07/06/19 @ 12:12:36 by Snusmumriken (#93594) |
𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-05 22:13:33 |
![]() Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:44:54 by Anonymous (#150179) |
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