Posted by clan info

Tato(Onyx King) (#145787)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 00:12:55

This is an official clan thread for the LION ASSIST Clan!



Clan Info
This clan is to help players with their lions. it was once known as a loan clan, but since loans are no longer allowed, it is now an assist clan. the purpose of this clan is to collect breeding items, applicators and stat items and use them for our hybrids, DU, Dwarves, Kings and Heirs. anyone can join the clan because this clan is for everyone who needs help.

Clan Rules
I don't have many rules for the clan. but I do have a few.

1.Rule one be fair with items(remove one and put one back!
2.Rule two please only request 3-5 items from the hoard.(so we don't run out of items that we need.)
3. be a little active in the clan, at least donate one item out of charity.

Things You Should Know
I would like you all to know that I(Tato (#145787)) am responsible for donating a mass of things to the clan. but that doesn't mean that I should be the only member donating to the clan. currently there are only 4-5 players that donate a few items a month, and I find that very concerning. I would like for the clan to contribute as a family and pitch in at least one item a month. if everyone donated at least one item a month then the clan would flourish and it would be easier to give out items to others.

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 04:48:41 by Tato (#145787)

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