Posted by Seeking RP Partners!

RAB1ES [HM] (#97274)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-01 07:32:08
Hey there! My name's Rabies, and as you can see I'm searching for some roleplay partners, whether it be 1x1 (mainly) or a small RP group. My timezone is EST (3 hours ahead of LD time), and I'm 19.

A little about me:
I'm currently a college sophomore studying history, German, and secondary education. I love writing stories, coming up with my own worlds, and creating way too many characters for me to handle. My talents include napping, procrastinating, and stressing about how little money I have. I love my dog more than I love myself.

I'm a literate roleplayer and I don't really get stingy about post lengths unless it's ridiculously short or long. I usually write in paragraph form and can do a couple hundred words. As long as we're matching each other's post lengths (for the most part) and the story is moving, I don't really mind if we're writing novels or not.

What I'm looking for:
I'm really looking for someone who's not only willing to roleplay, but someone to talk to and interact with OOC. I love befriending my RPing partners! If you're just going to be a brick wall and never talk OOC, or if I'm going to have to carry most or all of the conversations, then I probably won't be very interested. Someone who also can get invested in our roleplays and characters would be great too, since I can get pretty invested LOL.

What I WILL roleplay:
- MxM (mainly), MxF, FxF (not as often, just because most of my characters are male)
- Mature themes (violence, gore, dark themes, etc.)
- Original and fan characters
- Most genres
- 1x1
- Small groups (2-4 people)

What I WON'T roleplay:
- NSFW stuff
- Anthros
- Canon characters (except for very few fandoms, I just need hella convinced)
- Young children, unless they are minor characters

- My Hero Academia ***** (Main one! 1x1. For this one, I'd be willing to do a small group roleplay with original characters and maybe some canon characters. Also, keep in mind that I'm caught up with the anime AND the manga, so if you're not, there are risks of spoilers from me...)

- Warrior Cats **** (1x1. I'm very familiar with this and I'd be willing to do a lot of plotlines for this genre. Also willing to do group roleplays with this one.)

- Homestuck *** (1x1. Don't judge me LOL I know it's cringe. Willing to do a lot with this concept.)

- Skyrim ** (1x1. I've only played Skyrim and like, 10 minutes worth of Oblivion. Willing to do a lot here.)

- I am of course willing to do original storylines with original characters as well!! Never hesitate to suggest anything.

Please do not:
- Control my characters, the pairings, or anything like that. I've had it done to me before and I have no tolerance for it.
- RP in first or second person, it's just not my thing.
- Ghost me or anything like that. If you don't like what's going on either with me or the RP, let me know! I won't get upset.

Please note:
- I usually use faceclaims for my characters; I'll never just use random art I find online.
- I do work and so I might be unavailable at some times during the day. I'm usually up early because of my dog and stay up late most nights. I'll always let you know if I'll be gone for an extended period of time!
- I am looking for someone who's engaged and just as talkative and interested in the RP and characters as I am. That makes it more fun!

If you're interested, feel free to reply to this post or send me a PM here on Lioden! If we decide to go ahead with roleplaying, I'll give you my Discord!

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Tanuki (#145766)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2019-06-01 16:52:34
I'm interested! :)

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Attitude (#82201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-01 22:25:19
Hey! I'm in college too ^^ I'm currently finishing up my classes to transfer and hoooo boy, I can't wait for summer to hit me haha. I really like to do flash character or story creations, as in grabbing an idea and running with it as fast and as long as I can. It gets a little messy in my writing folder but that's where handy dandy procrastination comes in lol

The last time I checked I was a literate rper too! Though I can admit that I do miss a few things here and there when I get too excited.

I'm interested in BNHA and Warriors too! Though I'm not caught up in either of them. I don't mind spoilers though since tumblr already did that lol.
For BNHA, I was just up to the sports festival. For Warriors, I was somewhere after the big move of the Clans.

1x1 or group if fine with me ^^ I have a discord too if that makes things easier

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Lyra (#99864)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-03 13:25:41
Hiya! Lyra here :3 I used to be a huge role player but once I joined the army I had to slow down some. Now that I’m settled I’m ready to take some on and Im looking for someone or a few people too! I love warrior cats and was just thinking how I’d like to start another group for that! If you find a group for warriors let me know and I’d love to join. I also have discord so no problem there. I’m a decently literate player but like more of a 2-3 paragraph flow just because I hate to break up reading responses if I have to do something. I get on all throughout the day and am really active in the evenings. Only bummer is sometimes I do have to go to bed early :/ waking up at 4 sucks my dudes I’m an hour ahead of lioden time. Let me know! Thanks <3

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Chaos| x3
Rosette (#158927)

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Posted on
2019-06-05 19:10:15
Is this still open? If it is then hi! I'm Corrupted, but you can call me Eclipse, Corruption, or Connor! I also REALLY enjoy BNHA (Tokoyami, Tsu, and Bakugo are some of my favorites!) and am willing to do canon or OC role-play. I prefer animal role-plays such as lions, wolves, or other animals, but I do role-play as humans! It's rare though. If you're interested PM me and we can probably figure something out!

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♠ October
♠ G1 (#142054)

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Posted on
2019-07-05 19:15:50
Homestuck is NOT cringe you silly goose!!!!

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