Posted by Lioness Hunger

Rendezvous (#164708)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2019-06-03 18:11:15
While sending lionesses (and adol lionesses of course!) out to hunt, why not occasionally have their hunger bar fill up a little?

Who's to say one lioness can always resist the delectable aromas of the food she's bringing back to the pride

I know half-eaten carcasses are *probably* a result of say, hyenas, but hey maybe some of the lionesses gnawed off a bunch to make it easier to drag back to the pride. Of course, it wouldn't be a full 100% fill up, more like maybe 10-25%.

What do you guys think about this?

This suggestion has 9 supports and 20 NO supports.

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2019-06-04 22:24:54
Some people like when all their lions have 60% hunger on day three of not feeding them. I for one hate it when i have this food item that feeds 60% hunger but my lioness has 43% hunger. I just wasted some. So to have my main hunters and the one's im training lose hunger? No thank you. And some people purposely starve their lions to stuff them full of stat gaining foods, this includes lionesses too. So No support, sorry.

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