Posted by searching for 1x1's on discord

Sinbad (#163093)

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Posted on
2019-06-04 10:33:44

Hi I am really, really in need of new roleplay partners. I currently only have one and only roleplaying with them is really draining my muse and I need some fresh air when it comes to partners. I only roleplay with people who are 18+ and post at least one paragraph every post. So if you meet those requirements keep reading if not I'm sorry and your wasting your time reading this.

What I'm interested in

- Realistic action roleplays, characters who could be someone you meet on the street but the plot is dramtic and action packed. This type of roleplay's usually do not end up in romance because with all the shit happening the characters do not have time for it.

- Realistic drama roleplays, once again normal characters but instead of the whole roleplay being action packed there is one huge event near the begining or even at the very start of the roleplay that effects the rest of the roleplay. This sometimes ends up in romance but it can also end up in two characters who absolutely hate each other. It all depends on the plot.

- Realistic romance roleplays, probably getting tired of me saying this but normal believable characters and the goal of the roleplay is to have the characters end up in a relationship. However when I do these roleplays I do not force it, I do not constantly have my character thinking 'omg they are so cute'. No romance should be natural if the characters do not end up clicking than thats that and we turn the roleplay into something besides romance or we end it.

- Supernautral roleplays, characters can be any humaniod thing you want them to be. I do not have any prefered plot types for this as it is not one of my favorite genre's of roleplay. However if you throw a good plot my way I will not refuse it. ^^

- Stray or feral dog roleplays, characters can be any breed or mutt of dog, they just have to be a dog. I have stopped roleplaying wolves and other canines because my muse for them has been wrung completely dry.

- Stray or feral cat roleplays, characters can be any breed or mutt of cat, they just need to be a cat that could have been domestic at one point. I do not do bigcat roleplays anymore because just like wild canines my muse for them has been wrung dry.

Where to contact me

- MiniArtisan on DA, contact me here by noting me!
- calahand #9226 on Discord
- DO NOT CONTACT ME HERE, I do not come here any more I only logged on to post this because I needed somewhere to find roleplay partners and I was told this was my best bet. If you contact me here I will not see it.

Roleplay post example:

Leah blinked herself awake trying to clear her foggy vision as she laid there trying to get a bearings on her surroundings. Her head pounded like an alarm clock that she had no way of turning off, at least not yet. When she finally managed to figure out where she was and why she was there, even if it was a vague notion of actually knowing she grew impatient. Her breathing was uneven and sporadic as she grew used to the movement once more that had used to be something she did without thinking. While she struggled to make her breathing even she was also trying to recall the protocol of being in cyrosleep. Yet all she could remember was to breathe right, which was proving to be a small challenge, but she eventually got the hang of it. Her headache was starting to dissipate allowing her a little more room for thought as the cyrosleep casket she was in began to deactivate. When it was fully deactivated Leah just laid there for a moment before shakily sitting up, not looking around just yet. She then slowly and steady as she could, which wasn't steady at all, began to clamber out of the casket. As soon as her feet came in contact with the floor and her weight was put on her legs, her knees buckled. Her mind and body still being a bit sluggish did not have time to grab something to keep herself up right.

Leah let out a small groan and muttered a sarcastic greeting to the floor she was currently laying on due to her legs incompetence. She rolled off her shaking arms that had kept her face from kissing the floor in a violent manner and sat up. Not willing to try and stand yet she looked over to see someone else who looked equally disoriented and weak. Leah's brain had to mull over his face for a moment before it finally gave her the answer to who that was, Sebastian. She stared at him for a moment before looking away and managed to claw herself to a standing position. Leah stood on shaky feet but it looked as if she wasn't going to greet the floor a second time. The curtain that seemed to be hiding the knowledge she knew she had filed away in her brain began to part and she started to remember some of what was supposed to be going on. " Hey, " She simply said, not ready to engage in complicated dialog just yet.

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andy! [g1 primal
7/9/21 NRLC] (#157452)

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Posted on
2019-06-04 16:11:25

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Edited on 04/06/19 @ 16:12:14 by UsernamesAreShitty (#157452)

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