Posted by Random Mane/Skin Applicators

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2019-06-13 08:48:48
Let's be real, 80% of what keeps lots of us on Lioden is RNG hell. Most apps aren't guaranteed, bases aren't guaranteed, muties aren't guaranteed, and only Gnaws can guarantee a marking. Predictably, most of us can't resist using an RMA every now and then - some people strike gold with Rosettes or breed-onlys in new slots, and that temptation is mighty strong.

Let's make this gambling even WORSE

I propose a Random Skin Changer, Random Mane Changer and a Mane Shuffle. All new chances to gamble for traits your lion might not get otherwise.

Odds of getting something nice would be higher than RMAs, given you only have one mane or skin type, and neither will absolutely skyrocket the value of your lion.

Random Skin Changer would change your lion's skin, probably costing SB, maybe 1000? 60% Rolled skins, 39% Custom skins and 1% NCL exclusive skins. Maybe add in some RSC exclusive skins to that 1%, or make it 60/34/5/1, with the 5% being exclusive skins like RMA exclusive markings.

Random Mane Changer would change your mane's color. Say, 40% NCL colors, 35% Custom colors, 20% app colors, 4.5% breed-only and 0.5% Combo/exclusive colors. Again, some exclusive colors could be added to that pool!

I don't think a random mane shape changer is a good idea because we have so few manes, and only four breed-only ones- it would be very easy to randomize until you get the exact shape you want, as opposed to skin or mane colors which have more variety.

BUT! A Mane Shuffle could be cool, randomizing both mane shape and color- I figure it would be more expensive, a real luxury if you want to try for Royal. And you might get stuck with a *shudders* Tawny mane while you're at it. Maybe even have a Shuffle exclusive mane, a total mess from being shaken around so much lmao. The odds should be fairly low to get Royal/Savage/Tsavo/Pariah though, so the main point of a Mane Shuffle would be to try for the exclusive Shuffled mane / have fun as opposed to harassing RNG until you got the coveted Royal.

So, yes. Let's make our lives more hellish

This suggestion has 55 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/12/20 @ 11:49:42 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2019-06-13 09:05:24
pls, i wanna gamble my life away on something new

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Art3mis, DVM 2026 |
G1Hib2xRos (#49378)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:06:10
im a dumbass, dont mind me

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Edited on 15/06/19 @ 13:14:42 by Art3mis ➳ [MAIN] (#49378)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:13:00
Personally I don't see an issue with the percentages. Mane bases aren't "super rare" and they certainly are not "almost inaccessible". ALL mane colors have a 50% pass rate on each parent, so if both lions have that mane color the chance that it's going to pass is 100%. You can't really kill a market that doesn't exist to begin with. Mane colors are only desirable as a booster on an already desirable lion, which is exactly why people would be more than happy to shell out on that low chance that may get a nice mane color on their pretty king or heir.

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Art3mis, DVM 2026 |
G1Hib2xRos (#49378)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:14:22
OH RIP IGNORE ME i completely read the word "mane" as "base" the entire time I was reading this post, am an idiot please forget everything I said Clicking support as soon as I send this

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Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:18:49
XD All's good, I've made worse brainfarts in the past- thanks for the support! <3

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Roxanne (G1 Ebony) (#125490)

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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:20:20
oh hell yeah slay me and make my lion uglier
sign me the hell up

Edit: My only thing is that savage, tsavo, royal and pariah should stay breed only.
Or at least two of those four should remain excluded or something.
OR they could be an EXTREMELY EXTREMELY low chance of getting one.

Edit 2: same with the breed only mane colors.

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Edited on 15/06/19 @ 13:22:43 by Roxanne (Clean Vit 9 Ice) (#125490)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2019-06-15 13:31:27
Breed-only marks have a slim chance of popping up while RMA-ing, as do Rosettes- I don't think anyone would use a random mane color changer if they couldn't try for Ebony. 10% for Fiery/Pearl/Ebony/Orchid/etc mane, which doesn't influence the value of cubs much, when each lion only has one mane, feels reasonable to me. ^^

Same deal for the Mane Shuffle- why risk getting Wavy or a horrible color if you don't have a super slim chance at Royal? Though I figure the odds of one of the BO mane shapes would be lower than BO mane colors.

The low, unlikely chance of breed-only or exclusive features would be the main draw of these items and the main reason users would gamble instead of just using Mane Changers. Remove that, and they'd be as useless and unused as the Random Eye Changer that only gives common eye colors.

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Coleoptera (#122306)

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Posted on
2020-12-06 08:47:58
Yes yes yes yes let my gambling addiction get worse I'm HERE FOR THIS

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Ashy 🍑 (#56446)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-12-08 11:41:01
I love this, BUT I think breed only manes and the like should stay breed only. Even 5% seems too high to me; maybe 0.5%, lol! ;P

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Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2020-12-08 11:45:25
After brute forcing RMAs during quarantine, I have to agree! I'll reduce the percentages - thanks for pointing that out <3

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Edited on 08/12/20 @ 11:45:36 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

zacharie! (#75032)

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Posted on
2021-06-10 14:09:07
Support bc I'd do anything for a chance at getting Greige on my king no matter how small ;_;

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